You are an idiot... That is an automated response and has absolutely no information in it... That is why they send that message, so people can't figure out if something is detected or not. Except for the fact that we can, its called a mother fucking banwave. Until you cannot log in to this forums because it is being bombarded with people QQing about their bans, then it is not a banwave.
Being a once paranoid guy I think I'm coming around. Where I think there is a lot of statistics blizzard's servers can gather and make a pretty good determination (legally) as to whether or not someone is botting, I dont think they can outright detect it. The past few days all the bans ive seen is from people being idiots, BGbuddy, GB for 12+ hours a day..honestly what do you expect? Ive been lurking the ban reports forum since the banrate went up and recently its been the same few threads bumped and people who think they can wrecklessly run this thing without reprecussions.
That is false. If you add another WoW account to your bnet account, you get all the achievs and mounts from the banned account.
Yeap pretty much how it works ... Why do you think you see in WoW related sites ...Accounts with huge amounts of Achievs and mounts not a single character thats what they are selling ...You just add a new Key to the Bnet and your golden i just did it on an old account a week ago.
Have you tried the "Unicorn appeal"? As far as I've seen, it has 100% success rate of unbanning your account
There is no guarantee that 100% works. Yesterday sent the request, it was canceled without an answer.
its been said a million times before and im gonna say it again, when you decide to bot you also accept that you might very well get banned for it, suck it up and move on.