Hi, There is a issue with the Hunters singular routine. under Class Config-Hunter Specific-Pet (instance) Pet number,(PVP) Pet number, (Solo) Pet number Do not save.. It will be ok for that instance of HB, however the moment you shut HB down and relaunch HB again these settings will revert back to 1. I'm not sure on the other settings- it might be case.
Hello, is it possible to disable movements in singular so it only handles the rotation and leaves the movement's control to the user ?
did you even read the issue ? or did you just notice there was no log- to find an excuse ?.. Its a pretty dam simple fix.. I have fixed it my self- however every time hb updates I have to go repair it again.. There is absolutely nothing in the log file that's going to help you.. The dev can fix it in 30 seconds if he read the problem. if your response it to re-install.. Dont worry about it.. Id rather smear my balls in fish paste and dangle them in a pool of hungry paranhas then go through that scripted support.
Yes, set movement->Allow Movement (in tab Geberal) to All (yes, all) and define a "hotkey - Movement" for disabling movement (CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-M e.g.) - that works.
Is is possible (and if yes, how) to play a Hunter without a pet (Lone Wolf Talent). Which number do I put in the "Pet No" dropdownlist? Ty in advance
Hi When I'm using druid guardian spec and health of druid is low it's just standing and waiting while it restores (no food/drink), is there any way to setup Singular to selfheal in this spec, when not in combat? Can't find any information about this.
Question, does the moonkin profile use starfall at all? im 96 at the moment and Idon't run glyph of stars, still doesnt use it? is it possible to add it?
Since the Legendary Rings became spread enough, would you implement the UseItem mechanic for them? They are having great burst CD. DPS Rings give 25-40% damage for 15sec on 2min CD. Respectable bonus receive the tank and healing rings as well.
Is there a trick to making my shadow priest use T6 (Halo?) I set it to 1 to use on cooldown but it doesn't use it. I will add a log if it's SUPPOSED to be working, just figured I have a setting wrong or something.
I have a bug fix for you I've noticed on Destruction warlock the bot will sometimes try and spam Fire and Brimstone, because there are four targets in range, but the CC has already spent the last ember so it just gets stuck until adds die or an ember is generated. The odd thing is there is a value for embers to check in the CC already, so the fix looks simple.
Maybe a newb question here but Im having a hard time with the DPS when running the old Cata raids. Tweaked with the talents and glyphs abit to find out what Singular was playing good with. Is there a guide to what kind of spec, talents and glyphs that works the best with Singular? Ive searched but only to find what specs it works on. nothing about the talent and specs ect.
Doing some questing with Singular Shadowpriest combat bot... But it doesn't seem to use Insanity. Soon as Mind Flay changes into Insanity, it simply won't use that spell, until it returns to being Mind Flay again. View attachment 7172 2016-04-27 23.53.txt
Please add a switch for Death Knight "Bone Shield". Enable / Disable / on CD in combat only, that kind of thing. This is one of those spells that are annoying out of combat due to short duration and constant casting on CD. Also kind of a flag for a bot as nobody uses it or keeps it up constantly out of combat.
Can moonfire multi-dotting on balance be fixed please? The change is simple, it checks if Eclipse is > 0, but above 0 is when you're in solar and can't cast moonfire. It therefore keeps checking for the moonfire buff, doesn't see it, tries to cast moonfire, but moonfire is overriden to sunfire, so this creates a loop until you go into lunar and can apply moonfire.