Not only King-wow xml directories but CompiledAssemblies directory too. (HB create this folder every start when compiling CC,plugin etc)
Hello great work. CR works great. What's missing is a hotkey to switch from "Chakra: Sanctuary" to "Chakra: Serenity"
well well, thus far. it seems like a good priest cc. for holy atleast. had no mana issues whatsoever during heroics. ain't got the gear for LFR yet tho. so yeah, Good job! ^^ 16k HPS I was second in the healing meters at the second boss in MVG up until the 38% mark(when I ended up being oom). So At the best part of the fight I was around 40kHPS. But when the fight was done, I ended up with 30kHPS. But overall, it seems like a good CC for raiding. Might need some tweaking to help perserve mana better. Either that, or it's just my healing gear. haha. But my gear should be up for the job anyways... GJ ^^ btw: It would have been nice, if the bot used Smite/Holy fire or something if mobs attacked me in solo mode. Kinda nice, to be able to farm herbs while i'm waiting for a dungeon/raid So annoying when i'm trying to study, and the mobs attack me
For Mana i will do a check during casting to avoid overhealing and preserve mana. You can start tune correctly GUI value for your equip. Defalut values used by me for testing consume much mana. A DPS mini rotation already exist: it is enabled if not using lazyraider or raidbot for example if you are farming and use GB2 Dps is enabled. I know there are many things to adjust but i'm alone developing there CC and another one is coming.....(until i complete my Main/AlT characters!! lol)
absolutely an amazing cc as ive said before. for LFR it tops me in both disc and holy spec...and i have time to actually watch the raid ..whether good or bad...but I have time to enjoy other dynamics. I mostly run it in lazyraiders - raidbot mode at 60 frames. in 5 man HC's i use Lazyraider in ordinary settings. also testet in a few 10 mans pugs. Effortless nicely working - but entirely more attention ofc needed that on lfr's 90 Heroics instances....i dont need to be there ,,,P edit: Thank you so much for this masterpiece . suggestion/wish : to be able to have a "set" of profiles in settings...say 3 ? i could tune for lfr's, 10 man mop's, and 5 man HC's./ everydays ? suggestion.: Freeze development on this ? ..its allready 99.99 perfect.
Just started using this tonight for running randoms (level 50 atm) and I have noticed it's not using pw: shield on anyone other than me, Is there a setting somewhere I am missing to have it cast this on the tank?
As Holy is not so efficent cast PW:S so not implemented for holy. may be in next patch i will add. Actually i'm working on enhancement shaman(basic version), improvement performance in coding, mana efficence (cecking during casting target hp to avoid overhealing), drink/eating bug fix in questing/combatbot/GB2 basebot.
I have tried installing your CC as you suggest with bot SVN and zip file in clean/new HB it is in the routines folder but it dosn't ask for me to select a cc just singular opens up what am I doing wrong please? Merv
BASIC BETA Enhancement shaman Delete autotarget GUI option from holy/disci Hope fix eating/drinking bug Code optimization Minor fix.
CC Must stay in: "Your-Honorbuddy-directory"\Routines\ you must have this tree: "Your-Honorbuddy-directory"\Routines\king-wow "Your-Honorbuddy-directory"\Routines\Singular if this is correct (as it seems) than may be a problem in compiling: report any compile error when HB start.
In 2 boss in HoF when along the corredor tornados come,.. And we need GO left and right to avoid tornados,.. Renew will be spam, and circle of healing as available.,,,... But none of this spells was done,... That was a movement fight, and in this case we need all instant casts to support healing while all the raid move
Tune better GUI settings. In this figth for example i set renew HP 90% and circle_of_heling HP 95 NUMBER 2 and use will. now a new GUI setting is available to save mana casting heal/flash Heal/and greater heal try it too
How do I find compile error ? As I said I have done this in 2 clean installs. Thanks for such a fast response. Merv
can't seem to use cc. Says something like error with kingwowutil. I don't have log because it crashes HB. Edit: trying the deleted files suggestion you gave a few pages back. Thanks.
I've kingwowutil error when i choose cc. I've delete files in compiledassemblies and reboot svn check but always the same great cc anyway ! After mins... : Forgot CustomClasses, shame on me, everything work now