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  • Honorbuddy price adjustment from June 1st 2016

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by bossland, Apr 29, 2016.

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    1. TheGamerJK

      TheGamerJK New Member

      Oct 23, 2014
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      Is this price increase a possibility for a 64 bit port perhaps ? :>
    2. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      No, it's not.
    3. Kylvan

      Kylvan Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      Really ?

      So now we don't have anymore the choice to buy illimited key and are forced to buy subscriptions + buying plugins etc ?!

      The bot isn't worth anymore for those don't use bot for making money. Really, great job !!!

    4. ggez

      ggez Member

      Mar 21, 2014
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      These subscription methods look really suspicious to me too.
    5. truthahn

      truthahn New Member Legendary

      Jul 24, 2012
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      it works and that great :)
    6. Kylvan

      Kylvan Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      Yeah it works for people that make profit on the game, for everyone else it's " go f*ck yourself we don't care of you ", what a mentality.
    7. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      We took care for years without price increases or a price change model. Now while growing and development is more expensive we needed to adjust this.
      A subscription is normal in this area and reflects the development best. If you had lifetime keys in the past you still can run them, no changes.
      The changes only affects new customers or customers who need additional keys but also there I see good points cause you only pay for it if you use it.
      Same with WoW since years btw. (only that we do not offer ingame tokens hrhr).

      We do not have a "go f*ck yourself" mentality and I think we proofed this for a very long time to everyone.
    8. WinterWonder

      WinterWonder Member

      Jan 8, 2014
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      It seems ther are a lot of kids or scool dropout's here that have no ide how economy works.

      Ther is no point running a buissnes if you dont make money. Before you yap about subscripion fees, ask your self: Would I work for free? Do I need to bye food? Can I just run arround naked, sines I work for free and don't have any money?

      Another example: If you bye a car, do you get upgrades, service, etc. for free for the rest of your life? No, you dont. Evryone need money to live. Also software developers.
    9. Kylvan

      Kylvan Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      Past is past, don't tell me that you didn't expect this to happen while a go. I'm not that dumb. And time were sellers speak about reputation to sell theirs products is over since the economic crisis. At least for smart people.

      For people that don't use HB for making profit it's a real loss, cause guys like me expect to bot, to afford wow subscription, farm or other thing to gain time on this game.

      And in addition to that point, you make clients with " privileges " only the richest ones to have the full content of this bot.

      It's just awefull, don't mess with me.

      This is a proof that HB now say " Go f*ck yourself " , to me, to us.

      " If you had lifetime keys in the past you still can run them, no changes. " Yeah, not cause you're nice, because it's buisness and you perfectly know that if you haven't done that, many people could have run away from your bot. Tss.

      Sorry, i'm not a sheep, give me valuable argues.
    10. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      HB is one-time fee since when? 2009?

      So you act as ignorant emo kid, just because you want to pay 25 euro for a lifetime software, which is supported for full 7 years!

      25 euro for 7 years, 12 months each: This is 0.30 euro monthly!!! Are you trolling or what?
      You seems to not comprehend the real reason, why bots do exists!

      Their role is to exchange the time, each gamer spend on boring but obliged tasks in the game with time, spend on the real-life.

      If you do not value your personal time, most persons do!

      All the people here, who play WoW from kids in Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK etc, already have family, wife/husband and kids nowadays, so they would rather play with kids, than farming all night those mats, mounts or whatever.

      On the other side, you are free to use a variety of gold-farming profiles on the forum, to "get paid" your game subscription. I see no reason, which could stop you.
      Honorbuddy is fully available with the regular subscription!

      Honorbuddy do not have "Premium" package, offering extra-content, full-version, richest experience or any similar marketing method for attracting extra cash.

      If you refer to the Buddy Store as "full content", this market offer 3rd-party paid products, built with compliance with Honorbuddy API.

      All those 3rd-party paid products are coded by Community Developers, which are forum members, like me and you! They are not affiliated with Bossland GmbH in any way.

      Every person, including you, if have desire and is compliant with the Store requirements, could apply for Community Developer.

      All the official profiles, shipped with Honorbuddy, are offered for free on the Buddy Store as well. (Most known as Kicks 1-100 pack, supported by EchoTiger nowadays )
      I am afraid, but any clueless logic do not proves anything, beside sadness.

      Yes, this is business, of course! Like any other real business in this world.

      Price models change each day, its businessman's responsibility to examine the market and adopt, or the business would become past business!

      Try to start some minor botting business yourself,

      Develop it,

      Grow it in the next two years,

      Then check when Multi-billion corporation's attorney Rod Tigole rings on your Front Door ...

      ... and we would speak again!

      Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    11. WinterWonder

      WinterWonder Member

      Jan 8, 2014
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    12. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      Thanks AION you brought it to the point.

      ...not to forget all the Mods that work here for free to answer guys like Kylvan ^^
      ....wait they support also for free. No support ticket cost, no yearly based service plan.......

    13. Kylvan

      Kylvan Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      Now it's 2 euros per month :)

      Where i've said it was not ? I speak about THE PRESENT sorry if you are not able to read me.

      The basic functions are not SO DAMN GOOD for a lambda user, it's the work of some developper like Echotiger (for free) or Alisha, that make the bot really interesting. You have to pay for there work, that's normal i mean, but now you have to pay a subscription for a product useless without developper work (profiles, plugins, routines etc...)

      Fully supported ? Well.. Can we speak about how is buggy dungeonbuddy and the no support of timewalking dungeon ? Only one cool guy have made a fix one day, on is OWN time. Not the buddy team. And it's just ONE example.

      But hey, you seem so mature, to begin with injuring me as an emo kid. Go with it.

      OOOOOH, that's why one chinese guy has been there asking for a " professionnal price ", that's is ONLY familly, good boy.

      Cool, i've a life too and it's exactly what i've said, i bot because i want to do sometimes something else then farming while i'm studying.

      But just check up the posts before me, i'm not the only one, speaking about honorbuddy focusing this bot essentially for people that want to make great real money profit on this game. And not " Family guys ".

      Also the free profiles are now mostly outdated for the most part or need 24/24h 7/7d to be efficient.

      And that can't be done on the main account, for sure. So you have to pay again another account.

      I'm speaking about legendary buddy atm. Nevermind bro.

      Then, don't give me an argue like " You know we are nice and let the users with no lifetime key with thoses, we care about our people " cause it makes me sick, i've not problem about buisness it's normal, but i don't like some random guys of the team trying to justify their actions with pathetic argue.

      For the support part, maybe for the developper it's great but most of the time it's
      " Logs ? "
      " You have plugin, that is causing the problem, see with the developper of this plugin "

      Only the developpers (most part of) try to give a real support, like Alisha for example.

      Most of the community is :

      When you ask advices it's more like " Mhh i don't want to give you any real advice, cause i'm making money and gold with thoses, i don't want to see a guy coming in my spot or using my tools to take me 1% of my benefits. "

      Also try to read really someone and understand the meaning of his purpose, be respectfull at least with no injures and then i would speak again, to you.

      Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    14. Kylvan

      Kylvan Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      I agree on this that is respectfull, i know the job.

      But that's not why i will change my purposes , i just said what i think, and like Aion (like to do it), i don't take gloves :)
      Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    15. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      Ok Kylvan,

      let's keep it short here. The topic is "price adjustment". That's an information and nothing really to discuss.
      You can like it or not, same for our products. Buy what suits your needs and for the rest simply ignore it, create something on your own or search for a different product on the market and get happy with it.

      Unless you did not do the developer or service stuff I am sure you cannot talk about it.

      Here the facts:
      You paid for a product!
      If this product has issues we will fix them.
      If you are fair and take a look on the releases last 4 weeks then you see that we're doing our job but we cannot fix everything at once. Things take time.
      In fact you did not pay for using the forum, you have no right for a mod holding your hand here giving you an advise how to use the bot. As long as we offer you a contact possibility to bring up your issue and we solve it we're fine.
      You get a lot for your money as all did in the last 7 years but we also have to pay our bills and if you take a look how we started years ago and how big everything is now you can imagine that we have to do adjustments here or there including prices.
      We think that the new model is fair, if you have a different opinion thats ok but let me comment that most of the stuff you said is simply bullshit or at least not thought to the end.

      In April you raised a service request and 36 minutes later you already got help. If this makes you unhappy with our service or if you think that attaching a logfile is something like a barrier and not good I am sorry for you.

      Like I said we can talk about the topic but we cannot discuss it. It's a business decision and we made things very transparent in my opinion.
      Like everywhere in life you can react positive on things or bring them down to their knees without any benefit. It's up to you but it will not change our mind :D
    16. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      No one is forced to buy and use our products,there is a free botting market out there and everyone is free to choose what bot is gonna use.

      Bossland GmbH has the rights to analyze the market and make all the appropriate changes on products,pricing model etc in order ensure the sustainability of the company.

      That not something negotiable
    17. Kylvan

      Kylvan Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      Great, many things i've wanted to ear.

      I agree, everything i've post has not been pushed to the end but it's not bullshit at all. And you explain the reason : " We cannot discuss it " otherwise, i would have made one hundred page comment, with sources etc.. To argue my point of view.

      At the start, i was thinking that buddy team and community was about people, micro buisness, exchange, for developpers, for beginners, and for players.

      This, have turned into big buisness thing, big money.

      It will not be anymore something apart of, and i'm just dissapointed that's all.

      Yeah for little problems there is good support, i agree in this terms too.

      Everything to say has been said.

      But if someone will try to give me a pill, like at the start of this discussion, i will not take it.

      I'm satisfied with thoses last answers.

    18. BotOperator

      BotOperator Well-Known Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      Bossland is running this forum as community but we're a company and main goal is to make money in order to be able to pay bills.
      If you want we can restructure the forum to a ticket handling system only without PM or user to user communication like most other companies do it.

      You can also ask Bossland for a service contract if you are not happy with the normal service you get.
      I am sure that for the correct amount of money you will get your own supporter 24/7.
      Come on there are ~270.000 users and only a handful is complaining. Most of the time because they are to young to understand how a business work or they simply do not want to read and/or do not want to understand. Trolling!
      We are very very transparent if it comes to company decisions. We never simply inform you via email but we always create a thread to hear your comments about things going on.
      So yes, we still listen to our community but you do not speak for everyone and we cannot make everyone happy.
      It has turned into big business but sadly not into big money. You have no idea what infrastructure, fighting blizzard and other things cost.
      If you want open up an own bot business or start slowly and do something yourself for this community instead of complaining only.
      Start becoming a maker instead of a consumer only and if things go well earn money with what you create if you want. Atm. I only here you complaining about stuff that does not change anything for you.
      You have your key and you are long enough member here to have seen the info about the incoming price changes. So if you wanted you could have bought lifetime keys before 01.06 if you were in need.

      Sorry but after a long day like this I better stop writing now before becoming personal.
    19. Kylvan

      Kylvan Member

      Mar 9, 2014
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      It's personnal since Aion judge me and since you didn't get that i was excepting your last answer and tony answer prefer to what you said me in the first time.

      I've been in an Help Desk for a famous world weapons & communications industrie, so i know how the world works and i know that fighting against Activision ( Blizzard ) isn't even a fight, but Bossland win for the moment, at which price ? I will not speculate more on this, it's not the interest of my purpose, but it's more like a time and ppl with interest cost, because unless to be as big as Activision, you can't fight it, it's logic, but time cost money anw so you're right.

      And " only an handfull ppl complaining " isn't an argue, only for pragmatic and statistics people. Aswell, i never said that the company sucks so i didn't get the point to mention it.

      I've made for this community, for my friends who needed help in french and english community, i do what i can at my place with my knowledges. But i will not take the time to make anything free for this community since most of the answers i've got from most of the members i've discuss with. It's not personnal but i can't invest when it's only in one way.

      Like Aion said, i bot to have a gain of time to do bored things in this game and maybe pay my subscription with the small benefits, but now, this last part is over for me.

      I'm not complaining anyway, i just ask you in the first way to don't mess with me with the argues you used, that's all.

      Aion have reply, i have done the same thing, i'm not the person who escalated this, you all take in a such personnal way..

      I've never it's bad to choose your clients and privilegies some, i just said with your choices (i don't discuss them even if i'm dissapointed) you've done it in a way or another, if you don't want to admit it okay no problem, i just express my self and my opinion since when Aion target me for my purposes.

      I never said the choice the team have made was easy, it's never easy.

      Don't feel to be forced to answer me if i bother you or if you can understand what i'm saying, i'm no one here, just a customer with a number.

      Bossland have made their choices and do what they can with thoses.
      I respect that, but i don't respect lickers or thrash argues.

      And i said the answer you and tommy gives me are good to take, i don't bot anymore atm, cause i can't afford your system + plugins + profiles and buy another account for at least make it efficient and pay my subscription.

      I have a lifetime key, but many of my entourage doesn't get one, i don't speak for everyone, i speak for some people i know and myself.

      Have a nice day, i will not reply anymore on this, if u want to have the last word get it, i don't care. Like i said everything has been said already.
    20. yipsilonn

      yipsilonn Member

      Mar 1, 2011
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      I just read this post XD
      I bought 2 key for a month...then I realize I still hv my lifetime key from 2012...and its working! thank you !
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