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  • How effective is it for Blizz to ninja patch 3 or 4 times a week?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by vwest877, Jun 28, 2013.

    1. Mab

      Mab Member

      Jul 25, 2010
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      And I was targeting the posters on the forums. "You guys" - see that? I believe if you go back to page one (and like I've already stated, many, MANY other threads have already proclaimed), it's stated WoW will lose over a million subscriptions and believe some have even gone as far to say that it'll actually "die", because of small patches. While this one is more or less directed towards "botting accounts" (which still, that number is absurd), it stands relevant.

      And again. Like I stated, fairly certain all they have to do is change the build number (or just a line or 2 of misc text in the build) that would cause a hiccup in HBs operations. They could just push the small, nothing patch with out reasoning why it was (like they have before) or just continuously change the ToS/EULA with stupid context which would yield the same results. And no, they wouldn't have to give good reasoning on why the small patches couldn't wait until the next full moon to do it. By that statement you're referring to the general public as that's the only people they would "have to" answer to and like I already stated, most of the general public doesn't give a shit about small, irrelevant patches that take 2s to download. Botters do and Blizzard doesn't answer to their complaints.

      I'm not stating this would be their fix to destroy bots nor that I think they would do it. I'm simply stating that if they really wanted to use this method to cause problems, it is a lot easier than people realize. That the patches they do now, while I'm sure some may have to do directly with interrupting botting, most don't and the fact that they do is just a bonus for them.

      In any case, I'm done.
    2. xio8up

      xio8up New Member

      Feb 25, 2010
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      They have been doing this starting from the moment 5.2 was launched. I remember making a post similar to this and low and behold here we are it is still happening. I know I had some nay sayers but it turns out I am right and I refuse to even take into consideration that they're doing these ninja patches for any other reason than to stop the bots. It's easy to watch these forums and as soon as they see a release made they get ready for their new ninja patch.


    3. taquitos

      taquitos New Member

      Oct 29, 2011
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      The biggest problem with constant updates is that it would hurt non-botters as much as botters. The majority of players use legitimate addons that patches tend to break. If they do switch to the practice of updating regularly addon writers and their users would get screwed majorly.

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