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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Mar 7, 2013.

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    1. cg1203im

      cg1203im New Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      they never care ptr's. how long time was MoP in beta testable? and a stable HB came 3 month after MoP release
    2. quaizar

      quaizar New Member

      Mar 8, 2013
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      You do realize that a MAJOR patch just came out. These guys are usually same day fixes when a minor patch comes out. Do you go on blizz forums to complain too when there are bugs or when the servers go down for an hour? Get over yourself and realize that they're aware and fixing the problem. Oh noooos I have to play the game to get my gear for a day or two!!!
    3. FatheadBlah

      FatheadBlah New Member

      Jun 21, 2012
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      Does your vagina bleed this much every day the WoW servers are down??

      put a cork in it.
    4. holz

      holz New Member

      Feb 5, 2010
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      Damn should have read that before paying 24 Euro... Didn't expect the reputation of the best WoW bot will fall so low. Looks like someone expects easy money to flow... :(
    5. holz

      holz New Member

      Feb 5, 2010
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      According to the current speed of bug fixing i highly doubt that we will see stable BG Bot in 1-2 days. If it wasn't that bad i wouldn't bitch.
    6. gadam21

      gadam21 New Member

      Dec 16, 2011
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      I never really respond to these sort of posts as this is the last thing the developers need when it comes to fixing the problems but when people like this idiot start bad mouthing the bot I am forced to post.

      Heres a revolutionary idea, PLAY THE FUCKING GAME YOURSELF!!!

      If honor and conquest means this much to you go bloody earn it.

      As for your 25 euro, I am sure you have had more than your monies worth out of the bot over the last few years and as many before me have commented a major patch just came out expect some downtime. Blizzard could have changed something fundamentally when releasing the patch compared to what was last on the PTR.

      We went into the raid on Wednesday night and guess what? The boss abilities were different so do you think that they might have also changed the way the bot interacts with the game?

      You should be paying these guys every time a patch goes out in my opinion as your one off fee more than covers what they have to go through. I am sure all of them have hardly slept since this patch went live trying to cater to the likes of these idiots.

      Be patient and I am sure the bot will be back to working order.

      Keep it up devs you are doing a great job as I would much rather wait for a stable release than rush in and get myself banned in the process.

      If I have offended you tough shit cause you fucking deserved it.

    7. hemco91

      hemco91 New Member

      Oct 23, 2012
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      Take a chillpil and show some respect for these guys... you should go and make such yourself!
    8. Ambivalence

      Ambivalence New Member

      Mar 3, 2013
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      You are aware of the purpose of a PTR and the differences between one and a live realm post-patch right? the coding on the PTR isnt necessarily the same nor is the behavior of the game. Blizz uses the PTR to flush out issues and bugs in the system so they can correct them before the release of the actual patch. That being said trying to recode these bots on a PTR is kinda futile because once the patch goes onto the live realms it may not be anything like the PTR. Many features of these bots are working fine and its impatient, rude people like you that discourage the devs from trying harder because you don't appreciate their work and you behave like an entitled brat. Ive gotten almost everything to function besides questing and the queing for BG's.

      Also, my license cost roughly $35 and it lasts a decade. WoW charges $15/month and you wanna complain about a week without a bot. You sir, need to get out, breathe in a little life and make a friend before your attitude towards other people gets any worse.

      I would just like to say that in my opinion you guys (The Devs) are doing a top notch job getting things running smoothly again, and on behalf of anyone who agrees with me Thank you HonorBuddy staff, for taking your own time to create this killer product and share it (idc if its not free, that capitalism for ya lol) Looking foreward to learning more about coding and maybe making my own contribution to an amazing product. Much love and thanks again
    9. holz

      holz New Member

      Feb 5, 2010
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      I see u r very though at defending your fellow developers. Then answer me a simple question: Why the fuck on the earth you guys didn't prepare for 5.2 and tested your Bot on PTR. You had three fuckin month to do so. And you could avoid all that fuss and criticism if you did your job well. Instead you showed your ignorance and your attitude toward your customers. I'm a learning developer myself and i know that all bugs and problems cannot be anticipated and fixed rapidly but what i cannot stand is your ignorant, lazy attitude and bad awareness about new content. BG were opened on PTR (I was playing there!) and if u tested the BOT there i'm sure there were much less disappointed people like me. Now is the time when i need the Bot most and it doesn't work...You should have warned people at least that the stable version will be released in 3 months etc. So most of us wouldn't waste money now! Very bad attitude toward your costumers!
    10. blaza

      blaza New Member

      Feb 25, 2013
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      / Sign ...
    11. gadam21

      gadam21 New Member

      Dec 16, 2011
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      For a start I am not a developer and in no way affiliated with the Honorbuddy team, I am a paying customer like yourself who has enjoyed this bot for years with absolute no problems. I respect the people that work here and know that they put in a dam good shift for the likes of you mouthbreathing idiots who cant lift their hands to play a few days themselves.

      The reason they couldn't prepare for this on PTR has been pretty much summed up in the post above yours if you had even bothered to read it.

      If I was a part of the Honorbuddy team I would ban freeloading people like you that provide absolutely nothing to the community apart from whining when a major content patch comes out that their precious bot isn't working when they wake up the next morning. I do not provide much myself but I at least have the decency to not moan and complain two days after that it still isn't working.

      Amen Ambivalence we need more people like us.

      Keep it up Devs.

    12. Purify

      Purify New Member

      Nov 20, 2011
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      You are addicted to wow, this is a great oppertunity to do discover the real life. what do you get out of botting 24/7 pixel in an imaginiary world?
    13. holz

      holz New Member

      Feb 5, 2010
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      I think the files that are used on PTR will be used on Live Servers. Untill Blizz changes the game mechanics and files completely i see no reasons you cannot work with PTR files. The stuff on PTR changes, true but if you work hard you can adjust bot to the changes. I don't believe that new patch and mechanics behind it greatly differ from what was on PTR. Untill you prove me wrong i will believe in that.
      I'm rude because i fuckin pay money for it. Make it free and i will shut up. Developers are getting paid because its not free product there goes their motivation (motivated by money = biggest motivation!). Besides i'm angry because u did yo job bad and didn't prepare for 5.2!
      The most important part is BG. Make it work properly and people will be happy
    14. holz

      holz New Member

      Feb 5, 2010
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      I was addicted before now not anymore. This is the reason i havent used the bot for the last two years. See my registration date. I was here from the beginning. But then i quit WoW and about 3 month ago i started to play my Rogue again. Now when this is a Rogue patch i want to gear my Rogue and the bot is not working great!
    15. gadam21

      gadam21 New Member

      Dec 16, 2011
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      The most important part isn't battlegrounds its keeping the bot undetectable. Do you think the community wants everyone logging on with screwed up bots and getting banned the next day.

      We all pay money for it and the majority of the devs do this in their spare time so give them a fucking break. Would like to see you get the bot up and running two days after the patch error free.

      Just had a quick scan through all of your previous posts - every single one of them complaining about the bot being broken after the patch.
    16. saulo

      saulo New Member

      Mar 8, 2013
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      Hello guys,

      What user i put here?


      Uploaded with ImageShack.us
    17. projektt

      projektt Active Member

      Sep 21, 2010
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    18. Ambivalence

      Ambivalence New Member

      Mar 3, 2013
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      Thats where you enter the Key that you purchased. Log into your email and look for an email from honorbuddy or log into your buddyauth account and look there to find the key
    19. grig

      grig New Member

      Dec 28, 2012
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      PTR =/= Live brohan. Can't prepare much on the test realms because shit ain't working properly there. Not saying they can't figure some stuff out prior to patch release on live don't get me wrong, but to expect a fully updated bot right on patch day or even 2 days after that is retarded

      Yeah, you payed money for it. So? Do you currently pay the developers to step it the fuck up because you're impatient? No.

      So yeah... have a sit, take a deep breath and calm the fuck down.
    20. Kassec

      Kassec New Member

      Mar 6, 2013
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      This is were you are wrong. First, each PTR update will bring issue in the bot, even minor one. So it means spending time patching over and over again during months. That's time consuming and means something else is not done meanwhile. Next, would that be helpfull ? Probably not because the gap between the last PTR version and the live server may be huge. So, one side, you can spend 2-3 days a week patching things on PTR during months and maybe hope this will let you correct issues in 3 days when it comes live, but not sure. Other side, you can give up on PTR (or maybe just have an eye there without spending too much time) and hope to catch up with issues in 4-8 days when it comes live. Choice is easy, you spend time on improving things for your customers and when patch comes live you do what you can. Would love to see comm from Bossland about this (later guys, just stick to dev right now!) but I guess I'm not far from truth.
      Last edited: Mar 8, 2013
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