Thanks for the Quick response. But i Waited for like 30 mins and it was still the same, and I don't remember it doing so for 92-94 Should I wait even longer?
zones are working pretty darn flawless, when I first started to use the profiles on the day of the WOD LAUNCH there was some issues with the profiles, just stopping or getting stuck, but since all the fast and quick updates, it can pretty nearly %100.
I could not make 90-92 Horde work... Any quest my char is, since the first one, HB says that could not find the quest to turn in. I am kindda sometime away from quest bot, did I miss something? I am setting my bot to quest and loading kicks profile, I have no pluggin installed. If needed, I can provide my logs. TY!
Kick, Thank you for the great work. Is there a way to edit your profile? Say to take out the starting quests in Taanan Jungle?
Kicks 12-58 gets stuck at level 49. Quest: Operation: Stir the cauldron. I am pretty sure that I am not the only one having this problem, since my character was standing on another player. LOG: Incomig when I have access to my pc.
i´m having a problem with the 90-92 H profile. the bot keeps saying " [Profile Message]: Compiling SW Quests Can not turn in quest The Dark Portal (ID: 36881) because I don't have it in my quest log! Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot!" i do have the quest in my questlog, tried to turn in quest manually and still getting the same message.
Hey.. Not sure why this is happening.. Updated to newest SVN. Alliance Questing 90-92. Bot runs great for 5-10minutes then after it finishes a quest it wants to skip everything and just turn in the new quest then shuts off... This has been happening from lvl 90.5 I am now lvl 91.5 and have been stopping the bot, doing the quest and restarting every 5 minutes.. So strange. Fix: I was using the SVN Updated version of the profiles... I just loaded them from Buddy store and now lets see =)
Kick I know there's a protected items list that is being updated. I did update w the most recent that is available. However, Fractured Temporal Crystal, the enchanting mat, wasnt on it, and i lost 20 or 30. What can I do to make it NOT sell anything but greys? I tried changing the true to false in <!-- NB: Honorbuddy sells before mailing --> <SellGrey>true</SellGrey> <SellWhite>false</SellWhite> <SellGreen>false</SellGreen> <SellBlue>false</SellBlue> <SellPurple>false</SellPurple> but ... that didnt work <3 you long time
How come this does not show up in my buddy store profile browser? When i go too load the profile. i did everything right.
i only have 1 question when it goes to southport it comes to choose a building. on all the others we get a warning witch to choose. this one nothing else alot of spam in hb [InteractWith-v1844(warning) @line 250]: Found attribute via its alias name 'MobType'. Please update the profile to use its primary name 'ObjectType', instead. [InteractWith-v1844(warning) @line 250]: Found attribute via its alias name 'MobType'. Please update the profile to use its primary name 'ObjectType', instead.
Kickazz, just wanted to let you know that when i start the bot in Gorgrond it only says: Waiting for NPC to show a quest cursor.
Taken from one of Kick's last posts: Arak - Choose Brewery, but Den will soon follow. Arak should be developed by the end of the weekend, if not sooner.