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  • Honorbuddy Beta Builds

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Natfoth, Oct 15, 2012.

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    1. Mattilyn

      Mattilyn New Member

      Nov 22, 2012
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      Bot: Questing
      Character- 58 Dk,blood, night elf
      Custom class: Singular
      Basically whenever i start the bot he jumps, runs forwards backwards side to side then jumps again. This has gone on for 20 minutes and im assuming it will never stop. So idk if this is a bug or im just doing something wrong. Also sorry for just copy pasting the log, my Officeword isnt working now otherwise i would have uploaded it.
      Honorbuddy v2.5.6583.68 started.
      This is a BETA build of Honorbuddy. This is not meant for general usage. Please report any issues you may have in the beta thread on our forums.
      This build may have bugs, and new features which may not be fully tested. Use at your own risk!
      Logging in...
      Attached to WoW with ID 7156
      New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
      New bot added!: BGBuddy
      New bot added!: DungeonBuddy
      New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
      New bot added!: Grind Bot
      New bot added!: Questing
      New bot added!: Mixed Mode
      New bot added!: PartyBot
      New bot added!: Combat Bot
      New bot added!: Raid Bot
      Honorbuddy v2.5.6583.68 started!
      Character is a level 58 NightElf DeathKnight
      Current zone is Hellfire Peninsula
      Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
      [Singular] Starting Singular v2.5.6583.68
      [Singular] Installation: modified by user - forum support not available
      [Singular] Determining talent spec.
      [Singular] TalentManager - looks like a DeathKnightBlood
      [Singular] Current spec is Death Knight Blood
      [Singular] Building method list
      [Singular] Initialization complete!
      Initialization complete.
      Changing current profile to [Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick]
      Starting the bot!
      Changing current profile to [Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick]
      [Singular] Your Level 58 Night Elf Blood DeathKnight Build is
      [Singular] ... running the Questing bot Solo in Hellfire Peninsula
      [Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
    2. Tagrun

      Tagrun New Member

      May 28, 2012
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      Downloading. .zip doesn't work for me, any suggestions?
    3. hackersrage

      hackersrage Member Buddy Store Developer

      Nov 18, 2012
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      ArchaeologyBuddy is failing, and seems to not be parsing If statements in profiles correctly when using Quest (Kick's 1-90). Lots of compile issues.
      Last edited: Nov 28, 2012
    4. rogerdashrubber

      rogerdashrubber Member

      Dec 24, 2011
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      That would require caring about their product, and not just taking the money and going on holiday in the Bahamas. Like the whole Yes we are working on BgBuddy and new logic, and such and such is working on BgBuddy. You would think that in 8 weeks, a little more than 2 Bg's would have been done past a nearly ready for the testing stage. What are they doing, working on it 1 hour a week? I knock out 1000's of lines of code each week on my MUD and that is only a couple of hours a night. It is really not all that hard.
    5. Robnoxious

      Robnoxious New Member

      Nov 11, 2012
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      in the past using combat bot in bgs with singular my toon would auto follow target in combat while attacking. It does not do that in beta build, I dont know if thats a settings issue or beta issue. Yes move is set to auto as always.
    6. Aicd99

      Aicd99 New Member

      Sep 6, 2010
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    7. greaterdeath

      greaterdeath New Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      Most of you can't even follow simple, step by step instructions. Poor devs don't have much to work with I'm afraid. If you had looked, you would also have seen that no mesh/tiles w/e the right term are being downloaded, so there is no navigation, as already stated by fpsware. Won't be fixed until someone wakes up and turns it on or figures it out :)

      Which Bot? GB2
      Character Information Priest, Shadow, Level 90
      What profile were you using? For this report, Hillsbard foothills
      Date the bug occured Nov. 27, 8:54pm CST
      Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. Turn bot on, says moving to node, it does not. No tiles/mesh/or whatever the right term is are being downloaded, so there is no navigation.
      Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it.
      Turn bot on, set botbase to GB2, load GB2 profile, press start
      Please list all plugins currently enabled (as well as links to any plugins not packaged with HB by default) None
      Which Custom Class are you using? Please include the version, and link if applicable.
      Please attach a log for this bug report.
    8. hackersrage

      hackersrage Member Buddy Store Developer

      Nov 18, 2012
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      You are welcome to edit/correct using the Plugin builder. Most of the code is open in either CS or XML. The core functionality is handled by the main bot, and for the most part, is pretty solid.

      Kick's has a nice suite of leveling profiles which clearly took a buttload of time to write. A bit buggy, and some incomplete stuff, but overall, it is very well done. The combat routine -- nicely done... rotation isn't perfect, but it does smoke things pretty nicely. I do agree there should be a central thread for "updates" to let people know what is going on with the bot. The beta build is clearly buggy, with the walk, jump, mount, dismount, repeat issue.

      Additionally, with all the log files they request, that is a lot of work to go through that many lines of debugging, from so many people. I am not sure why a snippet doesn't suffice, however, again, adds to the plate of things to do --- in addition to posting on here.
    9. alaerwen

      alaerwen Member

      Jun 27, 2011
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      close bot, clear Cache folder, and it works
    10. alaerwen

      alaerwen Member

      Jun 27, 2011
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      does this thingy support 5.1?
    11. Kaaj!

      Kaaj! New Member

      Nov 12, 2012
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      Can someone answer this? Is there a way to fix this?
    12. bradallaround

      bradallaround Member

      Jul 26, 2012
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      lol, no need to rage on me. Just because something is good doesn't mean we should bow down. The point is, they don't do the work they should be doing for the amount of people that use the bot. It shouldn't take weeks to correct problems when a crap ton of people have paid for it. If you like lying to yourself and patting them on the back, okay. I bet you think blizzard handles their game well too.
    13. russ1979

      russ1979 Member

      Aug 25, 2011
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      Not Working for me. No idea why its saying its detecting 64 bit WoW. I'm running the x86 client always have.

      Honorbuddy v2.5.6583.68 started.
      This is a BETA build of Honorbuddy. This is not meant for general usage. Please report any issues you may have in the beta thread on our forums.
      This build may have bugs, and new features which may not be fully tested. Use at your own risk!
      Logging in...
      You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
      Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
      This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #16309
      You are currently on build #0
      There are 64 bit WoW processes running, did you start from the WoW launcher? If so, please start Wow.exe manually to use the 32 bit game version!
    14. aeno33

      aeno33 New Member

      Nov 2, 2012
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      My bot isn't moving at all in the world. It will sometimes shuffle around like it got stuck on a pole, but mostly no movement.

      [03:22:47.851 D] Activity: Downloading Mesh...
      [03:22:50.566 D] Downloaded HawaiiMainLand_29_29
      [03:22:50.567 D] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [03:22:50.567 D] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [03:22:50.567 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_29_29
      [03:22:50.756 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_31_30
      [03:22:50.973 D] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [03:22:50.991 D] Activity: Downloading Mesh...
      [03:22:55.244 D] Downloaded HawaiiMainLand_28_29
      [03:22:55.246 D] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [03:22:55.246 D] Activity: Loading Tile/s
      [03:22:55.246 D] Loading HawaiiMainLand_28_29
      [03:22:55.446 D] Could not generate path from {1276.884, 1241.722, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:55.652 D] Activity: Moving to hotspot
      [03:22:55.698 D] Could not generate path from {1282.382, 1260.234, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:55.765 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [03:22:55.772 D] [Singular-DEBUG] [CombatLog] Aigiger:180143985185977555 cast of Snowy Gryphon#32240 failed: 'Another action is in progress'
      [03:22:55.772 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [03:22:55.834 D] Could not generate path from {1282.382, 1260.234, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:56.062 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [03:22:56.187 D] Could not generate path from {1282.382, 1260.234, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:56.253 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [03:22:56.351 D] Could not generate path from {1282.382, 1260.234, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:56.944 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [03:22:57.068 D] Could not generate path from {1282.382, 1260.234, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:58.780 D] Could not generate path from {1282.882, 1261.917, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:58.900 D] Could not generate path from {1283.964, 1265.559, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:59.019 D] Could not generate path from {1285.054, 1269.23, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:59.144 D] Could not generate path from {1286.19, 1273.055, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:59.260 D] Could not generate path from {1287.245, 1276.605, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:59.383 D] Could not generate path from {1288.363, 1280.368, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:59.507 D] Could not generate path from {1289.49, 1284.163, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:59.624 D] Could not generate path from {1290.553, 1287.743, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:59.690 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [03:22:59.799 D] Could not generate path from {1292.153, 1293.128, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:22:59.972 D] Could not generate path from {1293.716, 1298.391, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:00.089 D] Could not generate path from {1294.779, 1301.971, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:00.155 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [03:23:00.208 D] Could not generate path from {1295.861, 1305.612, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:00.321 D] Could not generate path from {1296.888, 1309.07, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:00.455 D] Could not generate path from {1298.124, 1313.231, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:00.575 D] Could not generate path from {1299.205, 1316.873, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:00.695 D] Could not generate path from {1300.296, 1320.544, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:00.806 D] Could not generate path from {1301.314, 1323.972, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:00.926 D] Could not generate path from {1302.396, 1327.613, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:00.992 D] [LuaEvents] Getting argument values for event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
      [03:23:01.038 D] Could not generate path from {1303.404, 1331.009, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:01.157 D] Could not generate path from {1304.486, 1334.651, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:01.265 D] Could not generate path from {1305.477, 1337.986, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:01.376 D] Could not generate path from {1306.485, 1341.382, 507.325} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:01.498 D] Could not generate path from {1307.392, 1344.434, 505.6096} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:01.617 D] Could not generate path from {1308.163, 1347.031, 502.9011} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:01.730 D] Could not generate path from {1308.889, 1349.475, 500.3506} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:01.905 D] Could not generate path from {1310.008, 1353.24, 496.4232} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
      [03:23:02.028 D] Could not generate path from {1310.798, 1355.902, 493.647} to {1413.259, 1660.118, 344.237} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly
    15. Mattilyn

      Mattilyn New Member

      Nov 22, 2012
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      I tried this, and it now mounts, dismounts and does the same routine
      Changing current profile to [Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick]
      Starting the bot!
      Changing current profile to [Fly][A - Quest] BC 58-70 [Kick]
      [Singular] Your Level 58 Night Elf Blood DeathKnight Build is
      [Singular] ... running the Questing bot Solo in Hellfire Peninsula
      [Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
      Remoting server started
      Mounting: Heart of the Aspects
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Moving to Type: Fly, R: Update
      Mounting: Heart of the Aspects
      Stopping the bot!
    16. rogerdashrubber

      rogerdashrubber Member

      Dec 24, 2011
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      The trouble is, the problems lay in the core, writing a plugin to correct the core besides being a waste of time, would be so inefficient as to make the whole concept unworkable.

      Bgbuddy says: Moving to biggest pack.
      Plugin says: No you are not, you are moving to X location.
      AMD processor melts

      Bgbuddy should provide the core elements needed to perform the bg, entering/exiting, capping flags, movement, etc, the logic of the bg should be handled by .xml files. A Bg is no different to a combat routine in this regard. You perform the same tasks over and over with slight changes based on the situation and what class you are. Everything is just about there in the api, it just needs handler code to push all the logic out to file, so we can then hackup our own bg routines based on our class and the objectives of the bg. Something that really should not be all that hard to do.
    17. Quadroon

      Quadroon Member

      May 4, 2011
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      So far I've tried Tuanha Monk SE and CLU, both with LazyRaider and they cast their rotations fine. I don't ever use movement since I control it myself sans the rotations. Just letting people know those things work with that botbase :)
    18. zsterz

      zsterz New Member

      Oct 23, 2011
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      LazyRider working fine with TuanHA Paladin edition.
    19. alaerwen

      alaerwen Member

      Jun 27, 2011
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      make sure u disable "Learn new flightpaths" since these are automatically learned while u level these days
    20. Lingo703

      Lingo703 New Member

      Nov 23, 2012
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      I tried using Kicks Mega Profile on my monk and all he does is move a little bit then mounts then dismounts over and over again using the BETA build that Tony is linking. Help pls

      Here is the attached log.

      View attachment 1336 2012-11-27 18.40.txt
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