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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *new* Singular v3.0.0.3111 available for download!

      Includes support for new abilities / glyphs, etc. in 5.4. What does this mean?

      Changes have been made to recognize or account for these changes, however spell priorities may not be optimal with 5.4 at this point (that is the focus of the next several releases.) The change history this time is broken into two sections: first is standard change history describing all non-5.4 changes, followed by a patch note style breakdown of only those changes in 5.4 which impacted Singular


      Change History for this release appears below. Complete Change History as always is included in the .ZIP

      See the Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post for details on how to request assistance, post about a problem, or ask questions about the behavior of your botting session with Singular.

      Still receiving too many bug/question posts regarding behavior users watched that don't contain a complete log file and point of reference to when a single event happened. So, no multi-color bright lights this time. Just a simple request to provide the detail.

      Don't forget to use the LOGMARK! button. It is located on the Class Config window and will place a mark in the log file making it easy for you to indicate when something happened that you have a question about or problem with. This button provides the same behavior as the LOGMARK plugin. Having a problem while running Singular that you want to report? Click the LOGMARK button immediately when you notice. A line will be added to the log file at that time and now you have a very accurate way to let me know when the problem occurred.

      Ok, now that's out of the way:

      - Download the latest version of Singular.ZIP from Post #1 in this thread

      - .ZIP in Singular thread will always be the current version

      - HonorBuddy will contain an older version until a new release of HB posts

      Any post must include a debug log file (a file created with Debug Logging set to true.) To do this, click Class Config and set the Debug Logging option to 'true' then run until you create the issue again. The resulting log file will contain more info than a standard log file which will be essential in understanding the decisions being made by Singular which you weren't expecting.

      As always, the prior version is still available for download. If you encounter a problem due to the new release of Singular you can always downgrade as needed.

      Worth mentioning one more time due to the large number of posts without log files that are received, but you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the link at the top of this post for details.
    2. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ins?mniak, Welcome to HonorBuddy! Thanks for taking the time to post. The issue mentioned has been posted by a number of users but is not a Singular issue. Please see this post [CLICK HERE] for an explanation of that issue. Thanks and good luck with your toon, Bobby53

      Note: Please read the Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] post for steps on posting. The information provided was a copy/paste of the Log window and not a debug log, so a lot of information needed to research issues and understand your setup is missing.

      [EDITED 9-Oct-2013 by chinajade]: (Adding to Bobby53's answer).
      Hi Ins?mniak,

      You are suffering from problems with the RocketRescue behavior. The problem has been repaired, and should be available in the next Honorbuddy release.

      Please read this response to see the work-around until the next Release is made available.

    3. vickin7

      vickin7 New Member

      Oct 8, 2013
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      I have the same problem need help :( i have a warlock lvl 47

      [Singular-DEBUG] warning: 20 seconds since Questing BotBase last called Singular

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    4. Jalockin

      Jalockin Member

      Aug 29, 2012
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      I'm currently using this routine for my shammy healer and I'm quite satisfied it works great.

      However it would be awesome if the shammy would throw in a damage spell now and then, when hes wanking in the corner anyway not actually healing anybody - would also make the healers seem more like human player, as most healers would cast a damage spell now and then.

      Just a thought.

    5. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Not just shammy, all healers should chuck out the occasional dps spell. Even if they're only insta-casts.
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      vickin7, Welcome to HonorBuddy! Thanks for attaching a log file to you post, however you will want to follow the steps in the Report Bugs [CLICK HERE] post when you are posting a question or issue. That post will walk you through creating a "debug" log file (meaning you set HonorBuddy's Log Level to Diagnostic) and you identify at what point the problem occurred (preferably with a LOGMARK -- explained in the post as well.)

      I noticed near the end of your log the following sequence:
      Singular is a Combat Routine and only one component that is active while you are Questing. The Combat Routine is a worker and handles class specific combat / healing, nothing more. It exposes behaviors (Pull, Combat, Rest, Heal) that the BotBase (Questing in this case) calls when it wants those things done. So basically the Combat Routine can only fight when the Questing bot tells it to. In this case, Singular wasn't told anything for roughly 6 minutes until the point you pressed Stop. If Singular isn't called, it can't do anything (except complain that it has been awhile since it was called.) The issues you were experiencing during that period have to do with the botbase (Questing), the quest profile, etc. This thread is for issues specific to Singular (which spells are cast and when while in Combat.) Unless you are very familiar with the roles and responsibilities of each component so when something fails you know which component is the culprit, you will want to post in the HonorBuddy Support thread where someone with the Support Team can assist you in determining the issue and contact the appropriate people to assist you. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Warlock, Bobby53
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the posts. In Singular healers will only cast DPS spells if it:
      - restore mana
      - buff healing done
      - provide indirect splash heals
      If you want your Resto Shaman to cast attacks, equip the Glyph of Telluric Currents and it will cast Lightning Bolt when healing is not needed. Disc Priests will attack based upon the settings in effect for Atonement Healing. Resto Druids will attack with Wrath based upon settings if the Dream of Cenarius talent is taken. etc.

      Additionally your healer will attack if there are no group members anywhere nearby. Otherwise, your healer will preserve its mana and leave its GCD available for healing.

      Thanks for the posts and good luck with your Singular Healers, Bobby53
    8. Ruinit

      Ruinit Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Thanks for the release Bobby, now if we could get a update on HB maybe things could go back to normal :)
    9. Rækwon

      Rækwon New Member

      Nov 11, 2012
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      What Class+Spec are you?: Hunter, Beastmastery
      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal): Questing
      What level are you?: 45
      Have you made any modifications to Singular?: NO (even if since 5.4 the log says so, but I read in the forum it is a common issue)
      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur? Since it happens as soon as the bot starts and the long is pretty short, I did not.
      What happened (be specific)? The questing bot wants to attack a mob, but it simply runs towards him, doing nothing, dying if I do not intervene. I put the pet to Defensive instead of Passive, to let him survive for logging purposes.
      Did you attach a complete debug log? (choose one: YES or YES) I have a log, but did not set Debug (read your post telling to do it after I closed both WoW and HB). Just tell me if you need it on Debug Strictly and I'll do it asap.

      I would like to add that Singular runs smoothly on other characters (same account, same HB, same wow, same everything, even same bot base: questing with a 68 warrior and it's all ok!), and it was all ok on this toon too: HB took it until level 45 on his own, it was rocking! Until a couple of days ago I let him run 100% afk for a while since it was all going well, only to find the character dead and chain dying. I tryed to look in HelpDesk if this was a common issue, but didn't find so I came here.

      thank you very much

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    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      R?kwon, Thanks for the post with the log and your descriptive detail! There have been quite a few reports of this behavior, but is not a Singular issue and is related to the Questing BotBase, the Questing Profile, or the Quest Behaviors employed by the profile. In the following section of your log, you can see Questing select and prepare to attack a target, but then doesn't call Singular to actually conduct the attack:
      The Questing botbase targeted a Sandfury Axe Thrower and moved towards it, but then went 2 minutes without calling Singular. Note, the SPELL_CAST_FAILED messages I low-lighted are the result of user intervention as the log indicates no cast attempts were made.

      This behavior is typically specific to a portion of the Questing profile due either to settings it modified or the Quest Behavior employed to complete that particular quest objective. To workaround this while awaiting either a new version of HonorBuddy or an update to the quest profile, Stop HonorBuddy and manually complete the active quests. Once the objectives are completed Start HonorBuddy and after the turn-in it will likely move onto quests that are not an issue.

      As an aside, even for short logs it is always important to know the precise moment the issue you are posting about occurred. This is even more important when posting about something that didn't occur as in this case. Finally, even though you may want to please resist the urge to intervene with your character when creating a log to submit as it can skew the results and provide misleading errors and details influenced by your actions. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Hunter, Bobby53
    11. Eithos

      Eithos New Member

      Jul 23, 2012
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      I keep seeing my frost mage use frostnova too soon. like using it when the mobs are not in range. idk if it has been fixed already and I just need to update my singular cc.
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Eithos, I am not aware of that issue, so can say there hasn't been a specific fix for the behavior you described. For me to look into it, I'll need you to follow the step indicated in Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE]. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Mage, Bobby53
    13. FadetoGrey

      FadetoGrey New Member

      Aug 3, 2013
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      As balance druid does not use AOE skills correct.

      Hurricane never used.

      Trying all time to put mushrooms and rotation stuck.

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    14. plyb0y007

      plyb0y007 Member

      Dec 19, 2010
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      View attachment 121316 2013-10-12 11.11.txt

      I've been using Singular with BgBuddy and for some reason no matter what spec I am the bot won't target any bosses or players. As soon as I switch to Lazyraider it works perfectly fine. Is this an issue with Singular or with BgBuddy? It's starting to look pretty ridiculous having a healer or a dps just standing there not targeting anyone or casting any spells.
    15. Clearcut

      Clearcut New Member

      Dec 3, 2012
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      You spelt Framelock "Framlock" in your gui ;P
    16. cedricdu94

      cedricdu94 Member

      Feb 2, 2012
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      My paladin vindict no use Exorcism
    17. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      FadeToGrey: Thanks for the post. Fixed in next release - Bobby53
    18. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      plyb0y007, Thanks for the post. It is a BGBuddy issue. Target selection is a BotBase responsibility and handled by BGBuddy, Questing, LazyRaider, etc. You will want to post in the HonorBuddy Support thread to ensure visibility of this issue to the HonorBuddy Dev team. Thanks for the post and good luck with your toon, Bobby53
    19. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      cedricdu94, Please see the Report Bugs [CLICK HERE]post. Thanks, Bobby53
    20. lostmyz

      lostmyz New Member

      Sep 3, 2010
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      Quick question..... I am running this with a resto druid and I want to know because I can't seem to find it.... how do i turn off auto Rebirth (Brez)? I don't want it rezzing the first person who dies I would like to be in control of that feature. Thank You

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