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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. tumbum

      tumbum Active Member

      Mar 17, 2011
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      My Druid doesnt fight. Just stay in attacking mobs, shift out for healing, shift sometimes back into cat but at all doesnt fight.

      Attached Files:

    2. chli0520

      chli0520 New Member

      Oct 22, 2010
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      Hello bobby53.

      I have a suggestion to make in regards to the Singular Combat Routine for Retribution Paladins while using DungeonBuddy.

      Now with 6.0.3 being the current patch, there's been a lot of changes in many areas of the game.

      One of those is the amount of damage taken, damage dealt and healing done for both high level and low level characters while fighting mobs within dungeons. This has affected the effectiveness of DungeonBuddy while leveling a lot. Since all of the scripts are tuned for the old damage taken, damage done and healing done values, a five many party group consisting with bots will often struggle a lot in various dungeons. Some are even impossible to do, meaning that the bots will infinitely try to defeat a pack of mobs or a boss without succeeding. However, with the following tweak to Honorbuddy and the Singular CC I think dungeons will be much easier.

      In Honorbuddy there's a built in talent pick feature. For Retribution paladins I would suggest to change the chosen talent to "Selfless Healer" instead of "Sacred Shield" since this is a great talent overall and also a requirement to make the following tweak very effective, without this talent the tweak to Singular would still be good but not comparable to with the talent.

      It would be absolutely great if DPS Paladins can use Flash of Light on Tanks lower than 50% HP when they have three stacks of Selfless healer or when the tank is lower than 25% use Flash of Light regardless of the amount of Selfless Healer stacks, while healing other party members when they are at or lower than 30% HP and the caster has two or three Selfless Healer stacks. This would assist the assigned Healer very much and would be a great way to keep Singular updated with the Warlords of Draenor changes. Just letting the healer do the healing simply does not work anymore.

      Either way, let me know what you think!

      Best regards,

      Last edited: Nov 13, 2014
    3. woenie

      woenie New Member

      Oct 30, 2012
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      I cant find where I can turn of polymorph for mages :(
    4. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You'll want to follow the steps in Reporting Bugs in Singular (click here)
    5. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thanks for the well thought out suggestion. Offhealing (having a DPS throw an extra heal) is already supported by all classes in Singular that have a heal except Paladins. Holy Paladin healing logic is scheduled to be rewritten in the same manner other healing classes are supported. At that time, a side benefit is the addition of OffHealing for DPS Paladins. Additionally, when Healing an instance the the Health % configured for most Singular Healing Classes needs to be increased in Class Config. Resto Shaman has been rebalanced and should work as expected, but other classes should be adjusted presently. Default Talent Specs are maintained in HonorBuddy so for any changes you believe are necessary you'll want to post in the HonorBuddy Support forum. Thanks again and good luck with your Paladin, -Bobby53
    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You can't presently. Will add setting to control in upcoming release (not the one just posted today.) -Bobby53
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *new* Singular v4.0.0.3920 available for download!

      Download from Post #1

      Includes fix for issue occurring during Rest due to recent optimization fixing that and self-healing during rest.
    8. Ericane

      Ericane New Member

      Jul 9, 2012
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      I haven't been botting for a long time, and I started again yesterday. I just wanted to know why my Feral druid is in Cat Form only for 3 sec, then he cancels it.. (And 4 sec later he casts it again.)

      It looks really wierd when he is changing in and out of catform. It is both in and out of combat.

      Any help appreciated!
    9. Ericane

      Ericane New Member

      Jul 9, 2012
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      Sorry for double posting, but I had to quote this. It is the same druid problem that I have.
    10. tomten2

      tomten2 New Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      * Execute now costs 10 rage and consumes up to 40 rage, want to use those much as possible. Only true for arms!

      Arms.cs ability pruning:

      * Demo banner is gone
      * Skull banner is gone.
      * Line 204. Charge no longer grants rage after first charge in combat. Can remove that whole "mechanic".
      * Rotation starting L.170 looks pretty decent but been lvling 11 hours now, not sure if we need more than one rotation option. Arms rotation so simplistic now. Same is true for fury.
      * No disarm anymore.
      * Dragon roar is a single target filler/talent.
      * Storm bolt is a single target filler/talent.
      * Enrage is gone.

      Fury.cs ability pruning.

      * Demo banner is gone
      * Skull banner is gone.
      * No Colossus Smash for fury anymore.
      * No disarm anymore.
      * No thunderclap for fury.
      * Wildstrike has a gcd of 0.75s, best in the world avg 0.77-0.82s due to not being computer/latency. Consistently hitting a perfect 0.75s could stand out, not sure, just fyi.
      (Blizz has removed the 400 ms server queue delay, down to <=10 ms i believe, so its a real scenario, i think lol, please do tell. Your detailed answers are amazing.)
      * Dragon roar is a single target filler/talent.
      * Storm bolt is a single target filler/talent.

      Side note for all specs: Enraged duration increased to 8 seconds.

      Fury aoe rotation:

      * Aoe rotation starting line 170 looks to be outdated, i didn't fully understand it tho tbh.
      * Bladestorm is also getting instant red /cancelaura with reference to #46924 (Used manually with 3+ targets, instance. See attached log.)
      * Figured it out singular is cancelling it cause it has to high aoe target amount (bladestorm should be active with =>3 targets.)

      Make sure you are enraged via bt first or berserker rage.
      You want on 3+ target;
      Dragon roar (no target diminishing return anymore, its op)
      Bladestorm full duration.
      Whirlwind once to extend target range for raging blow.
      Raging blow.
      Bloodsurge procs or wild strike =>100 rage (this is if you somehow manage to rage cap even with spamming whirlwind.)
      Make sure to keep enrage up at all times.

      Simplified priority list:
      Aoe talents.
      Bloodthirst on cooldown
      Execute whenever sudden death procs and there are less than 5 targets. Do not use whirlwind if there are only 2 targets and one of them can be executed. ((99% of the time you never want to use execute without being enraged.)
      Whirlwind once if there are 2-3 targets
      Whirlwind again if there are 4+ targets
      Raging Blow

      Fury single target tweaks/adjustments:

      * Single target rotation starting line 212 needs tweaking. (120 rage glyph is mandatory)
      * L.217. Rage value changed to 100 (or 95 if you wanna be non glyph friendly, preferably if singular could detect glyph and use respective values.)
      * L.220. Needs to be for enrage and added <=90 rage condition (Same change on L.238)
      * L.244 Isenraged also needs => 20% hp condition. (bloodsurge part correct).

      * Where in the priority does lvl 45 talents come in ? (Should be second last, with bloodthirst being lowest priority except to keep enrage up and fill with berserker rage in between at low crit levels.)
      * Dragon roar is a single target filler/spell.

      This is optimized for Sudden death talent, the only change with Unquenchable Thirst talent is that you want to spam BT until enrage procs and follow the same priority. I'd say you could even ignore that talent and it'll still be close to optimal. No change with Furious strikes except tunnel carpal tunnel syndrome with rage capping lol...
      Love you bobby. I know i can be a true cunt at times but far as reporting stuff i gotta get some balance back xD
      Log for short instance run, cancelled it pretty quickly as aoe was broken and its to many chain pulls.
      View attachment 7900 2014-11-13 10.12.txt

      Decided to merge my 2 posts into this one:

      Hi Bobby. If you could just take a quick look at stances for warrior, i'll love you :p
      Berserker stance is removed, there's only battle and defensive (and glad if you talent it.)
      Haven't seen it change randomly into defensive stance when pulling mobs, with the release you just posted but since the option still existed for berserker stance, im sure it could be worthy of just a quick look <3

      Anything warrior related i can help you with to get warrior up to speed, im the guy to ask.
      Know you're as busy as ever but warriors needs some desperate hugs! :p
      Last edited: Dec 14, 2014
    11. Ericane

      Ericane New Member

      Jul 9, 2012
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    12. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Possibly an older version of Singular. Please follow the steps in Reporting Bugs in Singular (click here) and I will look into it today, -Bobby53
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Please follow the steps in Reporting Bugs in Singular (click here) and I will look into it ASAP, -Bobby53
    14. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Ericane, Please follow the steps in Reporting Bugs in Singular (click here) and I will look into asap. I don't access 3rd party links so you will need to attach the logs to your post. In the event the logs are too large compress to .ZIP first (other formats not supported.) Thanks for the post and good luck with your Druid, Bobby53
    15. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Welcome back tomten! Thanks for the detail with the log. I'll look into this in detail when I get home tonight and get back to you, -Bobby53

      PS. Sudden Death proc support already in place with latest version (check Post #1)
      Last edited: Nov 14, 2014
    16. Pwnangel

      Pwnangel New Member

      Sep 2, 2014
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      warrior whirlwind range bug

      i found that my arms warrior would often use whirlwind before getting in range of his target so he often wasted whirlwinds on nothing. i added a 8 yard range requirement to the whirlwinds in the script below and its working perfect. its here if its of use to anyone.

      View attachment Arms.cs
    17. TheBelgiumPope

      TheBelgiumPope Member

      Jul 26, 2014
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      Unholy DK uses no abilities except death strike even on full HP.
    18. Gorthor

      Gorthor New Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      Just a small suggestion:
      Markman hunter gain a draenor perk somewhere between 92-98 that makes kill shot usable on targets below 35% rather than 20%(small change for a level 100 mm hunter in markman.cs, but for lower level have to detect the perk maybe somehow)
    19. RamGuy

      RamGuy Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      I'm levelling as a Discipline Priest and it's a drag.. Survivability is decent due to heals and bubbles, but the DPS is just plain horrible so killing things in order to progress is so darn slow it's not even funny. One thing I have noticed while using Singular with Grind Bot is that it won't use heals between mob kills in order to make the grinding go faster. Why is this? Is this something I might change in the settings or something? Having 50% health and standing there and wait for it to become 80%+ is not ideal, I don't rely on food as you never get below 90% mana after 6.0.2 so there is no need for food/drink as a healer, I will just pop a few Flash Heals and you will be good to go right away.

      When it comes to DPS I guess there isn't much to do. I don't understand why healing classes in World of Warcraft tends to have such poor DPS numbers in general compared to pure DPS and tanking classes.. Wouldn't it be better for Blizzard to provide healing classes with decent DPS like they started to with tanking classes in order to make them more enjoyable for soloing content while levelling, doing daily quests etc..? I guess Dual-Spec is a way to deal with things, but personally I don't like the idea of Shadow Priest at all and I already got Holy as secondary in order to be a more flexible healing depending on the actual content and whatnot and Holy is even worse compared to Discipline from my experience in terms of levelling and DPS numbers.
    20. tomten2

      tomten2 New Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Ramguy, you are botting. What does it matter what spec it plays? Who in their right mind level as healer and even less as grind bot healer ?
      Some people :rolleyes:

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