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  • Horde 1-80 Project

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by verythaiguy, Aug 15, 2010.

    1. mezterddkk

      mezterddkk New Member

      Sep 4, 2010
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      Where do i have to go, if i want to start the bot profile (44-60)? yeah eastern kingdoms but where in eastern kingdoms? :)

      Im new here!
    2. Mulgore

      Mulgore New Member

      Jul 6, 2010
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      Where can I download the profils? I would test 60-80!
    3. Stammi

      Stammi New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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    4. Mulgore

      Mulgore New Member

      Jul 6, 2010
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    5. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      I've levelled 3 characters using the 1-60 that's out now (levelled to 25). I've been using Questy to build from. Will post up once I run a second character through and work out some bugs. Just curious how you want to handle the bounce back and forth between continents and the issue going from Barrens to 1K Needles. For now I've set it up so that it does as much as possible in Barrens, Stonetalon & Ashenvale with a GrindArea at the end so if it finishes it just grinds for XP. Then I have a new profile for Hillsbrad, Alterac & Arathi, again with a GrindArea at the end. Currently working on Stranglethorn, againg with a GrindArea at the end.
      Basically I'm trying to do as many quests as possible in each area to reduce the bouncing between continents and a GrindArea so it continues to gain XP if it completes when you're not around. When I move to a new area, the character is usually a little higher than anticipated, making the quests a bit easier when they move to a new area, and then backfilling lowbie/prerequisite chain quests as needed. So far I've got from 25-37 completed.
      Any thoughts on how to better handle this?
    6. Lt.Leon

      Lt.Leon New Member

      May 19, 2010
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      So far we were focusing on staying in the same continent, as going to other continent wouldn't make it a AFK 1-60.

      What has really sparked my interest is this: DHX - Lift Demo
      This plugin uses the lifts, if we could utilize it and have it enable when near a lift, we could make it go down into 1K, or up into TB.
      Also, he talks about sooner usage of Boats/Zep's which would make things a HELL of a lot easier, its just utilizing it thats the problem.
    7. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      I read about that plugin yesterday. Tried it out, looks promising. If/when it can do boats & zeps we'll be laughing
    8. Lt.Leon

      Lt.Leon New Member

      May 19, 2010
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      When it does blizzard is going to get a big slap in the face.
    9. Aibo

      Aibo New Member

      Apr 27, 2010
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      In other bots like *** you can use even ceppelins and ships.
    10. r0sc0

      r0sc0 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      (44-60) Eastern Kingdoms

      Tested on level 48 Priest Horde.
      48 - Quest Pickup - Tanaris - Gahziridian Detector
      Fault : Gets Quest from NPC, cannot jump the wall, recommendation add runto points about 3 needed and it will solve this problem.
      48 - Quest Pickup - Tanaris - Gahziridian Detector
      Fault : Gahz'ridian fault, stands and switches beetween harvest and kill dunemaul brute.
      Iv talked to Apoc about this already, its a HB fault and should be fixed in next release.

      The Marshlands - Alot of stuck locations blacklisting needed.
      48 - Quest Completion - Ungoro The Marshlands - Quest The Fare of Lar'korwl
      Fault : Gets stuck on corpse on completion add runto to go around corpse.

      48 - Quest To High - Ungoro The Marshlands - Quest The Scent of Lar'korwl
      fault : red quest, alot of multiple mobs. maybe try a diffrent area until higher level.

      49 - Level not high enough - Marshal's Refuge - Lost!
      fault : requires level 50 not 49.

      Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
    11. verythaiguy

      verythaiguy New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hi TWKing

      UPDATE - I have changed the structure of the folders to reflect the below ideas. Everyone update to the latest version before changing anything else/adding anything to project (TWKing, especially important to you as you are about to make some changes).

      Thank you for all your help with this proejct.. Youa re definitely a big asset to our team! I love how you've divided it up into continents and tried to do as much in one continent that you can. Here's what I envision for the answer to your question: If we can have complete 1-80 profiles using as few user interaction as possible, this would be best. So say you have a whole eastern kingdom segment that is as big as you can get it ... say 20-50.

      Because there will (for now) obviously be conspicuous crack between <60 and >60. I think we should rename the Horde to say Kalimdor 1-60. Make a new one (that reuses parts of the kalimdor 1-60 ONLY IF need be) but stays in eastern kingdoms as much as possible) and name it to eastern 1-60. Then we have an entire new profile for handling outlands and northred and call it 40-60 OUtlands/Northrends.

      THen we copy all this into a "Horde" folder. Then complete rewrite resuse/add all these contents for an alliance and put it all into an Alliance Folder.

      So when the user downloads everything he/she is presented with 2 folders:

      - Starting Zones/Humans.xml
      - Starting Zones/Gnome and dwarfs.xml
      - Starting Zones/ ...
      - 20-60 eastern kingdoms.xml
      - 60-80 outlands and northrend.xml

      - Starting Zones/ (1-12) Troll and Orc.xml
      - Starting Zones/ (1-20) BloodElf (maybe just put in an entier 1-20 for this one)
      - Startign Zones/ (1-12) Tauren
      - 1-60 eastern kingdoms.xml (you can uaomtically start assuming undead starting zone here).
      - 60-80 outlands and northrend.xml

      IMPORTANT: in the 20-60 parts in either continent, make sure you never have to manually switch to another continent. YOu can do this by just grinding (ALOT if you have to).

      Then when honorbuddy is advanced enough to actually rid trams, and air flying boats and all teh rest, then we can figure out how to combine stuff.. but leave them fragmented or segmented like this.

      If you don't like this, by all means tell me a better way to do organize everything and we wil do it that way after weighing both pros/cons of our ideas.
      Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
    12. Stammi

      Stammi New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      So in the next time it won't be a "Horde 1-80 Project"! We need to change the name. ;)
    13. easy_ekg

      easy_ekg New Member

      Sep 27, 2010
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      got error

      The 'link' start tag on line 37 does not match the end tag of 'head'. Line 49, position 3.
    14. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      Well, I just spent the better part of two hours typing out a well thought out response to your post and had the whole thing wiped when I hit the advanced button to post my files because my token had timed out. I am far too tired right now to re-type the whole thing and I have to get my son to bed. I'll find time tomorrow to re-address your post. In the meantime, here is what I have so far. Level ranges may be a little off because of rested experience and I wasn't really paying attention to levelling points, more the continuity, flow and successfull completion of quests without excessive deaths. Together, they should quest to about level 38-39

      OK, let's try my response again.

      I aggree that the ultimate goal is to AFK from 1-80, however at this point in time that is not possible due to the lack of support for flight paths, lifts & boats/zepplins. That being said, I fully believe that those items will be supported in the future, either through plug-in (I know one in development) or integrated into the core of HB.

      It's also not possible to currently level 1-60 purely questing on a single continent, there are simply not enough quests for continuous levelling. I think it's best to keep working through Joanna/Mancows 1-60 guide, grouping as many quests together as possible in each section to maximize questing experience and minimize continental/zone movement. Once those are created, we can separate them out into their respective continents and use GrindAreas to fill the gaps for each continent, thus having a 1-60 for both Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom. For those who don't mind manually moving between continents, they can use the indivdual sections to have 1-60 questing. Down the line, once flight paths/lifts/boats/zepplins are supported we can link the individual sections using whatever code is available at the time to provide 1-60 AFK questing between the two continents, possible even going 1-80 if portals and such are supported as well.

      Below are the areas that I have completed so far. I levelled 3 toons using the current 12-80 horde profile, which took me to between level 25 and 27, depending on rested experience. I've levelled one of those characters to 39 so far using the below profiles and am working my way to 60. Once I have completed that I intend to go back and level the other 2 characters I have to work out any bugs and better optimize the quest order. That will take some time to do, so I'm release what I have so far for others to try out and provide feedback and such.

      The levells below may not be entirely accurate because of rested experience on my toon and I wasn't totally paying attention to when I levelled, but they are designed to be run in order (1 - 6). There are no vendors, I use the Find Vendor option in HB. Also, there are no protected items. The profiles are configured to sell greys only, keep whites and mail the rest.

      These profiles were built using Questy, the Active Quest & Quest Order features of HB, multiple lookups on WoWHead and repeated references to the HB Wiki. Many thanks to all the HB devs, plugin & CC devs and profile writers for the countless hours you've put into this product. I am happy to be able to contribute back to the community that has provided so much.

      For those that are interested, I'm running this as an undead warlock, default CC, no plugins. My character is equipped with the cheapest greens & blues I could get from AH, so no big investment in gear, though I do have the advantage of a pet.
      Last edited: Oct 3, 2010
    15. verythaiguy

      verythaiguy New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Hey thanks so much TWKing.. you are most invaluable!!! Would you like me to put these on the hordequest project myself? Or would you like to add those changes into the existing profiles/folders in the hordquest project? I'm not sure if you're a part of the project now or not, but if not just email me your gmail email address so I can add you and you can update them directly yourself.

      (I would rather you upload them yourself so you can get acquianted with the entire svn system and continue to directly edit the most up-to-date profiles that include your components directly from the site (as in directly off of your working folder on home computer).
    16. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      Read through the HordeQuest wiki, downloaded the client, got everything setup on my system. Uploaded the files that I have so far, up to level 42
    17. verythaiguy

      verythaiguy New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Thansk man =D.. I saw that you are using some sort of hybrid 20-30 barrens... do we want to merge this with the existing file or keep them separate? Also, will you be working on combining everything into one big profile per continent as we discussed above since I saw you have quite a few seperate profiles which might be able to be combined into larger more convenient ones?
    18. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      Correct on both points. I had some problems with the current 12-80. I found some quests were too difficult for my character, so I messed about with the order a bit and added a few more quests in, which is in my 20-30 Barrents/StoneTalon/Ashenvale. Once I get through to 60 I intent to go back and merge them together. As well, once it's all completed and I know what zones are being used and the order that they are visited I can start linking them together so we have a 1-60 on each continent. I posted the files as is for now so other's can start using them and provide feedback. Also, it occured to me that levelling these as a warlock is one of the easier classes to bot. What do you think the hardest class to bot is? I think that would be the ultimate test. If what is generally considered the hardest class to bot can run through the questing profile and level 1-60, then everything else should be a snap. I think that's what I'll do for the final optimization. Get the 1-60 done, link them with grindareas and add checkpoints, then do a run through/quest order optimization with the hardest class to bot.
    19. verythaiguy

      verythaiguy New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Haha nice idea. One really squishy person comes to my mind pretty much instantaneously: MAGE!!! =]. Anyways, I have also been leveling from 1-26 using the horde profile and have been editing furiously like mad... I have spotted many bugs/enhancements with Questy. I have also taken quests out and added tons of new ones in (finished the quest chain for echeyachee all like 11 of them). You also seem to have forgotten to put your protected items lists and all that... We'll go back thru and merge the 12-26 horde with urs a little later on when you're confident yours is working perfectly and mine is also.
    20. TWKing

      TWKing New Member

      Apr 3, 2010
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      I was thinking mage, priest or warrior. I know warrior is a bit odd seeing as they're a tank, but they have no way of healing themselves during battle save for healing potions.
      I haven't added in protected items yet, simply because I do a lot of tradeskilling and like to sort through the items and decide what to keep. To ensure the bot doesn't wipe out anything major, it's set to only sell greys.

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