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  • Honorbuddy Announcement 21th May 2015

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bossland, May 21, 2015.

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    1. TheLoFaT

      TheLoFaT New Member

      May 10, 2014
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      This sounds like your battle.net application updating and going through your files and folders to locate what games you have installed on your machine. Many other game companies do this such as Steam, Origins, etc. It's their way of keeping track of what software they have on or not on your machine at the time. I personally never even use the battle.net app. If the battle.net app is already aware of the games(let's say WoW) and has already indexed it's location your disc. You can cancel those searches regardless since there is nothing else more for it to locate.

      This wasn't by any means some kind of unwarranted search and seizure of you information. Clearly for two reasons.
      1. If...and I mean a really big if... Blizzard was trying to search your machine for third party programs(which are not illegal to own, only against WoW's ToS/EULA to be running along with the actual WoW client). There never would of been any onscreen notifications for you such as the pop up you so describe of it saying it was scanning folders. This would of been done without notice. Which is illegal.

      2. Going back to the reason that Blizzard would have an easier time just capturing your process information to see if your client was or was not hooked. You could have all sorts of truly illegal things on your hard drive and/or other bots/programs/malicious crap. It doesn't prove anything if Blizzard can't link it to your account. The only for sure way that their staff can do this for so many accounts is to have determined it through your processes report. Showing abnormalities with the wow process under stipulations that they have tested only to result from the HB client being hooked into the wow client.

      You guys can delete your HB programs all you want for your own safety. A little too much paranoia in my honest opinion though.
    2. Lemur30

      Lemur30 New Member

      Nov 11, 2013
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      Lets say I only use garrison bot (that I never did but its a example) to do the stupid farm of herbs and ore on my 11 level 100s toons with level 3 garrison, just because that thakes in average 1 hour or more, and I dont have the time... how is that diferent from people buying tokens for real life money, that they dont have time to farm? Do they have a advantage on me, me that dont have money, and even need to farm gold to sell for "Ipaytowin"ers for real life money so I can have some cash irl?

      I would say there is no diferente levels of cheating, ok I can agree with you on that one, but you saying I have a advantage on the non botter when he can just buy his leves, gold, gear, etc? i call that serious bullsht
    3. Frayman

      Frayman Member Legendary

      Apr 5, 2013
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      they sure do ...just think of all the accounts they just sold to us botters the last few weeks already
    4. hazard

      hazard Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 16, 2010
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      Honorbuddy Announcement 21st May 2015


      Honorbuddy Announcement 21th May 2015

      Just had to correct that title :D lol
    5. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Another Blizzard fanboy,
      another useless wall of text.

      How could you write 28 lines of test without a single proof behind your words?

      Blizzard is doing this, Blizzard is gonna do that ... yea of course - because you have just witnessed this from Blizzard's office right now? Stop dreaming!

      Blizzard is just a company, yes, with much more financial resources than Bossland GmbH, for example. But that have not helped them much in the last 5 years, till last week's wednesday, at least.
      It was lawsuits, it was pseudo-banwaves, it was HB-named codes in the game files. They tried virtually anything in the last years to stop HB and they achieved ZERO success! Honorbuddy was up, running and growing ... unstoppable!

      Then 7th of May 2015 came, with one of the many court hearings, and SHOCK!:
      So there is no doubts that Blizzard have done something breaking!

      Were they lucky to identify some lua elements, leaving tracks on the server logs,or done some desperate or furious move with running malware for short periods of time in the last few months?

      We yet have to find out!

      But one is solid!

      They suspended tons of accounts: Heavy botting accounts, barely botting accounts, never-botting accounts, active accounts, frozen accounts.

      That means only one! They cleared their database off all the accounts, accused for any kind of botting in their noticeable past (3-6 months probably).

      So there is no surprise, how very different behaved accounts got hit, even these, frozen for 3+ months!
    6. TheLoFaT

      TheLoFaT New Member

      May 10, 2014
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      I am by no means a fanboy of Blizzard and I am not here to fight against the fellow people in the community. Speculation like everyone else but speaking from the more rational and legal standpoint of things. I do also believe that the outcome in court did have an effect in this recent turn of events for Bossland. Could speculate theories on that all day long but it would be outside the scope of what is important and at hand.

      Saying that frozen accounts where tagged and banned is further proof to say that Blizzard could of had detection long before hand. This somewhat nullifies your statement of saying that HB is unstoppable anyways. Since Blizzard is the one pulling the trigger on the bans it is only fair enough to assume that they could just as easily be controlling their decision to ban. It is not proof to claim that just because no one has been banned in years of botting that Blizzard hasn't known about it or had the potential to do anything.

      The things I stated were from the standpoint as a programmer and are indeed more common and logical then believing that Blizzard is hacking your computer or some dumb crap like that. If you think that you know more about it then enlighten us? I am welcome to criticism and I'd rather listen to someone more rational then people who want to disable bgbuddy like they think it will make a difference. Cheers.
    7. tomcruise

      tomcruise Banned

      Jan 15, 2011
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      Holy shit you are dumb.
    8. Lemur30

      Lemur30 New Member

      Nov 11, 2013
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      tons of ppl that botted in March, not May, and they didnt get banned, I have one of those at home...
    9. yankee0027

      yankee0027 New Member

      Jan 11, 2015
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      yeah i haven't botted in couple months and i didn't get banned it was something recent

      Also thought everyone knew that they ban in waves to send a message
    10. scarar

      scarar New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      I think Blizzard added a way to detect HonorBuddy only because my other accounts wasn't touched at all. Its weird why one account got hit but the other account didn't. I'm usinf ***** for now until HonorBuddy comes back full swing again. Hopefully, their a way to detect Blizzard from scanning for HonorBuddy or any form of C# data
    11. namook

      namook Member

      May 5, 2012
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      Just odd that when ever I have updated never have I seen that but I can only give them the benefit of the doubt.
    12. patrik-x

      patrik-x New Member

      Mar 31, 2013
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      Laugh my ass of to all of you who knows best and have all info =) lol.

      Speculations all of it.!

      i am gonna bot like crazy as soon as it goes online =)
      Last edited: May 22, 2015
    13. arenaholigan

      arenaholigan New Member

      May 6, 2015
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      this that mean HB will back tomorrow or after tomorrow?
    14. tt1x1

      tt1x1 New Member

      Oct 1, 2013
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      Hope it gets ready soon enough, thank you for your awesome work guys!
    15. Frayman

      Frayman Member Legendary

      Apr 5, 2013
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      I dont attest to know anything about Blizzard and thier intentions but I wonder if it isnt more currency driven all of these bans. Sure they dont like HB, but they quietly havent done much over the past 5 years to control or even impact botting, but suddenly they introduce the wow token and enter that "gold selling arena" and bam HB gets hit hard. And dont kid yourself, Blizzard knows for sure us botters will just make new accounts and spend a crapload of real currency to play again. Who wins? Blizz.
    16. Lemur30

      Lemur30 New Member

      Nov 11, 2013
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      I noticed tokens are more expensive in EU, always 40kish... before would go from 32k ish to 42k ish
    17. Hordebegone

      Hordebegone New Member

      Feb 22, 2015
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      I honestly think blizzard had to use methods more illegal due to mass ban waves on all of us. Like aion has stated they have not been able to catch us for years and al of a sudden we get hit in mass numbers only tells me they went out and banned a shit ton of account either botters or not in hopes to catch all of us or they have some sort of illegal detection to catch us that went further then usually measures. If you ask me i think blizzard lost the first court case then got pissed and created that terms of service you had to sigh just before then ban hammer hit which i didn't read but prolly included a clause to scan all exe files associated with wow.
    18. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      LOL again just sad....

      This isnt the first wave in wow history...
      Or the largest.....
      or the only one directly targeted at one bot...

      guess what....

      It wont be the last but they dont do them very often else they would hemorage and the game would die.

      IF you wanted to find hb as a bot it could be found.... guess what. its been that way for YEARS...

      From the fact that hb uses /run RepopMe() to how lua is just friggin hammered to the servers... interupt / spell timers yada yada the list goes on and on and on....

      Blizz dosnt take action because it would destroy them if they did it to much because botting is so engrained into wow at this point.
    19. Dre

      Dre Member

      Nov 6, 2011
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      Many people including myself feel Blizz knew about the bots and just let them go for the $15 a month and the player base numbers were higher as long as the botter wasn't doing really stupid stuff. I agree something changed behind the scenes and now the bot hunt is on a new level, but come on the games 10 years old and tired.

      The bot allowed people to play on elite guild standards which made them more accepted.
      The bot allowed people with disabilities to play the game like "normal" people and feel accepted.
      And the bot helped pay rent and buy stuff for the hard core farmers, which myself I never was.

      Now my old guild is wondering where I gone. I was the best Tank-Healer and many knew I was a bot and they didn't care as long as they got a shot at the good loot without the pugs.

      Hell where I use to see 50 alliance stacked near the bank and AH was only 3 people.

      Only clue I got was the wave was a call by the developers and not even the pope himself can talk their way out of it.
    20. Reviir

      Reviir Active Member Buddy Store Developer

      Mar 10, 2010
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      Why would they use illegal methods to find botters when they can use easy legal methods?

      Look up the new Computer Privacy laws signed into law in March by the us federal goverment. The point of the new laws is for NSA spying on people....

      But the way they are written gives private companys rights to snoop around your computer if you have there programs installed.

      It is a bunch of crap and if ANYTHING that is what happened. timing was to coicidental with the new wow external warden scanning being found on 3/21/2015 + Us laws giving us based companys permisition to "snoop" around a pc anywere in the world under the protection of the us goverment and NSA regulations.

      PERSONALY I have my own THEROY's on what happened and i have more evidence than most but untill wow comes up again and if we have another ban wave i wont be proven right or wrong.
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