Any issue after that? When the fix was made, it was because one of my Horde testers caught the issue. It seems that Blizzard had changed the Id of the quest giver for the quest. The fix includes this new Id. But also still has support for the old Id just in case.
No after that its smooth sailing, and i will like i did before do a 1-100 fully AFK run to scout out bugs and such EDIT: Feel free to tell me what faction / race and class to play
Any faction, race or class - all needs to be constantly tested. Mainly around patch days because Blizzard likes to change things up without telling anyone. Like the other month they completely removed a quest in the Horde starting area. Then of course with the issue you had just reported, they changed the Id on the quest giver. etc-etc. So just bot as you are, if you come across anything - let me know!
Goal: Turning in Quest - Scheduled Pickup the bot runs through Light's Rest over and over again and gets killed by guards
if you skip and just complete it fucks the bot & it refuses to skip the chain. The bot goes back to worgol & just sits there waiting for quest giver. How do i get past this?
You don't unfortunately. It says in the FAQ that doing quests manually, or skipping quests will/could break it. Your only option now would be to actually remove that specific quest from the profile. seems broken. the bot couldnt finish the quest on any of my 5 characters.
I currently don't have any testers around this quest. Do you perhaps have a log for this? With a log, I can see what's causing the error and maybe make a fix to the profile without sending a tester to it.
Just an update, I deleted both caches and everything worked like usual! Thanks for your help. Great profiles.
For the pathfinder im trying to get loremaster for my toon but all the things I load 90-92 etc... those they just screw up and go to a spot and say waiting for npc to give the quest or such it just doesnt do it right idk
Could you post a log so that I may see what the issue is? With something like this, it could be a large number of various issues.
[Singular] Your Level 100 Human Fury Warrior Build is [Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Spires of Arak [Singular] ... Zone: Draenor using my SOLO Behaviors alone [Profile Message]: Compiling Arak Quests Moving to Type: QuestPickUp, NavType: Fly Moving to Type: QuestPickUp, NavType: Fly Moving to Type: QuestPickUp, NavType: Fly Then it says "Waiting for NPC to show a quest cursor" and sits there for dc and thats with all of kicks packs and it makes me so mad lol
Do you have a log of this? Also, how are you obtaining the profiles? And - have you manually quested this character at all prior to using this 1-100 pack?
90-100 Went from 1-90 fine, but 90-100 keeps flying to northrend and just trying to fly and getting stuck. from stormwind that is. Can attach log but its 30mb so uploaded here edit doing blasted lands portal by myself fixed it
Serious Interact, CTM &/or Meshes issue around Gorgrond quest "Shredder vs. Saberon" I've leveled several toons in Gorgrond, always getting Lumbermill quest chain. I have each and every time gotten stuck at "Shredder vs. Saberon" because InteractWith behavior fails on "Strong Vine Barricade" from outside and toon gets stuck trying to find a way in to the subzone to interact from the opposite side. I finally just put InteractWith on a loop, and ran around and near the barricade trying to find a place that allows interact from outside. I found it works if you move around the palm tree on the left hand side of the barricade. That's the first obstacle passed. Second, the meshes around this barricade prevent normal navigation past.. once the barricade object is gone. Again causing toon to attempt navigation to TurnIn NPC around the subzone and getting stuck. I attempted every type of movement past the barricade area and nothing worked except a RunCode blind movement forward. It's a crazy spot for sure. Shortly after you pass the threshold, the quest completes and normal navigation forward works again. Anyhow I finally wrote up a working fix for this PITA quest assuming players can't fly. Tested and works for both. 1st: I removed this existing code... Code: <!-- // InteractWith behavior fails from outside and toon gets stuck trying to find a way in to interact opposite side. // --> <!-- <If Condition="IsQuestCompleted(36575)" > --> <!-- LM - Shredder vs. Saberon --> <!-- <PickUp Nav="Fly" QuestName="Shredder vs. Saberon" QuestId="36439" GiverName="Altauur" GiverId="85432" X="6975.458" Y="869.9393" Z="93.22194" /> --> <!-- <While Condition="HasQuest(36439) && !IsQuestCompleted(36439)" > --> <!-- Shredder vs. Saberon --> <!-- <MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="Shredder vs. Saberon (a)" X="6943.784" Y="795.8861" Z="147.339" /> --> <!-- <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36439" PreInteractMountStrategy="Dismount" MobId="235381" WaitForNpcs="False" Range="5" WaitTime="8000" X="6937.3" Y="793.9132" Z="149.3734" /> --> <!-- <MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="Shredder vs. Saberon (b)" X="6892.507" Y="811.1858" Z="150.934" /> --> <!-- <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" QuestId="36439" WaitTime="30000" GoalText="Waiting for quest to complete {TimeRemaining}" /> --> <!-- </While> --> <!-- <TurnIn Nav="Fly" QuestName="Shredder vs. Saberon" QuestId="36439" TurnInName="Altauur" TurnInId="85431" X="6892.507" Y="811.1858" Z="150.934" /> --> <!-- </If> --> 2nd: replaced it with the following bear of a fix... Code: <!-- // Proto fix for Quest 36439 // --> <!-- If complete and did not turn in, easier to abandon it and start over. --> <!-- Too difficult to tell where in subzone you are in relation to buggy barricade area. --> <If Condition="HasQuest(36439) && IsQuestCompleted(36439)"> <CustomBehavior File="AbandonQuest" QuestId="36439" Type="All" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000" /> <If Condition="CanFly()" > <!-- Exit Steamscar Rise --> <MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="Shredder vs. Saberon" X="6997.297" Y="893.608" Z="92.9145" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="3000" /> </If> <!-- Players who can't fly may be stuck inside Steamscar Rise. No way to navigate exit --> <While Condition="( Me.SubZoneId == 7304 )"> <CustomBehavior File="UseItem" ItemId="110560" WaitTime="5000" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="15000" GoalText="Waiting for Garrison Hearth {TimeRemaining}" TerminateWhen="( Me.SubZoneId != 7304 )"/> <MoveTo Nav="Run" DestName="Shredder vs. Saberon" X="6997.297" Y="893.608" Z="92.9145" /> </While> </If> <If Condition="IsQuestCompleted(36575) && !HasQuest(36439) && !IsQuestCompleted(36439)" > <!-- LM - Shredder vs. Saberon --> <MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="Shredder vs. Saberon" X="6997.297" Y="893.608" Z="92.9145" /> <PickUp QuestName="Shredder vs. Saberon" QuestId="36439" GiverName="Altauur" GiverId="85432" X="6975.458" Y="869.9393" Z="93.22194" /> </If> <If Condition="HasQuest(36439) && !IsQuestCompleted(36439)" > <!-- Shredder vs. Saberon --> <MoveTo Nav="Fly" DestName="Shredder vs. Saberon" X="6968.271" Y="793.1166" Z="137.1006" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <UseMount Value="False" /> <MoveTo DestName="Strong Vine Barricade" X="6943.948" Y="795.1153" Z="147.3184" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="65000" GoalText="Waiting for Strong Vine Barricade {TimeRemaining}" TerminateWhen="Object(235381) != null"/> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="6941.441" Y="791.8027" Z="149.3936" /> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="6939.999" Y="790.2866" Z="151.5583" /> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="6938.725" Y="790.6618" Z="151.9286" /> <!-- // Only accessable place to interact with Strong Vine Barricade, is around the left side palm tree. // --> <While Condition="Object(235381) != null" > <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="6938.725" Y="790.6618" Z="151.9286" /> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="36439" PreInteractMountStrategy="DismountOrCancelShapeshift" WaitForNpcs="False" Range="15" NonCompeteDistance="15" WaitTime="1000" MobId="235381" TerminateWhen="Me.HasAura(170334)" /> <!-- Quickie Shredder --> </While> <While Condition="Me.Z > 150.5" > <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" DestName="return" X="6939.999" Y="790.2866" Z="151.5583" /> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" DestName="to" X="6941.441" Y="791.8027" Z="149.3936" /> </While> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" DestName="path" X="6945.393" Y="795.7642" Z="146.5204" /> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" DestName="turn" X="6948.507" Y="795.0951" Z="144.7215" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="300" /> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" DestName="around" X="6941.153" Y="796.4249" Z="148.5811" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="300" /> <!-- // CTM's or Meshes are strange around Strong Vine Barricade. Nothing works. Must force move forward. // --> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" > <![CDATA[ WoWMovement.Move(WoWMovement.MovementDirection.Forward); ]]> </CustomBehavior> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="2000" /> <If Condition="Me.IsMoving"> <CustomBehavior File="RunCode" > <![CDATA[ WoWMovement.MoveStop(); ]]> </CustomBehavior> </If> <CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" DestName="trigger quest complete" X="6916.908" Y="799.6784" Z="153.7417" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="30000" GoalText="Waiting for quest complete {TimeRemaining}" TerminateWhen="IsQuestCompleted(36439)"/> <MoveTo DestName="Altauur" X="6894.752" Y="809.3735" Z="151.2147" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="10000" GoalText="Waiting for Altauur to approach {TimeRemaining}" /> <TurnIn QuestName="Shredder vs. Saberon" QuestId="36439" TurnInName="Altauur" TurnInId="85431" X="6892.637" Y="811.3112" Z="150.9352" /> <UseMount Value="True" /> </If> The quest chain after TurnIn works fine. And believe it or not.. it manages to navigate out the South end of the subzone for non-flyers, to turn in the final quest here "Taking the Death Bloom" to Birchus.