Here a fixed version with a few changes: - Fixed the "Styx.CommonBot.Mount.Dismount();" bug (thanks to "tomit12") - No annoying hint box more for choosing the right mode (combat bot or grind bot) -- For beginners a tip appears at the bottom of the window - The confirmation window for deleting of the hotspots was removed -- Added a 'Delete All' button for deleting all hotspots at once (without confirmation) - Autocheck for 'Generate hotspots' Installation: - Download and extract - Copy the extracted folder 'Hotspot Recorder' to your 'Plugins' folder in your installation folder - Start HB, login, click on Plugins, choose 'Hotspot Recorder', mark 'Hotspot Recorder' and click on 'Show recorder' * I'm German. If you have problems with my translation, please send a pm. View attachment Hotspot
a question : what exactly hotspots are suppose to be ? the location of ore and herbs or the way that the bot should move ? can you explain alittle plz ? and how can i tell the bot to use mobile banking when he wants to empty the bags to guild vault ?
A Hotspot is a point of interest in which the bot will travel to while looking for herbs or ores - or whatever else the profile may be set to farm. Hotspots can be wherever you want, as long they're in the general location of the objects you're wanting to farm. They don't have to be placed directly ontop of the object. Also as the bot is travelling between hotspots, it'll continuously scan for objects to farm. So the path between two hotspots is also considered farm-area. See image: You need to register and have one post to see spoilers! The bot itself can detect objects within range of it. This is also why you don't have to place hotspots ontop of every ore/herb. If you click "Developer Tools" on Honorbuddy and then click the "Objects" tab, you can see every object the bot can detect from your current location. You don't necessarily need a lot of hotspots to make a proper farm profile. When creating a profile, you can tell the bot to randomize which hotspots it travels to - and with this you can cover an entire map just by using 5 or 6 hotspots. See image: You need to register and have one post to see spoilers! The green dots would be your hotspots, and the lines would be the paths in which the bot travels. Just by using four hotspots, that entire area is covered by the bot's farm-path. [HR][/HR] The guild banking solution is a lot more complicating. It entirely depends on which botbase your profile is running on. But the most solid solution would be to use some sort of plugin. I don't know of any working plugins off the top of my head - so you may have to browse around for it.
no respond after click ok in SVN, i've done everything u post....and the check out window just crashes every time.......
You shouldn't need a hotspot recorder to make profiles. Just use the Honorbuddy "Developer Tools" menu and hit "Generate Hotspot" - do this on top of every node you want it to farm. Ideally do it in order as well - that way the bot follows the path you go. Then you just copy+paste the generated hotspots into your profile. Hotspot recorders do nothing but make a mess of your profile by adding a ton of extra hotspots that aren't needed. It also reduces path randomization given there's so many hotspots, it stays on the 'hotspot trail' more actively. If you use a lot less hotspots, then the bot would be able to randomize movements in between the hotspots.