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  • Honorbuddy Announcement 21th May 2015

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bossland, May 21, 2015.

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    1. wearloga

      wearloga New Member

      Mar 16, 2012
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      I've been playing with click-to-move for two years before I started botting. Using CTM might just flag your account, but you'll never be banned on that ground alone. It is a service Blizz provides, nothing wrong with using that.
    2. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      So, I must say it again and again, but the legal discussion should not be taken seriously here, simply because we are neither jurist professionals, neither geeks with strong experience into private rights regulations. And no, extensive reading on the web for private rights do not gives us noticeable advantage on the case.
      Regarding the Blizzard detection, yes - this is still one of the most possible answers, but it still have it's flaws, because plenty of people have reported for botting accounts, dodged the 13th clean.
      I just resubbed a suicide Ru WoD account, which ran 18-20hours daily Botanica for 30days, before ran away off gametime in the first week of march. And it is the only non-banned license in a full battle.net account with suicide farmers. So definitely Blizzard had no detection 2.5 months ago, neither the bans are delivered by association, if you already got banned license on the IP. Beside this license, I have 10+ of non-banned farmers, used between November and February.
      The Blizzard's past history have definitely proved, that they do Effectively apply Permanent BAN to ALL the accounts detected for any 3rd party or exploits, including the Pirox Banwave, PQR/PE one, Rollback Exploit one and all the previous, no matter what!
      So unless their marketing department have "overtuned" the permanent bans to 6 months suspension, which I really doubt, because even after MOP was subscription catastrophe, they still banned 530k PQR/PE accounts! (Which are almost five times more accounts than last week suspension-wave). Again,here I do see only 6 months suspensions, which are NEVER given in the past 10 years for real Detected accounts!

      Yea, you as programmer do act like programmer, but Blizzard act as monopoly corporation instead. Which is nothing new for them - They had lawsuits against anyone, not vanished after the C&D letter by Rod Tigole. Their famous Warden software is almost-official claimed as malware and spyware since 2005! They "detected" Glider at least 2 times with such "scans".

      These links do enlighten what Blizzard used to "scan" with the Warden: BBC NEWS | Technology | Warcraft game maker in spying row Warden (software) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      The software engineer, mentioned in the BBC news seems not a random geek on the web too: Greg Hoglund - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. His background into cyber security seems impressive!

      So I am not skilled enough to have a valid proof about Blizzard's possible "hacking", indeed, but even after Blizzard have an official statement, that they do scan only within their own dedicated memory in RAM, I doubt their honesty!
      They already acted very immature and low with booting all the EU and Asian players out of the game in the middle of the reset-day raid clears. And I, as raider am pretty confident, they did that with clear intentions to ruin a full raid-clear night on all the EU/Asia raiding community, so the non-botters blame all the botters for this!

      We can live when facing a kid, acting immature, but facing a corporation, spitting on the most of their customers is pity.

      P.S.:I still do strongly hope, that they are not so low to run a malware on us for their favor against us, since this is still highly illegal, and the detection is "purely" server-side, but all the rational variants for this "detection" are getting less and less likely with every new day passed.

      Sorry for the long read ;)
      Last edited: May 22, 2015
    3. wearloga

      wearloga New Member

      Mar 16, 2012
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      How can we be sure they banned every account the detected? It doesn't seem unthinkable to me that they just weeded out, say, 75% of the detected players. Also I've had a 72 hour ban on two accounts where they said I was botting on. I never appealed those as I had it comming. So not every detection is a perma ban (or maybe I was only suspected and not detected). All we know is that it seems that every account that they let us know that got detected got some form of a ban.
    4. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Yea, I had that in the mind some days ago, but still it seems unlikely, due to the past Blizzard actions.

      I am not referring about the common 3rd party bans, coming after player reports or server-side flag&ban mechanisms - In these either GM manually or coded by the server, you get suspended/banned because your logs looks like your account is botting. This is NOT detection!

      Detection is a trace in the server log from your account activity, which is classified as solid proof in the server logs about exploitation activity.

      Examples is the Pirox Archa banwave, when the Pirox devs have used private chat channels for intermediate data processing between the botting software and the game client. And since the chat channels are server side, Blizzard have registered all the "chat" logs off this communication.

      In such Detection scenarios, we are yet to find a single non-hacked account, which got unbanned!

      In the botting community we have 2 types of bans - one are these, which have chance for lifting - random manual or automatic bans for botting. The other are these, which would never be lifted - the banwave bans and Abuse of Economy bans for gold selling.
      Last edited: May 22, 2015
    5. Komari

      Komari New Member

      Jul 21, 2013
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      I believe that the ban wave was to get people to do a few things.

      1. those who get banned might make new accounts , if they banned say 150,000 people they would be out 2.7m roughly, however, if only 1/2 of them sign back up and repay a month subscription they would make 4.5 roughly, this gives them an edge and they knew it. (After updating the games and paying for the expansions ect.

      its a money tactic as simple as that, they donot care about the users , they want money. as someone pointed out, after losing to boss, they got mad.

      Personally I refuse to work with a company that is dirty like that. As many others have done, I won't be returning. honorbuddy is and will always be awesome!

      people tend to forget that blizzard entertainment is a multi billion dollar company. worth a shit ton, they want and have only 1 thing on their mind... How can I make more money?!
    6. ToxicTwist

      ToxicTwist New Member

      Apr 22, 2014
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      Super happy that the bot will be back up soon. But worried that no one can find out what they did to find us exactly. Botting is all that i have left to keep me interested in wow like many others, but i want to know i have at least a little assurance it's gonna be okay to use again. Ofc there is always the chance i'll be banned. But i had known people using HB for a long time before i tried it and i have used it for about 2 years and everything was smooth sailing, so i sorta felt safe-ish. I just pray that it goes back to that again. Or i cry! I just hate levelling by hand after like 10x :(
    7. demii

      demii New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Open the gate allready.. can't wait :p It's weekend and i want to bot with HB and my profiles
    8. ltabdiel

      ltabdiel New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      But if they took the time to make it a 64 bit which in the long run would put it in with everyone else playing wow they wouldnt have to just look for players using 32 bit and narrow it down from that.. If you offer it in both settings the bot would be able to be less detectable in the 64 bit cause im almost certain that 3/4 of the wow population which is 7.1 Million players the bot would get lost.. Not saying it would be impossible to detect but it would have the odds more in our favor than theres is all im saying.. And i doubt that if they were to do this that they would make us pay for a service that we already payed for and have been using. Im sure that they would grandfather everyone who has purchased keys into it and split the keys for new subscribers.

      It may be the same fucking detection but its alot more obviouse that you are botting if your in 32 bit cause almost every computer out there can run in 64 bit now...
    9. Trixiap

      Trixiap Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      Please educate yourself better in field of computer science. There is not single reason why 64bit HB would be safer than 32bit. It is not simply as rewrite some lines and BINGO you have 64bit HB... It is similar to write whole new bot and trust me, that would cost so much money, that they would do it as new product + there are compatibility problems etc.
    10. ckmafia

      ckmafia Member

      Feb 22, 2015
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      Would you tell blizzard you know how they detected you if you were trying to avoid future detection? Just saying.
    11. Moboken

      Moboken New Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Actually 32 / 64 is not the same detection. It is only if you had a 64 bit version of the bot.
      All Blizzard had to do is scan for all players using the 32bit client (Which they do know who is running it) and then do the detection (scan.dll which is on your computer in the wow folder (also if you open your eyes, you will see the scan-64.dll file. If you run 64 bit windows), The scan tools they use scans your (ram/memory/task processes and probably much more then they will ever admit) on just those running 32bit client. That is more than likely how they got so many.
      BTW, I was not doing pvp/raid or anything but manual fishing and would attack a more that came close to me - i did have hb running with lazyraider and my cr but just to do my killing for me. Not to fish. And they still got me.

      Since the bot program only runs 32 bit, you can count on them doing this again. They know who is running 32bit. If we also had 64bit bot program then imho only the 32bit users would get banned more often.
    12. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      I use the 32bit client all the time, even with a 64bit system. I also use CTM and windowed (FS) so I can alt+tab out a lot....
    13. matt84

      matt84 Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      i literally play every game i own in borderless windowed mode, i hardly think thats even a flag.
      i do agree with 64 bit, the only game i force to run in 32 bit is WoW for the bot, this is changing.. i wont use anything 3rd party app that isnt 64bit... forcing 32bit onto something that is 64bit capable is crazy and i've had an issue with it for ages, now i feel validated.
      click to move - i raided with a guy back in cata who unbinded all his movement keys for ability keybinds and used click to move for movement in heroic raids... he was a terrible player, but he used it legit, so some people do play like that.
    14. Demondog70

      Demondog70 Active Member

      Feb 17, 2013
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      I HIGHLY DOUBT Blizz is banning because you are using 32 bit. HIGHLY DOUBT it's the end all be all of how they found us. Actually I believe if it plays a part in this it is EXTREMELY Minor.
    15. matt84

      matt84 Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      maybe not on the fact you're running 32 bit alone... but considering the game default is 64bit and to run 32bit you have to go into settings and change it / manually set up 32 bit usage. it sure narrows down the amount of people

      let's say

      database query 7.1 million accounts - 1.8 million come up using 32 bit

      they have already narrowed down a massive portion of the player base to investigate.
    16. Blood1122

      Blood1122 New Member

      Mar 30, 2015
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      The reason for the BAN is because Any profile that Auto plays your TOONS movement. I have the conversation were a GM says that "Manually Multiple Parties" which mean PEOPLE viewed each person that was reported or being Suspicious
    17. Blood1122

      Blood1122 New Member

      Mar 30, 2015
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      So which that conversation i can say People who use profiles that you do all the movement but the bot does the actions wasn't the reason people got this suspension
    18. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      I find it hard to believe Blizz banned 100k HB users just because of auto-movement.
    19. Blood1122

      Blood1122 New Member

      Mar 30, 2015
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      They did. They been watching people for along time.
    20. matt84

      matt84 Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      you realise a rotationbot automates game play, even if you control movement it automates the ability usage.
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