does anyone know what this means. Error trying to save the settings file: The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open. Mounting: Celestial Steed Error trying to save the settings file: The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open.
Landfall Quest: Flash! aaaaahhhhh! Got this Quest today again with my Druide. You asked me if this happens only on Druide in Flyform. Yes ... If i use the Item in Flyform my Toon moves out of the Fly form and fall down and run into Walls. If i use a normal Mount he stays on it and can use the item while he is in the Air.
Klaxxis Quest: Free from her Clutches My Druid has Problems sometimes to release the Hatchlings out of the Cage. Toon just run outside the Cage while targeting the Hatchling and gets Stuck a lot.
Any quest involving killing mobs that are "Neutral" aka. they have a yellow ring when clicked, the bot does not want to attack. It targets them but then do not engang in combat. After some time it blacklists tyhe mob and move on to another. But after a while it just blacklist that mob also, and so it goes on and on. Any help or fix for that? Cheers
I managed to complete the quest by casting the first spell on the mob by myself. The problem pops up once more in the golden lotus -> [Meating Expectations] where it has to kill "Yellow mobs" but are unable to attack them. Since its my first uploading an log-fine, and dont want to mess it up, Im going to read a tut first on how to get the right log and how to upload it corretly. heres an copy+paste of my log in-bot: "Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Thundermaw Looting Thundermaw Guid:0xF530E4580001499E Killing Fairlands Gazelle at distance 23. Cannot pull Fairlands Gazelle now. Blacklist for 3 minutes. Cannot pull Fairlands Gazelle now. Blacklist for 3 minutes. Killing Fairlands Gazelle at distance 24. Tried to move to Fairlands Gazelle for 45 seconds, blacklisting! Killing Fairlands Gazelle at distance 25. Cannot pull Fairlands Gazelle now. Blacklist for 3 minutes. Cannot pull Fairlands Gazelle now. Blacklist for 3 minutes. Killing Fairlands Gazelle at distance 20. Cannot pull Fairlands Gazelle now. Blacklist for 3 minutes. Cannot pull Fairlands Gazelle now. Blacklist for 3 minutes. Killing Fairlands Gazelle at distance 23. Killing Fairlands Gazelle at distance 25. Shadow Word: Death Dead Target removed (Fairlands Gazelle) Shadowfiend Renew Power Word: Shield Dead Target removed (Fairlands Gazelle)" I don't know if thats any help? Thanks for the fast answer mate. Edit. I seem to also have some problems targeting mobs in general. Sometimes my bot will just take a pounding over and over, and refuse to enter combat.
New reset day and first of many many errors preventing me from afk'ing and getting quests completed, yaaaay lol. GL - Burning away the filth. Code: [InteractWith-v419(error) @line 128]: [PROFILE ERROR]: Mogu Banner provided an unexpected Quest frame--terminating profile. Please provide an appropriate InteractByQuestFrameDisposition attribute to instruct the behavior how to handle this situation. On a side note, since you started working with Kickazz, your profiles are expericing same generic errors found troughout his lvling profiles. maybe just coincidence. I know im whining... also know i've said it before. But the more evolved this project gets, the less afkable it becomes Edit. Ouch, that came off quite offensive and ungrateful, but i dont know how to word it differently. This has been my main issue since day one of your project, for me, quality(=afk 100%) is worth endlessly more than having a "random" shot at completing x more quests per day.
Yeah sounds more like your CC than the profiles. I know for a fact it will target and attack those mobs to collect the items needed. If your bot is not, you should look into issues with your CC. Are you using Singular?
If you had read the last few days of posts, you'd notice that Burning Away the Filth is broken due to changes in HB Core. Major changes to InteractWith have caused issues like this while trying to simplify the Core system, and make it run more efficiently. So in essence, my profiles are experiencing the same generic errors as Kick's profiles because you are using HB. I received a Beta of InteractWith (v432) from ChinaJade this morning. It includes changes to, and not limited to, adding minimum range to item use (Burning Away The Filth's key issue), not dismounting when trying to interact (Free Spirit's key issue) and many more. This is a WORK IN PROGRESS and you are all beta testers of sorts. If this project was perfect, then I wouldn't need to spend so much time on it The changes to InteractWith and my profiles will be available in r193 sometime today.
r193 Additions to InteractWith I have added in ChinaJade's changes to InteractWith (That are also available via Kick's SVN, v432) This will add versatility to several quests that were missing a certain function to make them perfect (i.e. minrange modifiers) This is a BETA. This is not guaranteed to work (although I have enormous faith in it) so there will be NO flaming, QQ'ing, or raging tolerated for this. All bug reports should remain as civil as they have in the past. This is a large change, and I need to see how it works (and if it does) on the big scale. Good Luck, and may the RNGs be with you!
The path for your HB folder, and its profiles is too long. Once it exceeds 248 chars, it fails. Move your profiles folder to a lower tier folder, or even your desktop to fix this.
Thats fair enough, and its hard for me to judge what part is failing, HB, Profile, QB's or plugin... I didn't mind testing and reporting when it was current, now i just want it to work. And see'ing as some quest are reported as completed, would it be feasible to add the option to only choose 'Completed' quests in the profilechanger ? Like added option: All quests / Only completed, if you select only completed there is a tag for each quests and it'll ignore everything listed as untested ?
You can put all the plugins in the folder. As of right now I am only running profile changer, pandaria dailies V2, refreshement detection.
error Brod, [LoadProfile-v369(info) @line 137]: Loading profile 'Scripts\[Rep] Setting Sun Garrison [Brodie].xml' Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 255 - [<If Condition="(HasQuest(30266) && !IsQuestCompleted(30266))"> <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Starting Bloodied Skies" LogColor="Green" /> <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" QuestId="30266" LootMobs="True" PullDistance="1" /> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="721.186" Y="2340.127" Z="430.8784" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <While Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(30266)"> <CustomBehavior File="Misc\FixedCannon" QuestId="30266" MinAngle="0.2" MaxAngle="1" VehicleId="64336" Buttons="1" ExitButton="12" /> <CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="VehicleExit()" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" /> </While> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="682.0827" Y="2394.73" Z="447.0219" /> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="741.7631" Y="2342.811" Z="539.0228" /> </If>] Changing current profile to Setting Sun Garrison r174 [Profile Message]: Starting Setting Sun Garrison Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn [InteractWith-v432(fatal) @line 123]: [PROFILE ERROR] Leven Dawnblade provided an unexpected Quest frame--terminating profile. Please provide an appropriate InteractByQuestFrameDisposition attribute to instruct the behavior how to handle this situation. Fatal error. Stopping Honorbuddy. Bot Stopped! Reason: Fatal error in custom behavior InteractWith-v432.
First, update your QBs with mine (for the fixed cannon one). Second, I'll look into telling it to ignore quest frame on that NPC. Or refit it to do all the work. New quest acceptance code in IW, and I want to start making use of it.