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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bobby53, Nov 19, 2012.

    1. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Inrego, Thanks for taking the time to post! Unfortunately the entire log is both relevant and needed as it contains version and setting information that does not appear in your snippet. If the log file exceeds the limit on the size of attachments compress to a .ZIP before uploading and you should have no trouble (typical compression ratios of Singular logs is around 95 percent.) See this post for steps on Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE] if you have any questions about what is needed. Thanks for the post and I'll keep an eye out for any follow up on this, Bobby53

      Edit: As for what's happening within the context of the snippet provided:

      - In combat with Osul Mistbreaker.3403
      - Evade bugged mob Mob Osul Mistbreaker.3509 is splashed by your Seal of Righteousness
      - Singular blacklists Osul Mistbreaker.3509 in response to the combat log spell missed failure
      - Singular finishes off killing Osul Mistbreaker.3403
      - Splash from Seal of Righteousness also hits Small Swamp Rodent.362B which has aggroed
      - Singular targets Small Swamp Rodent.362B and finishes it off

      At this point the only mob in the area is Osul Mistbreaker.3509 which is evade bugged and marked as blacklisted. In this case, the bot in use should recognize that there are no valid targets in the area and move on to the next objective/botpoi.

      Based upon the information provided, this is an issue with the Bot being used and not Singular. I'll review any additional log file you provide for further confirmation as components are changing all the time so the version in use will be important to know, but in this case it appears you are using Questing Bot and that is a known issue.

      Thanks for the post and good luck with your Paladin, Bobby53
      Last edited: Mar 12, 2013
    2. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Hello bobby.

      Next time I experience it I will post a full log. To add a little more information, whenever I have seen this, there has not been any evading mobs. Usually, I just start auto hitting so that it will die eventually (he's still healing himself so auto hit is enough to kill it after a while). I've noticed that Singular writes in the log that target is null right before this happens (every time without exception that I know of). That's why I assumed it was a Singular problem. You are right though, I am using Questing bot.
    3. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Inrego, The log file fragment provided showed the mob was evading:
      That is a reason for the spell missing that comes back from WOW, so isn't something calculated or derived incorrectly by Singular. Evade bugged mobs don't have to remain permanently bugged. An example would be a mob that has followed you too far from its original location. It will exit combat, turn and run back to its original location and remain in evade mode the entire time until reaching its original location. Others that are stuck in game geometry are more or less permanently bugged. If you cannot reach melee range, it will be stuck in evade status and won't take any damage. I am looking into this further to see if something additionally needs to be done by Combat Routines due to changes in the Bots, etc. but after the sequence described in my prior response it would be expected that the bot move on to the next objective rather than remaining in the area for the mob to be killed. Also, unless you are deleting the log files they will continue to accumulate, so the one you copied the snippet from would still be there for uploading and would save you from having to observe the situation again. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Paladin, Bobby53
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
    4. Thumped

      Thumped New Member

      Nov 1, 2010
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      Hey bobby,
      I don't have a bug, just a request...
      If you could add an option to where I can increase the distance before the druid pops into cat form, while not in combat, to travel.

      When on Sunsong Ranch, I want to move from plot to plot and do stuff. With Singular, if I take few steps I pop into cat form to travel.
      The distances i am traveling are all within the farm but certain functions do not work while in any form but humanoid?!, can't think of a better term...

      I have tried to add
      <If Condition="(Me.Class == WoWClass.Druid) || (Me.Class == WoWClass.Shaman)">
      <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/script CancelShapeshiftForm()" />
      It works properly for a shaman but the druid I get a in game message of "This is a Blizzard only..blah blah blah"

    5. haplo

      haplo New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Priest casting Shield with it turned off. Seems to be trying to use it as a speed buff as well.

      Attached Files:

    6. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      haplo, Thanks for taking the time to post! If you have a question about why something is being cast, it would be more effective to identify a specific occurrence since the reason for a spell being cast can differ. That way I won't be responding regarding a part of the log that doesn't pertain to your question. For details see the Posting Template provided in the .ZIP downloaded or available at Reporting Bugs [CLICK HERE]. I looked at the first 5 Power Word: Shield casts and all were to take advantage of the Body and Soul talent that was selected. The config setting for this is currently false, but it is currently ignoring that setting (fix for that will be in the next release.) Until then, if you do not want Power Word: Shield cast out of combat for the speed buff you will need to change your talent spec so it does not include Body and Soul. If you do not want any speed buff out of combat, don't select Angelic Feather either. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Priest, Bobby53
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
    7. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thumped, Thanks for taking the time to post! That's a common issue when writing questing profiles to support Druids and Shaman. Either of the following lines will work to cancel their form:

      <CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/cancelform" />
      <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CancelShapeshiftForm()" />
      I can't remember which of those I used in the profiles I wrote, but both work.

      That's because Shaman Rule and Druids Drool!!!! (... no, that's not true... yes, a little bit of class bias just snuck out ...)

      Thanks again for the post and good luck with your Druid, Bobby53
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2013
    8. haplo

      haplo New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I'm perfectly fine with it, just wanted to let you know it was happening! Thanks for looking into it!
    9. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      *NEW* Singular available for download!

      See Post #4 [CLICK HERE] in this thread for details on posting issues, questions, and requests for support.

      To be sure you saw this, you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the above link for details.

      Visit the first post in this thread to download. The prior version is still available there as well in the event you feel the need to downgrade at any time.

      Worth mentioning one more time due to the large number of posts without log files that are received, but you must attach a complete debug log with any post. Please see the above link for details.

      This is both a bug and enhancement release. Fixes for a number of reported bugs are present (thank you for taking the time to post!) Also include are a lot of changes to Restoration Shaman. A lot of change has been made both to the Resto Shaman specific code and the Healing Target infrastructure. Work will proceed on the Healing Classes one at a time. Note: it is not worth your time to post about any Mana Management or OOM issues if you do not include a Debug Log since there won't be anything I can do.

      Quick note on Resto Shaman performance in Raids: the default settings will not spam Chain Heal and Healing rain trying to boost your LFR numbers. They are set to be cast in response to true raid damage rather than overhealing trying to grab the slightest bit of heal #'s for Recount epeen. If you want to maximize those numbers at the risk of going OOM, then raise the Health % the two AOE spells are configured for and reduce the number of Heal targets required. Also be sure to stand closer to the Melee pack than normal fo Spirit Link Totem to be effective (support for Totem Projection will be added in an upcoming release.)

      Quick note on Resto Shaman performance in Battlegrounds: will now focus on instant and Healing Surge heals to maximize burst healing and minimize time spent casting (hopefully reducing silences, etc.) Don't look for a lot of Greater Healing Waves.

      Be sure to set the Debug Logging option to 'true' before running the new Resto Shaman code as the information about mana levels and health levels I need won't be in the log file.

      As always, the prior version is still available for download. If you encounter a problem due to the new release of Singular you can always downgrade as needed.

      [B]--- Release ---[/B]
      change- Singular version # displayed as part of Combat Routine name in Combat Routine selection window.
      *new* - Healing Targets may now include raid member Pets. Pets will also be considered when evaluating AoE heals
      *new* - Friendly NPC's which are either the Current Target or Focus Target will now be included in the list of possible heal targets.  This allows healing of NPCs in encounters that require that strategy
      fixed - Arcane Torrent racial was being cast without range check.  now casts only if interrupting target within 8 yds
      fixed - Arcane Torrent and War Stomp are no longer cast if a crowd controlled enemy exists in AoE range
      change- standardized all "Casting ... on ...." messages.  Now include distance and approximate current health %
      change- Disable All Targeting setting changed to Targeting by Singular.  this accepts several values, with the default being Auto.  This setting will leave targeting enabled unless running under DungeonBuddy, LazyRaider, or Raid Bot
      fixed - no longer buffs out of combat when solo and waiting for invite while running either DUngeonBuddy or BGBuddy
      change- CastOnGround behavior used for spells cast on a ground location rather than directly on npc/player now accepts a string to describe the target which is output to log
      [B]Druid [/B]
      fixed - Feral - will no longer cast Cat Form while in aquatic form
      fixed - Frost - was incorrectly casting Ice Lance during AoE situation without Fingers of Frost proc
      fixed - All - Time Warp was cast at times even when Class Config setting was off
      change - Lowbie - changed to 28y pull distance and forcing stop at anything closer than 25y
      fixed - All - was ignoring the Use Speed Buff setting and always casting PW:S or Angelic Feather when running out of combat
      [B]Rogue [/B]
      fixed - All - was casting opener too quickly after moving behind target (generated facing errors)
      fixed - Combat - prior to learning Recuperate, will now cast Eviscerate if # of seconds target estimated to die is <= # combo points
      change- All - Fan of Knives will not be cast while Solo unless 3+ mobs (was previously 2)
      fixed - All - Fan of Knives no longer cast if AoE has been turned off
      change- All - when Solo and Pulling a Neutral mob, will wait to stealth until just before attack rather than at a distance allowing slightly faster movement to those mobs that do not aggro
      fixed - All - Pick Pocket will now stop movement briefly prior to casting spell to avoid large number of missed casts
      fixed - All - was checking Priest Use Speed Buff setting before using Blazing Speed.  corrected to reference new Rogue specific setting
      change- Elemental - spell priority for Battlegrounds changed to burst immediately 7 stacks of lightning shield and both shocks and elemental blast off cooldown
      fixed - Elemental - was never invoking burst routine if user had not specced for Elemental Blast
      *new* - Restoration - added setting for Mana Tide Totem %
      fixed - All Specs - bug which was preventing totems from being cast. This could affect all totems, but was most recently reported for Mana Tide
      change- Restoration - Riptide will now only be rolled on Tanks
      *new* - Restoration - setting for minimum # of Chain Heal targets
      *new* - Restoration - setting for minimum # of Healing Rain targets
      *new* - Restoration - setting for minimum # of heal targets for Ascendance
      change- Restoration - spell priority is Save the Group spells, then AoE spells, then Single target. previously it was was controller entirely by Health %
      fixed - Elemental / Enhancement - off healing logic for use of Ancestral Swiftness in Oh SHoot Heal
      *new* - Restoration - support for Purify Spirit to cleanse team mates.  Blacklist of spells that should not be cleansed is currently internal and should be  configurable in next release.  Disable Cleansing in Class Config if you encounter issues with dispel of an aura that should not be dispellee due to encounter mechanics
      change- Restoration - when a Chain Heal target is selected, will cast Riptide on that target first if not currently buffed
      change- Restoration - priority of Chain Heal changed to top-most and Healing Rain to next highest, regardless of health %
      change- Restoration - Raid default Health %'s used for healing Raids.  should provide improved heal #'s with greater mana efficiency.
      change- Restoration - Instance default Health %'s used for healing Instances.  should cast Healing Rain / Chain Heal much less frequently
      change- Restoration - Battleground default Health %'s used for healing all PVP.  will not cast Greater Healing Wave and focuses on instants and burst heals where possible
      fixed - Restoration - cancel direct heal casts in progress if targets health goes above maximum of Healing Wave, Greater Healing Wave, Healing Surge, and Ignore Mobs Above health % values.  Typically this should be the Ignore Mobs Above Health % value which defaults to 95%.  this should improve mana conservation and over healing #'s
      change- All - will now additionally cast Berserker Rage when Sapped
      fixed - All - no longer casts any combination of Charge, Heroic Leap, or Heroic Throw one after the other
      *new* - Arms - separate Battlegrounds spell priority.  Be certain to include log file on any feedback
      *new* - Arms - two different Instance spell priority added for 5.2, selectable by config setting.  ANY FEEDBACK ON THIS MUST INCLUDE LOG FILE
      Last edited: Mar 15, 2013
    10. Nazaruk

      Nazaruk Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Rogue still working bad with facing, pickpoketing and ambush
      Last edited: Apr 4, 2013
    11. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Nazaruk, Thanks for the post and complete log file! Please try Combat spec and let me know if that resolves your issues. If so I'll post a quick fix which addresses for Subtlety for you. -Bobby53
    12. ravenscar17

      ravenscar17 Member

      Aug 27, 2012
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      THX verry much man you save me !!!! sorry for time lose with me THX again works awesome!!!.
    13. bobby53

      bobby53 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      No worries and thanks for the posts! The fix simply suppresses casting Cat Form if you are in Aquatic. That means you should stay in that form until casting an attack or heal which will taking you out of that form at which point it will allow Cat Form to be cast for Combat. -Bobby53
    14. Uraku

      Uraku New Member

      Feb 18, 2012
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      Thanks for the Warrior changes! Still the only real combat routine to use with Warriors so I'm glad you're supporting them :)
      Are you still planning on implementing using defensives in Arms? It's a pretty important part of the kit in PvP :)

      Great work anyhow!
    15. Tazzy77

      Tazzy77 New Member

      Aug 13, 2012
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      Hey guys,

      Any chance for Warlocks you could add a % option for Drain Life spell. In all specs my lock casts drain life when at about 60% I believe and when fighting during quests, pvp and mobs in general it spams it instead of just destroying them.

      If possible to add a 0-100 option to choose from? Thanks in advance. Regards
    16. Haggy223

      Haggy223 New Member

      Mar 7, 2013
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      Feral Druid Idea:

      With Glyph of Savagery I can cast "Savage Roar" without Combat points before a fight. To increase damage by 30% for 12 seconds.
      Would it be possible to add that to the pre fight routine?

    17. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Hey Bobby. Here's a full log of the bug with no fighting back as I said I would post. It took a little while because of all these damned ninja patches, but here we go!

      In this case, it's a low level druid so it didn't have much to survive with so it ended up dying. In other cases on higher level chars it just stands there healing himself. I once intercepted my bot when someone whispered me if I was a bot because I was just standing still with flies attacking me and not fighting back. But because the flies were not aggressive (had to be actively pulled), and the bot was still healing himself, he figured that I was not simply afk. Luckily I was around and could give him some reason for the behavior, but it doesn't particularly make me feel safe leaving the bot.

      Anyway - here's a log (do you want me to post more logs when it happens again? It might help you determine a pattern - idk)

      Attached Files:

    18. Nazaruk

      Nazaruk Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Same problem in Combat such as Sub. Cant attach log because file size more 20 mb (spammed at same time ambush+pickpoketing+not behind mob)
      Last edited: Mar 15, 2013
    19. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      Here's another log where it doesn't fight back.

      Attached Files:

    20. Inrego

      Inrego New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 7, 2010
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      And another log. I know you don't like external links, but the zip was too big for attachment. I used dropbox public folder so it's a direct download link (not a link to a website where you have to click download button). You can right click the link and save as to get the zip.

      If you still don't trust it, please let me know of a way I can give you the log.

      https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22754116/No fighting back.zip

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