While using Dungeonbuddy, the CC consistently tries to cast chasties, even tho I have set the aura to Sanctuary... Edit: Nvm, it helped when I did swapped over to Chastie manually and then let the bot swap over to Sanctuary. However, I get higher on the healing meter manually than when using the bot. however, it is a nice tool to have while wanting to slack in LFR ^^ Good job tho. The Disc priest version however is awesome! Btw: It does not seem like the CC uses lightwell(atleast not with the talent for it)
You have to set it to 0% and not 100%. Try and you will see a great smite work Sorry I now its for holy priest here
Disc Priest here- No idea why it continues to use HEAL over and over again and rarely, and i mean rarely uses Smite or Holy Fire, heal shouldnt be a filler - I have tried HEAL set to 0, set to 100 and set to numerous in betweens and it still is only casting it- I have done the above and set Attonement to 0 and it still wont do it, any help would be appreciated, thank you.
There's hope to be able to see this CC for a shadow priest? Thank you in advance and I wish you for your work
Many people ask me for shadow priest,ret and holy paladin and elemental shammy.... do you really need theese CC? there aren't good ones? I know thuana's cc are good.
TuanHA's pala is very good. Don't spend time on that I haven't found a decent Ele Shamy or destro warlock cc. Sure there is Pure but for example your mage (tested frost) or priest (disc) is much better than pure imho.
hey attilio76 i read on here some pages back that holy priest needs a major rework? is this true? has anyone tried it recently? how is it performing? edit: thought i posted this message already a hour ago or something, but i dont see it anywhere. checked last few pages too. so if i did double post, sorry!
Hi, played a while with my holypriest to cap tp/lfr etc. and saw, that the priest faces to target or whatsoever. Wou?ld be nice, if this could be disabled/erased from the cc.
Crashing my wow when I try to select the CC. deleted the folder in the first post, still doesn't work. after digging it suggest deleting customclasses folder as well, however I do not have that folder. ANy help?
Yes true... customclasses folder is no more present: delete compiledassemblies folder and reSVN CC. Be SURE you are in Holy or Discipline Spec.
Hey Love the CC but is there anyone out there that do have a nice config for Holy priest LFR.. do tend to run out of mana, but he is mana heavy thnx for your time
Hiya I'm curious if I can use this to quickly switch between AoE healing chakra and single target for five mans.
Hii Att , i'm using the Kingheal with Holy and when i turned on the framelock it's become laggy and fps dying so I tunrned it off and the fps goes up BUT the heal is too bad Any clue please
I disable dispell and reactive framelock , still the fps never goes up and thats so annoying -.- just to let you know i use the same cc for frost mage with active framelock and everything is fine !
I've been using this and singular (on and off) I don't like or I should say I'm having trouble getting the bot to use the AOE chakrah and the single target where appropriate. Maybe I'm not looking in the right area but especially in five mans I don't always need to cast sanctuary.