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  • HB product plan? pls read

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Kowpye, Sep 27, 2012.

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    1. xsol

      xsol Member

      Nov 7, 2011
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      It really is to bad you have no idea what it takes to keep a program like this going. Now, I will admit it sucks Singular is not working yet, but these things have to be tested -> fixed -> tested, and regardless of what you may think people have to sleep, and have lives, it really just sounds like you are upset because things are not perfect yet and you want it NAO NAO NAO. I paid same as you and have things working well enough to be satisfied for NAO


      In two weeks or so most things will be back in shape, but people have a lot on their plates
    2. Croga

      Croga Well-Known Member

      Jun 7, 2010
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      Oh here we go with the car analogies.....

      If you buy a car with an OEM stereo and the OEM stereo doesn't receive the channel you want to listen to or doesn't have a cassette player even though you want it then the only thing you can do is buy an aftermarket one.

      Also; you haven't payed for a service. You've payed for a product. The product you bought still works flawlessly. Sadly however, Blizzard has changed their product. As a courtesy to you, The Gang is updating the product to work with Blizz' changes. You didn't pay for that but you still get it.

      Back to the car analogies. You've bought a car that runs on concrete roads. The Government now decides that all roads will be made of Indian Phakir nail-beds. Sadly your car now doesn't work anymore. Are you going back to the car manufacturer to demand he update your car?........

      I sure do love you all. And just because of that love I am running my bot just about 24*7 at the moment, raking in the golds selling raw mats on AH since most people on this forum seem to be whining instead of botting.
    3. Natfoth

      Natfoth Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      All the devs are working as hard as they can, the thing about the plugins,profiles,ccs is not to make the community to do it but ALLOW the community to do it while we are still updating. All the tools are there IF you want to do that, if not we are always working on fixes and will continue to work on fixes and additions. I will keep assisting on support issues and keep people updated but it slows the core devs down to answer everything so I only post when I am able to.
      xsol likes this.
    4. Soff7fan

      Soff7fan New Member

      Apr 1, 2012
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      I really don't like the amount of 'fanboy defensive' arguments that get thrown here just like in D3 (even when the developers admitted to the poor state and instituted discounts/benefits as an apology for the problems) when in the beginning their was a constant amount of derailing of threads sparked by comments framed like this one above when it started structured, and constructively, so I was going to b**ch, and moan and choose to ignore the hypocrisy and irony that I would be committing, but I'll try to take a more constructive approach.

      Their is a plethora of problems going around I every half hour have to edit / trouble shoot/ or w/e else to fix something, and half of this I wouldn't know how to do without expertise ( which shouldn't be a requirement to enjoy a product unless advertised as such ), but the reality is what Croga's points are is inherently true. All these problems only have three obvious paths, Devs fixes them, Community ( includes you ) fixes them, HB complodes, and they won't get fixed. So all this borderline 'philosophical' approaches to how to fix, and talk these problems out aren't that helpful unless you do specific things like Croga outlined. Even if you do have an ingenius plan to improve, or add something that happens to actually be good, and efficient/possible programming wise they likely wouldn't focus on it in a time where they need to fix the basic shit.

      So either post specific problems, and do the guidelines to help the devs fix them. Look up ways to fix yourself/contribute by fixing them for the community, or the most likeliest option is just wait. As I stated I've encountered a lot bugs/quests/problems, and even when I knew how to troubleshoot/work around it I didn't think it's even worth putting them up at the present time because the forums just get flooded with problems that usually are just apart of something else, usually the basic shit. Once kick's profiles are back fully to shape, the combat routines, and some of the little rampant kinks within the QuestingBoT/BGbot/etc are fixed 85%+ of people's issues will be cleared. It sucks that we ever have to wait for things we want, but considering this is a small business that has to make a product for a game where the game makes no attempt to facilitate, and often attempts to prevent said product from working, this type issues should be expected.
    5. cg1203im

      cg1203im New Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      I am very, very sorry, and maybe i will get banned. but i have to say this: Coega, you are an ass licking idiot. nothing more, nothing less. sorry to get personally, but i felt i had to say it.

      what i bought. (February this account i think) but what i bought yesterday (look at WOW Bots Gatherbuddy & Honorbuddy)

      i bought:

      Forum Support

      Our paid Customer Service and our large user community on our forums solve issues very quickly
      ... i think 8 weeks since this WoW patch is available. 8 Weeks is everything else than QUICKLY


      All Bot Types

      Honorbuddy combines multiple Bot Types, that also can be used together, as for example Archaeology and Dungeons
      ... nothing works as it should


      Easy Key Delivery

      Once paid, you will get you key within 5 Minutes and after 10 more you already are already using Honorbuddy
      ... I cant use Honorbuddy. because singular is not working. i didn"t buy a community. i bought a Bot


      Well Documented

      Honorbuddy Features are well documented or self explaining, it is really easy to use it

      ... thats a joke.

      see, i got nothing for what i paid.

      and Corga, better shut up
    6. Aevitas

      Aevitas Well-Known Member Staff Member Buddy Core Dev

      Mar 2, 2010
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      And that, good sir, has earned you a day on vacation. We don't condone personal insults, period.

      As for your statement regarding HonorBuddy being down for an extended period of time since the release of 5.0, we take it down to perform maintenance on the bot and implement improvements we would otherwise not have the time for, and with such a big patch and the bot needing an overhaul to work with it here anyway, we figured we might as well make the bot work better for you. We do this so that in the future, HB will work smoother, and has a broader support for new features. You don't have to pay separately for that, it's all in the price. Personally, I'm not a fan of this entitled bullcrap, you bought a product for a set price, and we offer continuous support and updates, at no cost. And still you manage to whine when it takes us longer than usual to update Honorbuddy for a huge WoW patch, I really can't fathom.
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