I do recognize the feeling, mate Tip : roll a brand new toon, not too difficult one, like a hunter (beastmaster for even more help from your pet at level 10) and install an addon to help you finding/tracking quests. Questhelper is a good one and is being maintained properly. Choose a PVE server (less interference from overzealous players from the opposite side). Loads of fun ..
I can honestly say this down time is starting to even bother me, they really need to get this out fast.
There is no reason to make it complicated. Make an alt on your own server, and as you wrote earlier you had issues with taking it slow... Well then - level through it fast, you still learn all the spells and such. Also - it's not that hard to sit down and read what every single spell does in your spellbook. And then you use this thing called logic to see what rotation you need... If that doesn't help use noxxic.com for basics. Or just look at a rotation build here on the forums, lol !
same for me. i'm playing wow since us closed beta phase 2 lol. i have gone through it all. wiping in blacklair or molten core with 40 man for ages, playing the most complicated rotation with my combat-dagger-rogue back then. it is so tedious to do rotations over and over again. i swear, the moment i cannot bot anymore is the moment i stop playing wow.
it's not hard and by far it is not challenging. every decent gamer can do rotations in wow, heck even my girlfriend can play her frostmage. we're not talking about starcraft or warcraft. it is just boring as hell.
Be nice to others and create some rogues for the holiday meta. Be nasty to others and keep them away from the home cities and stealthed. [EDIT] Got myself brand new worgen and goblin rogues just out of starter zones. They can be safely abandoned now until I need to turkey them. Bot downtime is good for something, I wouldn't have bothered otherwise.
Just in case people have missed it, there is a *TEST* release up. Use with CAUTION! http://www.thebuddyforum.com/releas...5-7857-658-wow-5-4-0-17371-a.html#post1264228
Same here, i start playing wow from the begining with once in a while a break. Discovered honorbuddy and can't play wow either annymore. Now that i came back from a long summer break, HB aint working annymore cause the new patch. Bought a gamecard 3 days ago and only played for an hour lol. I only use HB for rotation and some personal farming, nothing hardcore. I will be glad when HB is gonne work soon.
I have used it for mostly questing and bgbuddy. So you're saying I can even use this for boss encounters? All I have to do is stay out of the aoe and then I can literally not even touch my keyboard and it will do all my dps for me? If so then that's fricking amazing! I assume I still have to move and do everything else as a bot that would react on bosses and do the boss fights for you would be really hard as there are different strats + would take a huge amount of time. Also thanks for the help. Wasn't actually trolling. Just not very aware of all the features this bot have I guess. Because it have many! Also some features I never really understood what they did.