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  • I got a GM whisper - did you get one too?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Fantas, Feb 28, 2013.

    1. Bignoga

      Bignoga Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      I don't understand why people keep bringing this up I dont think they reading correctly.

      Plugin Started. Events Attached. Ready to go.
      (11:40) [Whisper] B******d: Greetings! Blizzard system scan to your game account a violation of rules of the game's virtual currency trading! Please visit our website www.blizzard-safe.net review your account information or we will suspend your account. Blizzard Entertainment Inc.
      (19:34) [Guild] S*****n: anyone need |cff1eff00|Hitem:56517:0:0:0:0:0:0:1753070592:90:0:0|h[Heavy Savage Armor Kit]|h|r or |cff1eff00|Hitem:56509:0:0:0:0:0:-136:1973879159:90:0:0|h[Darkbrand Chestguard of the Zephyr]|h|r?
      (19:35) [Guild] L*****a: just put it on the AH
      (19:35) [Guild] L*****a: or you could vendor it
      (19:36) [Guild] S*****n: just asking b4 i sell it
      (19:36) [Guild] L*****a: ah ook
      (19:48) [Whisper] D****o: sir
      (19:48) [Whisper] D****o: Good day to you sir.
      (19:49) [Whisper] D****o: Hello, Mr. Delvinn
      (19:51) [Whisper] D****o: Why hello there Delvinn
      (20:36) [Whisper] B*****s: Greetings. I have come to you today to let you know that your account has been found in violation of our terms of service. Please make sure you are in a safe location, as we will be removing you from the game to action your account. We will be sending
      (20:36) [Whisper] B*****s: you an email detailing the action and if you wish to dispute it, please follow the instructions in that email.
      (20:36) [Whisper] B*****s: I will be removing you from the game in 10 seconds.
      (20:37) [Say] D****n: What does that mean?

      The bolded and underlined portion is the actual GM that spoke to me. Please compare timestamp/Name for the GM to the screen shot. Obviously the first bit is a scam email and as you can see that phishing whisper was from 9 hours previous. I was immediately suspended(Turned into ban before suspension was up), this is a legitimate GM hunting.

    2. umshakalaka

      umshakalaka Member

      Jan 10, 2011
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      Been there, also got a whips in game before 72h suspension (pretty similar to yours), GM also said he will remove me from the game, tho he didn't said "in 10 seconds" but "now" instead.

      To kiddies who thinks its not real - look at the screen... it happened and that's end of the story, whoever comes here with "THEY WILL NEVER DO THAT!!1!!" is an idiot, and backing that up with things like "I'm botting longer than you!1" means nothing more than you're just a noob. They are already doing that and that's all into it. (obviously not every time, it seems pretty random).

    3. Nino4

      Nino4 New Member

      Jan 6, 2012
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      Well, is it possible to communicate with a GM if he's whispering you while AFK with your Smartphone?
    4. muffmann

      muffmann New Member

      Nov 13, 2011
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      I have put in numerous tickets, and a gm has whispered me while I was botting, I didn't reply. Also not banned. lol jebus people come on..
    5. Bengan12

      Bengan12 Well-Known Member

      Feb 24, 2011
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      OFC he wont, he dosn´t investigate you if you only put in a ticket and then go AFK while he whispers you. he dosn´t look you up to se if you are moving or not.
    6. carfo

      carfo New Member

      Feb 28, 2013
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      I was in a battleground and I got message from "Darcyblizz" with that same exact message telling me to go to blizzard-safe.net. It clearly had scam written all over it, so I ignored it, but it's weird because I never received this message before until I got the bot. Wonder if personal info from this site is being grabbed..
    7. lathrodectus

      lathrodectus Member

      Sep 13, 2011
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      Even with bold font, ppl still won't read it....
    8. WoWGamer829

      WoWGamer829 New Member

      Feb 12, 2013
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      that's just a coincidence i've received the same PM from a different scammer while botting, and a few seconds later a member of my guild who never touched HB, was doing dailies, and in a different zone than me, got PM'd the same thing.

      conclusion: if it doesn't have the Blizzard Tag ignore it. If a GM PM'd you, he WILL have that tag. And I doubt they'll use a normal account to PM you because if it's just a normal player it's only logical to assume that he's scamming/scaring you and 90% of the time most players will just ignore this or send a rude reply xD
    9. thatwouldbestealing

      thatwouldbestealing Member

      Oct 22, 2012
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      I agree. What is the point of a GM sending you a whisper? Even if you reply it proves nothing. On the flip side, it could be seen as a 'change in direction' for [Blizzard] dealing with botters -a soft approach, if you will -a way of encouraging botters to refrain or stop without issuing bans; but I don't buy that.

      It makes far more sense (for a GM) to monitor suspicious activity silently than to engage in social interaction -let alone issue 'warnings'. If it is a change in direction however, and Blizzard are 'issuing warnings' via GMs then cool, it's better than a ban, but I need more convincing before I believe this is a policy change issued by Blizzard en masse to all GMs.
    10. kravitz

      kravitz New Member

      Dec 9, 2011
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      It is possible for a GM to suspend your account if someone were to submit a "harassment" ticket. When someone submits a harassment ticket, in most cases, a GM will whisper you in game, if not email you regarding the event. If you were in game at the time and received a whisper from the GM regarding the events, and fully afk, while botting, and no response to the GM's whisper, it's likely they will monitor your account for a while and suspend your account for 72 hours, if not perma, over suspicion.

      However, in regards to the OP's issue, I'm uncertain whether it was a Live server. The GM had very poor grammar!
      Last edited: Mar 5, 2013

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