Isle of Thunder: Horde doesn't complete phase 3 The Beast Pens Which apparently is another phase 3 hub starter. Which leads to: Dino Might Direhorn Or Devilsaur Saur Loser
Hi Brodie, for the past few days this bot gets stuck an awful lot. Here is the most recent log, hope it helps!
The Klaxxi profile still makes my toon take the Manipulator augmentation. Also have you had any time to work on a Valor daily grind set up and a reputation set up or whatever it was that people were discussing on this thread several weeks ago? I know youve been busy with work and bug fixes but I was just wondering if there's any plans for that in the near future.
Is it not working for you? Ok...what seems to be the issue? Phase 3 is not implemented yet, as seen on post 1. Only partially...where are you stuck, doing what, where?
No I have not. If/when the set comes to a point where I'm not making 20+ changes per day, then I will. Until then, if you're afk'ing, it shouldn't be too much an issue. If you're watching it, you can always stop it and select the next intended profile. As for Klaxxi I assume you have the achievement for the enhancements already done?
Start daily grind. Daily Grind starts Golden lotus dailies. Golden Lotus dailies determines you have not done prereqs yet. Auto-Starts prereqs. Finishes prereqs. Starts dailies. Win.
I attached my logs, do they not show where? I can tell you one he just flies in the same spot near Halfhill, another is where the mogu are for the phase 1 quest hub for Golden Lotus. Those are two I can think of off the top of my head.
Logs only show instructions sent to the bot. If the bot just shows "behavior done" over and over, I can't see any of what's going on on your end.
[13:33:10.031 Q] Bot Stopped! Reason: Could not create current behavior in quest bot, exception was thrown. When switching to the Ihgaluk Crag dailies
Just as an update: I was going to push out Horde support for Phase 3 tonight, but because I could not get on to test, or collect the needed XYZs to finalize, I did not push it out tonight. Soon as Release for HB is available, I'll start running thru to finish up Beast Pens, and then start working on the 2nd area for phase 3. I would be pushing some of this out faster if wowhead would catch up and post more information on who to go to for turnins and pickups, and where they sit!
Firstly, you are using beta. I do not support beta. Any issues that arise specifically from HB Beta being used are strictly user choice to use said client. Second, the vast amount of errors coming from you log file are not profile related, but look to be from a library call, which could be stemming directly from HB, but that is outside my scope of expertise.