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  • Honorbuddy v2.5.11769.750

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Oct 19, 2014.

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    1. Angel015

      Angel015 Member

      May 11, 2012
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      When i will download it show this to me:

      You have reached cfauth.com

      If you were expecting another web site, this may be the result of a configuration error in your network. The domain Blue Coat Systems is the default "virtual hostname" for authentication on security appliances from Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Requests in your network for that host should be intercepted by the appliance. Please seek assistance from your network administrators.

      If you came to Blue Coat Systems deliberately, you have now seen the entire site.
    2. oswinoswald

      oswinoswald New Member

      Mar 18, 2014
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      Bot: Quest Bot - classic to 58 from 1-90 on buddy store for free

      The bot leaves Org goes to flight point south and then flies trying to get to my questing zone but the flight it takes passes over org so why wouldn't it just use the flight point in org instead of wasting time using a slow ground mount?

      View attachment 11380 2014-10-23 02.39.txt

      it lands fine made its way to destination after this log but just worried it might be a issue here where it doesn't go to the flight master in city which a non botting person is more likely to use then one you have to ground mount to especially since the flight taxi path goes back up to org then down.
    3. Proto

      Proto New Member

      Jan 8, 2012
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      Plugin compile error CS0115: no suitable method found to override

      Using a completely clean HB install of [Test Release] Honorbuddy v2.5.11769.750

      I've found that plugins that call for public override with either "Initialize()" or "Dispose()" are not currently working in the latest HB patch. Both get error CS0115: no suitable method found to override.

      I found that I can correct the error in my plugins by replacing "Initialize" with "OnEnable" & "Dispose" with "OnDisable".

      For example, the following as written will cause error CS0115
              public override void Initialize()
                  Logging.Write(Colors.Orange, "NoCombat Looter - Enabled v" + Version);
              public override void Dispose() 
                  Logging.Write(Colors.OrangeRed, "NoCombat Looter - Disabled");
      This code revision will load and function properly
              public override void OnEnable()
                  Logging.Write(Colors.Orange, "NoCombat Looter - Enabled v" + Version);
              public override void OnDisable() 
                  Logging.Write(Colors.OrangeRed, "NoCombat Looter - Disabled");
      However if this is not what was intended for this release of HB, then attached are the logs and plugins used that fail to compile properly. First log and plugin I'm currently trying to support. 2nd log and plugin was last supported by highvoltz.

      Thank you for your time

      Attached Files:

    4. Proto

      Proto New Member

      Jan 8, 2012
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      SpellManager.Cast("Burst of Speed") will SPAM cast Burst of Speed

      I support the plugin BurstOSpeed and it required modification in [Test Release] Honorbuddy v2.5.11769.750 to get it working again.

      Plugin is supposed to first cast Darkflight if known, then Sprint if known, then Burst of Speed if known.

      As written it does one cast of Darkflight, on my Worgen Rouge. Upon cool-down it then does one cast of sprint correctly. When that cool-down is complete, it suddenly spams Burst of Speed, so quickly that it eats up most of the rogue's energy successfully casting it several times before detecting the aura and stop casting. Also posts [WoWRedError] Another action is in progress, during Burst of Speed spam.

      I temporarily resolved this issue by adding "StyxWoW.Sleep(1000);" immediately following "SpellManager.Cast("Burst of Speed");". This short delay successfully prevents spam & WoWRedError. However I do not believe this is normal behavior for a single command to cast a spell. And why only Burst of Speed is being spammed, and not Darkflight, or Sprint.

      I've attached the plugin without the Sleep command, so that you can test it yourselves and a copy of the log.

      Note: Sprint IS being cast by plugin, however the log does not show it. Log only captured the cast of Darkflight and the Burst of Speed spam. (shrug)

      Attached Files:

    5. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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