In 42 monster body were examined with a quest items, the script can not run, need to manually click, please modify it
Profile: LICH KING Quest: The bot move to kill in the CAVE but its ABOVE THE CAVE "Loading Northrend_21_28 Moving to Type: Hotspot, Loc: <1890.867, 5895.018, -5.714585>"
I fixed the problem by using the downloaded version of HB and editing it with a script editor so it finished the zone as it was supposed to. I also did a few other tweaks to make the whole thing run better. Like fixing the problem where it will some times only do ten or so quests, get stuck on something silly, and then abandon that profile, and go to the next.
less then 1 week left on hollowed end guess ill have to manually get the buckets since ive gotten no response on the subject for days and the seasons almost over
If you like, you can feel free to modify the profiles and upload them here. The bonus meta quests aren't part of the questing core and are updated whenever someone gets around to them.
Have you tried a fresh install of the bot? Your quest behaviors could be corrupted from a bad update.
Go to "Settings & Tools" on Honorbuddy - at the bottom left, activate profile overrides. Then check "Ignore Checkpoints."
It must be an error with that quest behavior. I'll mark the issue down and will have it looked at soon.
yeah I don't know exactly how to write or look at code "im a newb in that department and doubt anyone wants to spend the time teaching me lol" so I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to fix /rewrite it. just figured someone would have a fix for it since its in the season for it thanks for all the dev / profile writers hard work though we love you all
Do you have Darkness Calling in your quest log? The ProfileCompatability behavior claims that you don't, but the bot shouldn't be attempting to pick that quest up unless you do.
The log claims the bot is attempting to complete 'Fel Forge.' Is that location complete for today? If so, it could possibly be a cache issue.
Horde flying support has been released. If you're using the store version and it's not availible there - try using the SVN version.
There's no profile specifically for it, but we have profiles to cover every part of the achievement. 1) Run Kick's questing for Draenor Loremaster. 2) Run the Assault on XX profiles located here: \Questing Profile Pack\Reputation\WoD\Apexis Dailies 3) Run the Draenor Exploration profile located here: \Questing Profile Pack\WoD\Pathfinder Profiles 4) Run the Master Treasure Hunter, also located where the Draenor Exploration profile is. 5) Run the Tanaan Dailies profile until you reach revered with the three factions, it's also located where the Master Treasure Hunter and Exploration profile is.
Its been an issue where flightor will ignore going into caves, so minor issues like this seem to slip past now and then. Will mark it down, thanks for the report!
Moving to Type: QuestPickUp Could not create current behavior in quest bot; exception was thrown, Profile line# 361, Element: <Objective Nav="Fly" QuestName="Prepare for Battle" QuestId="35019" Type="CollectItem" ItemId="112337" CollectCount="30" /> Bot stopping! Reason: Could not create current in quest bot! i get this on my lvl 90 hunter has done a few times now done the quest manually