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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. tomten

      tomten Banned

      Jun 25, 2012
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      Any chance you could disable this inside raids ?
      [Singular] We have no food/drink. Waiting to recover our health/mana back
      [Singular] Still moving... waiting until Bot stops 
      Thanks :)
      Last edited: May 21, 2014
    2. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      :( ... Still waiting for the Hunter Strafe/Jump Shoot.
    3. meingb

      meingb New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      my rogue isnt using Shadowblades anyone know how to fix htis ?
    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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    5. tigerlady3012

      tigerlady3012 New Member

      May 7, 2013
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      I have a problem that my Gatherbuddy no longer moves, after a few minutes.
      I get this message "(Singular) info: 45.5 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)"

      Is that a CC problem?

      View attachment 2748 2014-05-24 23.04.txt
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tigerlady3012, Thanks for the log file. If you encounter a problem with Singular or have a question about what you are seeing, be sure to follow the steps in Reporting Bugs (click here). The log file you provided was created without diagnostic information so for the majority of problems will not contain enough info to answer.
      [21:05:06.994 D] LogLevel: Normal
      Fortunately I have researched this issue in the past so am familiar with it. The messages in the format:
      [21:19:40.862 N] (Singular) info: 45.5 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
      are informational and do not necessarily indicate an error. A Combat Routine (which is type of component Singular is) is a tool used by the BotBase (GatherBuddy in this case) to kill things. It can only kill things when it is called. Frequently, members will post in the Singular thread "Singular is not attacking ... mobs and ...., please fix!" A Combat Routine can only kill things when it is called and told to do so however. This message provides an indication whether the BotBase is calling Singular telling it to do something (even something as simple as resting.) If it goes without calling Singular for a period of time (20 secs or so) it will issue that informational message.

      There are many valid cases where the BotBase is performing an action where you don't want to call a Combat Routine. Gathering nodes in GatherBuddy is one of them. However, the Combat Routine is not supposed to have knowledge of what the BotBase is doing, so should not decide if it is valid that it isn't being called or a problem. Since it can't know, it will issue a message every 20 seconds or so indicating whether it has been called recently.

      So the short answer is No, seeing that message is not a problem in this circumstance. I will look at this further and see if there is an opportunity to reduce the frequency and conditions this message is output without compromising it being displayed at critical times.

      Thanks for the post, -Bobby53
    7. Phenton

      Phenton Member

      Jan 8, 2011
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      Having some trouble with pet 'Growl' in instances. Will log into char, Growl is auto-cast turned off, log into HB with singular, turns auto-cast Growl on, enter dungeon and get the following message :

      [Singular] PetManager: 'Growl' is NOT an auto-cast ability for this Pet

      and of course the pet starts taunting all the mobs :eek:. After manually clicking auto-cast off everything runs fine after that. However I need to do this each time I start HB.

      Class + Spec: 42 Survival Hunter
      Context: Dungeonbuddy (5 bots)
      Mods to singular?: None
      LogMark Time: I forgot to click the button :eek:, but line 460 ~ 521

      Attached Files:

    8. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Phenton, Thanks for taking the time to post. Unfortunately the log was created with the following option:
      so does not contain the details necessary to look into this for you. My recommendation is to leave Log Level set to Diagnostic except when doing Arena or Raiding (other than LFR) as the overhead of the intense logging can bog down performance in those two environments. See Reporting Bugs (click here) for details.

      The message displayed is a bit odd as it indicates Growl was found as a PetSpell but upon checking the LUA it indicates it is not a spell that can be set to auto-cast. I will need the detailed log to better understand the config and what is occurring.

      Thanks again and good luck with your Hunter, Bobby53
    9. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Phenton, The issue you are encountering appears to be due to the GetPetActionInfo API return value. Growl AutoCast is being correctly updated based upon the status of your being in a group and the proximity of the Tank. Singular controls AutoCast for the following pet spells: Growl and Thunderstomp. It does this based upon the current context disabling autocast for Instances (this includes Raids) and disabling for all others (Solo, Battlegrounds, etc.) In the case of Instances, if the Tank is out of range then it will enable your Solo behaviors for survival. From your first log:

      This last message indicates that the LUA GetPetActionInfo API returned that programmatic control over Growl is not available, so Singular is correctly skipping this. The lack of a consistent result indicates that the API value being returned is varying. I will need to look into this a bit further on what conditions cause this.

      Thanks for the logs, -Bobby53
    10. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It is cast both to root the targets (in which case you would want to move away) and to make the targets frozen for the buff to critical strike offered by Shatter (no movement necessary.) Am happy to look at specific cases to see if movement away should have occurred but didnt, but will need a diagnostic log file with a LOGMARK added at the point where it did not move away but you felt it should have. -Bobby53
    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Stilllogicz, Sorry but there isn't enough detail provided to answer your question. Please see Reporting Bugs (click here) and I'll research the behavior for you. Please be sure that LogLevel = Diagnostic and you add a LOGMARK to the file at the point the target switching occurred that you did not want to see. Thanks for the post and good luck with your toon, Bobby53
    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Jacan, Thanks for the post, but your symptoms do not match the results of my testing. Please see Reporting Bugs (click here) and be specific about which Class Specific options are not working for you. -Bobby53
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      tumbum, This is not a Singular issue.

      That message appears when you click the Start button in HonorBuddy with AutoEquip -or- Talented support enabled in Settings & Tools and a spec different than your toons current one is selected. In cases where you make a spec change, you will need to do one of the following:

      1. Change spec in Settings & Tools - If running press the HonorBuddy Stop button. Click Settings & Tools and change the selected spec to match the one you are switching to.

      - OR -

      2. Disable AutoEquip and Talented - If running press the HonorBuddy Stop button. Click Settings & Tools and uncheck the options for AutoEquip and Talented. This will allow you to make spec changes while running without having to Stop then Start, although it will also disable use of AutoEquip and Talented.

      You will need to decide which of these two options best fits your needs.

      These items are outside the control of Singular. -Bobby53
      Last edited: Jun 1, 2014
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      spitfireqt, Anti-Magic Shell is cast when it detects that there is any enemy in range casting a spell and targeting you, not based upon health %. Don't agree its a waste, but since it's not on the GCD and the cooldown is 45 seconds the main drawback would be 40 seconds without it being available. Happy to look at changes, but be sure to follow the steps in Reporting Bugs (click here) if you would like to see a modification. Be specific about the circumstances as well, since casting solely based upon Health % would not be a good solution for this defensive cooldown. -Bobby53
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Arnold2222, Thanks for the post and the good question. Good observation regarding the difference in behavior. Singular implements different spell priorities and behaviors that are specific to each context. In Battlegrounds it is cast on any heal target below the Health % configured. In other contexts, it is reserved for the Leader (typically a Tank, but can be set programmatically by the BotBase to be any WoWUnit.) In reviewing there appears to be a bug limiting its use to when the Leader is the lowest health target in range, which is incorrect. I'll make a revision based upon what I am seeing to fix that and reserve for any Tank (irrespective of being Leader). Additionally, in all contexts it will be also cast on self if health is below Cenarion Ward % specified in the Self Healing section of Class Specific settings.

      Thanks for the log file, but unfortunately couldn't learn much from it other than your level and spec due to the Log Level being set to Normal:
      Please be sure to attach logs created with Log Level set to Diagnostic. Until you hit 90, my recommendation is to set to Diagnostic and leave there as there isn't much reason for running with any other setting until doing critical end game raiding (with a high level group, not LFR) or arena.

      Thanks for taking the time to post and good luck with your Druid,
    16. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      spitfireqt, Am happy to consider all user requests for enhancement. Please follow the steps in Reporting Bugs (click here) carefully so the details of your Death Knights AMS usage are available. From that and your observations I'll review what can be incorporated into Singular Death Knight support to improve upon the current implementation. Thanks for the post and good luck with your DKs, Bobby53
    17. Ruinit

      Ruinit Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Bobby I will get you a log soon but Destruction Lock does not seem to be casting chaos Bolt. Log to follow

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      Last edited: Jun 7, 2014
    18. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      Dungeon Buddy
      Druid Feral

      Saw my Feral Druid stay in normal form and try to use Cat abilities in the LFR Raid. Was very very bad ... hope i dont get another 72h or at last a Ban.

      The Log full of this and try to use the Cat Abilitys. What happen to Singular? First the endless use of healing spell as Druid got me a 72h final warning (posted in the Ban Reports) and now this.

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    19. bunjiboys

      bunjiboys New Member

      Jun 5, 2014
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      IsUnitViableForSap using Me.CurrentTarget instead of passed in WoWUnit

      What Class+Spec are you?:
      Subtlety Rogue

      What 'context' is the bot in? (Instance, BG, Normal):

      What level are you?:

      Have you made any modifications to Singular?:
      Log is from vanilla Singular, tested proposed fix to verify behavior

      What time (HH:MM:SS) or LogMark did your issue occur?
      17:58:30.249 / Logmark #1

      What happened (be specific)?
      Singular system would keep trying to Sap non-valid targets (in this case Elementals on the Isle of Thunder while farming Black Prince rep). I took a quick look at the IsUnitViableForSap function in Singular/ClassSpecific/Rogue/Common.cs and noticed that while the function takes a WoWUnit object and uses that for most of the checks, but it uses Me.CurrentTarget to do the CreatureType checks, but CurrentTarget and the target to check if its viable for Sap might not (and in my experience quite commonly) be the same target.

      Changing the line below should fix the issue
      if (!(Me.CurrentTarget.IsHumanoid || Me.CurrentTarget.IsBeast || Me.CurrentTarget.IsDemon || Me.CurrentTarget.IsDragon))
      // to
      if (!(unit.IsHumanoid || unit.IsBeast || unit.IsDemon || unit.IsDragon))  
      This can cause Singular to bounce / zigzag between targets because it will sometimes try multiple times to sap the same target until it gives up.

      Did you attach a complete debug log?

      Attached Files:

    20. tomten

      tomten Banned

      Jun 25, 2012
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      Emotions emotions emotions, i'll just keep this short.....
      Tranquility, please check code, its not playing nicely :(
      Bot casts it and insta cancels it by moving or i cast it manually and insta cancels it...huge cooldown, i dont care if it stands in fire, make that bot finish that goddamn cast lol.

      God im annoyed atm...still love you tho bobby. <3
      View attachment 7520 2014-06-11 08.53.txt
      Logs logs logs, well, you know what ? If the default log level isnt enough, its not my problem to be honest. I can't be expected to requeue for lfr and get the same scenarios to happen again. (I get the convience of logmarks, but it should be a bonus compared to logging what You actually need.)
      It feels like a cheap get out of jail card for you devs. That would never fly in a real business or development team, you'd log whatever is needed and if size became an issue, archive/delete them on startup or w/e, i dont care lol.

      5th cancel today when its really needed, i want to murder cute little kittens with a rusty old spoon that gives them bad infections and all cause of singular lol :(
      Last edited: Jun 11, 2014

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