Quest: Maximum Capacitor Killing "Metal Lord Mono-Han" Toon goes to his position, when he cast the Thunder Stone (i dont know this name) Toon runs up the Stairs and go back but stays in this Circle where he gets Dmg. Same when Metal Lord casts the Ground Effect, a lot of Dmg, Toon just stays in there.
Quest turnin: Forge Ahead! doesnt work. Toon just stay infornt of the NPC but doesnt turn in the quest. I turned in the Quest by Hand and my Toon doesnt pick up the next one, go back to the beginning and try to use the portal, but that fails too. Tested on Paladin and Druid.
Anyone else having the problem where your character is trying to move toward a target but only takes a couple of steps then stops? It only seems to happen with these profiles. Edit: It seems to be related to Profile Changer. I disabled it and it seems to be working now.
Properly setting up ProfikeChanger fixes it, as disabling it ensures your next post will be "bot isn't swapping profiles"
I reported this issue a few days ago as well. I keep seeing "set up profile changer correctly" - but there really isnt much to it. What is it that people (including me) could be doing wrong? You check the boxes, you point to your daily grind xml, and you click save. there really is no setup. i think it comes down to what you need to delete each day to make it work, which i'm still trying to figure out. it's not the cache folder or the compiled assemblies folder. I did a totally clean install (literally delete HB folder, and re-download all svns etc, which is a total pain in the ass) and i'm waiting to see if that fixes it. i let dailies run over night but i came back this morning and it was still in golden lotus land. i havent had a chance to look at why.
Just re-tried a fresh install with a tiny profile path C:\Dailies It's looping again ; ( Stand still, and throws errors )
Each time HB is launched, you must hit ProfileChanger's save button. We are aware of this extra step as an issue.
Looks like its utilizing a NonCompete call, which is semi-new interactwith. I'll look into the default and see if I can change this to ignore people near portal. It's blacklisting based solely on someone near it.
Seem to be more issues in the Quest Behaviors, and I copied and pasted all the QB's from ur svn. -- A Feast for the Senses * Goes afk while doing this quest after it fished up all the mats.
With the addition to a minrange modifier in InteractWith, I'll need to just make a few changes to cage interaction. Since default is 0, I need to find out what the minimum outside the cage radius is in order to interact.
QBs underwent a giant overhaul in v556. Because of this, any QBs that were not updated to match the new specifications will cause errors within the If statements (where applicable) they are included in. So instead of failing on loading, HB will flat out skip the If statement. One of the biggest culprits is CastSpell.cs, which needed to be updated, and is a major cause of ProfileChanger failure if you haven't. Updating the QB fixes that issue. If you update the QB from my SVN and it still doesn't work, then let me know and i'll add further testing to said QB, as there may be another underlying reason.
Lots of this. Starting the bot! Currently Using BotBase : Questing Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired Bot Stopped! Reason: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent was never fired
Activity: Moving to interact with Assignment Map I tried running IoT dailies for the first time today, and this is all I get spammed in the window. Is there prereq's or something for the dailies? I haven't had time to do hardly any quests on IoT. I will throw up the log in case it helps.
noticed 2 problems so far (yes i have done a fresh reinstall of everything in the last 12 hours) On the GL Dailys.. the "cannonfire quest" It always falls off the ledge of one of the cannons furthest left.. then when i manunally move it to the cannon it sits on top of it forever spamming it yet it doesnt do anything different or add to the quest.. Then ALSO the "Free Spirits" quest It doesnt click the bears... it just runs to them.. mounts .. unmounts.. mounts and Eventually dies if it had aggro'd someone. you have to manually click the bears...
The bot is not properly interacting with the Assignment Map for Isle of Thunder. It keeps trying to get there, walking, but no interaction. View attachment 6048 2013-04-17 16.12.txt