What version of HB2 should I use, with version It killed for awhile and now says moving to hotspot and nothing happens on a lvl 10 warrior.
Do you have to get the start the quests by hand? because it will just grind things in the area rather than going to get the quest and things like that
He should grab them automatically when you spawn. Create a new char, let him stand on the spawnpoint & turn on HB2. Ofcourse I am. Otherwise I wouldn't name it after my forumnick right?
Nothing wrong with your profile mate, it's a HB bug when it just grinds and doesnt do the quest's hurry up with your 20-30 quests your profile is flying levels on my warrior xD hehe
Hehe how much /played you have? ^^, Yeah I'm on it mate, but as I told in my first post I always like to tweak my profiles to maximum before relasing them to make levels fly away
Thanks for the profile Getting stuck at 56.0, 73.9 Durotar in sen'jin village while trying to get to a quest giver and some serious drowning possibilities at Durotar 60.3, 72.5
As mentioned in the first post @ the 1-10 Note, he gets stuck in sen'jin due to Mesherrors, not the profile's fault. The profile can't handle the drowning either.
So, if i didn't wan to re roll a toon, should i just wait for him to be high enough to go to the next zone. And from there he will pick up the quests?
Heya, I'd like to finnish my 20-30 area before expanding my profile to more starter areas. But I've considered it though.
Hello Wajke Thanks for this profile so far i have had a few problems getting ganked but it is a rogue toon so i think thats why but i would like to say im level 14 and have done alot quests Many Thanks Techz REP + P.S any news on 20-30 release date i think we are all waiting for it
Review of 1-10: Overall, I'm very impressed and very happy. First 5 levels flew by, and since I was aware of the Sen'jin nav problem, I was close by for that. Went outside for a while and let the bot do its thing, came back around level 9. Learned all the new shaman spells and went to do the totem quest by hand. Was making good progress until the Zalazane quest. The big problem seems to be with the bot wanting to run past groups of mobs because they're not needed for the quest and then getting itself killed because it pulled 3-5 mobs. Also, the vodoo trolls heal themselves so if you aren't a class that can interrupt, that may be a problem. Overall though, I'm very happy and can't wait to get into the barrens. Good work Wajke.
Sorry for taking such a time developing this. I spent this day entirely on playing starcraft II since it is the last day of the SCII beta. I had to play a few matches before it takes a break in an eternity. I'll try release 20-30 ASAP even though I'll make sure it's efficient & safe to use.
Bot enjoys drowning while doing Practical Prey. Also has some trouble picking up that quest. It stood behind the platform and jumped, unstuck loop, and started over till I manually moved my character to the quest giver by going up the ramp in the front. Flawless otherwise. Thanks a lot for the hard work.