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  • HB not moving (again)

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by grinder, Oct 19, 2012.

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    1. starl1te

      starl1te New Member

      Feb 20, 2012
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      jesus christ, are you guys really still asking for logs? Apoc are you seriously suggesting that the problem is on the users end, that you just "fixed" the server so everything should be fine? Maybe we should reinstall, or move the mesh folder, or add a firewall exception?

      It's the EXACT same issue that's been going on for weeks now - Gatherbuddy simply stops after a few minutes and stays hovering in the air forever, stopping and starting it does nothing, shutting down the bot and relogging in DOES fix it - for 3 more minutes after which it stops again. There is never anything useful in the logs.

      YOUR SERVERS ARE BROKEN. whatever little communication the bot is doing, it's not getting through. even in areas where we already have all the tiles meshes etc because we've botted there for 50 hours already - it still will not work, will not pick up a herb right in front of it, all because it can't connect to your non-functioning servers.

      Apoc I know you guys want to prevent piracy but WHY THE FUCK does HB need to "call home" every minute. WHY THE FUCK can we not run a combat routine with lazyraider where we move and target manually without it calling home every min. Do your goddam DRM check once per day, you won't lose a penny of revenue. if you can't fix the servers, fix the bot - you really think you can prevent future server problems? someone will just DDOS them every other day.

      Pirox had auth server issues and you know what? it affected us not at all because he let his customers use their paid products without relying on calling home every 60 sec, leading to the bot being at risk of stopping at any moment and staying stopped till someone realized many hours later and reset the servers.
    2. Yuki

      Yuki New Member

      Mar 25, 2012
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      Same issue... baught this bot afew days ago and tbh i havent been able to use it very well at all...
      Please fix this.
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