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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Profiles' started by e46ad, May 12, 2014.


    Do you need DMF Profiles ?

    Poll closed Jun 16, 2015.
    1. Yes

      0 vote(s)
    2. No

      0 vote(s)
    3. Happy to do them by hand

      0 vote(s)
    4. Whatever

      0 vote(s)
    1. e46ad

      e46ad Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      Has anyone been testing out the lock picking profile could do with somwsome feedback on the profiles thanks
    2. ReZnoR

      ReZnoR Member

      Jan 30, 2011
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      Oh, I linked the one from the first post... but I am using the V6 version from the SVN. I downloaded it with TortoiseSVN.

      Also I reseted with a fresh copy of Honorbuddy before starting out with this.
    3. e46ad

      e46ad Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      Okay I see could be something to do with WOD's and the profile they might of moved something etc...

      Any chance you could link me your log so i can find the coordinates and were it keeps stopping wont be a hard fix at all
    4. alcky13

      alcky13 New Member

      Nov 23, 2014
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      Just finished with the boxes! OMG what a horrible grind to do by hand. The other profiles are working great, but the spots are heavily camped so that's going to take a while. Thanks for doing this man, you are a real Champ!
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
    5. e46ad

      e46ad Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      Hey man glad they worked for you and GZ on getting that grind done... Always been abit busy once decent profiles come out due the pure amount of time it takes by hand

      Yeah you can hand in the boxes it doesn't get affected by any other rep's.

      Only thing i remember is having to get honored with Bloodsail Buccaneers first due to the SWC rep Trash, anything else is just farm farm farm.:cool:
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
    6. ReZnoR

      ReZnoR Member

      Jan 30, 2011
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      Been running since my last post... and it got stuck two times on the same spot. But after that it has been working fine. Kept an eye on the bot while watching a few series. :)

      Looks like it gets stuck a few times at first... but not when running it for a while longer.

      Attached Files:

    7. e46ad

      e46ad Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      Changed Pack's 3, 4, and 5 to different roots in order to ignore the Post that has being getting peoples characters stuck at times, Should now work correctly cheers for letting me know please update your SVN folder and delete the old folder,

      Updated for English (EU) and Russian (RU) Both farming roots for the murloc's changed.

      Thanks all

      Download via SVN Here E46-AD-SVN

      Hopefully should fix the bug below people got,

      MyCTM-v1906(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <12484.61, -7469.649, -0.463536> from <12485.84, -7463.531, 0.3221092>
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2015
    8. Depressia

      Depressia New Member

      Nov 20, 2012
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      but now i have new problem=\

      [Profile Message]: Enabling mount use.
      [Profile Message]: I have detected that our bags are full. Initiating repair/mail procedures.
      [LoadProfile-v1728(fatal)] Profile '' does not exist. Download or unpack problem with profile?
      Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.

      when inventory is full bot stop
      Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
    9. e46ad

      e46ad Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      Hi there must be something wrong with you're folder RE-download the SVN folder and don't move anything, As you can see the bot is not even looking for a profile Profile " does not exist ?,

      Or it's something to do with the Russian client, Also you must keep all the files together in my SVN ETC, You load up [QO-N][Rogue-Pick-Pocket][Flying][80]_isle-of-quel'danas and it should work from there. Never move anything from the orignal svn folder (i don't know if you have just it seams honorbuddy can't find a profile.

      I've tested it again on my side and it's working fine for EU and the RU profile and it mails + repairs,

      Or you could have an older version of the profile make sure you update now @,


      Other than that I would not know what the problem could be as It's very hard to test the RU client for me as I don't have an account or character, Same with making the macros took me ages to figure out the correct names :)

      [Singular] Refreshment Table: !! Bags Full - skipping !!
      [Profile Message]: Enabling mount use.
      [Profile Message]: I have detected that our bags are full. Initiating repair/mail procedures.
      [LoadProfile-v1728(info)] Loading profile 'Movement\Vendors\[QO-N][Rogue-Pick-Pocket][Flying][80]_isle-of-quel'danas_repair-mail.xml'
      Changing current profile to [QO-N][Rogue-Pick-Pocket][Flying][80]_isle-of-quel'danas_repair-mail
      [Profile Message]: Repair\Mail procedures initialized.
      [Profile Message]: Using our Hearthstone.

      [Singular] Your Level 100 Undead Subtlety Rogue Build is
      [Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Isle of Quel'Danas
      [Singular] ... Zone: Outland using my SOLO Behaviors alone

      [Profile Message]: Repair\Mail procedures initialized.
      [Profile Message]: Using our Hearthstone.
      Not in game
      [Singular] Refreshment Table: !! Bags Full - skipping !!
      [Singular] Refreshment Table: !! Bags Full - skipping !!
      [Profile Message]: We successfully hearthed, moving to the repair vendor.
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <12792.77, -6965.978, 15.40067>, Name:
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <12792.77, -6965.978, 15.40067>, Name:
      [Singular] *Burst of Speed on Me @ 100.0%
      Moving to Type: Mail, Loc: <12792.77, -6965.978, 15.40067>, Name:
      Summoning vendor mount (61447) for vendor run
      Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
    10. e46ad

      e46ad Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      New Profile released today V7 (100) Steamwheedle Cartel 2 Neutral,

      Fixed a bug were players would sometimes get stuck on the windmill, Added more hotspots and added a blackspot to the windmill let me know how things go thank you,

      Grab the profile here at E46-AD-SVN

      Thanks to the people who gave feedback was a big help.
    11. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      Guild standard plugin's not working. Throws a compiler error every time I start up HB
    12. e46ad

      e46ad Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      Plugin Battle Standard of Coordination Dropper Has been removed from my SVN, Due to the creator now only uploading to the buddy store, I am not the creator of this Plugin and the original designer no longer supports free releases hence the compile error's in WOD as there is no official free update that I know of,

      Credit to Phelon for his work on the plugin shame it's not free anymore if you would like to get the plugin please visit,


      Cheers all.

      Sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused, Will try and work on a fix or find a decent alternative,

      Thanks all, Visit my SVN for 100% AFK profiles for the Insane Farm WOD level 100 working + level 90 added for every profile. + RU Lock Picking.

      Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
    13. e46ad

      e46ad Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      Project Updates now closed until future updates are required.

      Final Update: Status Level 100 Stable WOD Ready Farming Profile Status 100% Stable Rogue Pick Pock EN-EU 100% Stable RU Status 100% Stable

      SVN-Available E46AD - Revision 166: Stable status WOD level 100 TESTED

      [Change] Log: 03/02/2015
      [Change] Rev 166, Lock Picking Profile now out of beta testing now over profile 100% stable and AFKable
      [Change] Rev 166, Added (EN) WOD Lock Picking With Mail + Vendor Level -100 Final Update for the Lock Picking profile
      [Change] Rev 166, Added V7 (100) Steamwheedle Cartel 2 Neutra New hotspots and Blackspots for the Windmill added, Peoples characters were getting stuck
      [Change] Rev 166, Plugin Battle Standard of Coordination Dropper Has been removed from my SVN, Due to lack of free Updates for WOD Visit Here for the Plugin
      [Change] Rev 166, Updated the Read Me File to the correct version of profiles
      [Change] Rev 166, Over Haul of the honorbuddy thread to be done this week for updates that came in WOD

      Work is now done with the lock picking profile this is as good as it will get for now I have spent the best part of a month getting the vendor and mailing modding hotspots and blackspots basically had to Overhaul the profile from a gutted down version and re add all the waypoints etc, The only update I will now do to the Lock Picking profile is add in Ashran and WOD transport etc from your Garrison or any area in WOD expect that to land in late February,

      Our beta testers have been working very hard to insure the waypoints blackspots and vendor + mailing is all stable for you guys, All our profiles are now 100% AFK, Lock Picking profile is now at the point of 100% AFK with no problems we had 3 accounts running a Level 100 a Level 90 and another level 100, the results were, 24 hours none stop farming on each character without any interference to the bot, We left the bot and profile to do it's thing and happy to say it was successful 24 hours + of constant botting I know most of the people using this profile will move on and never check this tread out again and won't care about future updates but I am now calling the plug on this project until something major get's updated with Honorbuddy or World of Warcraft as the project is now almost flawless certainly every profile is Stable.

      If you have problems with the BOT it's more then likely going to be a Problem with Honorbuddy, Singular, Or you moved something out of my SVN folder (Never do that) or World of Warcraft updates there shi* Always start this grind with a fresh Honorbuddy install, All these profiles are now 100% AFKable for Warlords of Draenor and have been extensively tested for maximum performance, If you have any problems that are not profile related none profile related issues to do with Honorbuddy Singular should be reported,


      I would like to thank everyone who's participated in testing the Lock Picking profiles + farming profiles it's been a great pleasure in helping people and the feedback has been excellent,


      Please make sure you update to the latest version of my SVN profiles to insure you have the most up to date profiles.
      Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
    14. ReZnoR

      ReZnoR Member

      Jan 30, 2011
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      Unfortunately stuck again... running from the shore direction... it's no problem running from opposite direction. It's a bit annoying when he's standing there running into the post... apart from this, I couldn't tell that easily it's a bot running.

      It's a great profile otherwise and I really appreciate the work done, and apart from this thing it works great. :)
      Last edited: Feb 4, 2015
    15. e46ad

      e46ad Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      Unfortunately stuck again... running from the shore direction... it's no problem running from opposite direction. It's a bit annoying when he's standing there running into the post... apart from this, I couldn't tell that easily it's a bot running.

      Hi what Profile are we talking about here ? No log file ??

      V7 (100) Steamwheedle Cartel 2 Neutral ? or the lock picking profile is getting stuck ? WHAT PROFILE SWC ? Stuck on Windmill Or Lock Picking profile stuck on the Pole i don't know what one you are talking about from the post its really vague

      Let me know so i can look at getting a fix or maybe you did not update to the latest SVN folder


      Thank you for the feedback and good luck!
      Last edited: Feb 4, 2015
    16. Ogjuke

      Ogjuke New Member

      Feb 4, 2015
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      excellent work I have now used the pick pocket profile for 1 day and all night fantastic updates no more stuck vendors working 1500+ boxes he use mail my char deletes all bad item and sends to my alt

      I use all profile on pack and he get stuck on watermill in tanaris farming n go afk onely a few time per bot maybe 3 in 24hour I make a fix for it you can add to profile

      <!-- gets stuck in watermill -->
      <MoveTo X="-1291.24" Y="106.2429" Z="131.0605" />

      <If Condition="CanFly(1)">
      <CustomBehavior File="Move" DestName="watermill" X="-1215.995" Y="58.10938" Z="129.909" />
      <MoveTo X="-1215.995" Y="58.10938" Z="129.909" />

      my char now fly when he gets message we are stuck he use flying mount to go away from watermill and he will start grinde now no afk
    17. mrmiller

      mrmiller New Member

      Jan 6, 2015
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      Is it possible to get the Lockboxes in the " grind bot "? He must not send it to my alt but it would be nice if this were possible.

      I only need that the rouge pick the boxes up and that was it i think the rest can i do by myself :D
    18. e46ad

      e46ad Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      Hey there no you can't run this in Grind bot due to the Macros etc, But you can run it in questing bot and not have it mail or use vendor It will just stop once your bags are full profile blow is a Grind only using Questing bot,

      View attachment 167096 This profile does everything you would need from grind bot but in questing bot hope it works for you cheers
      Last edited: Feb 4, 2015
    19. mrmiller

      mrmiller New Member

      Jan 6, 2015
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      Ill try it, but can u tell me where the grind spot ist exactly? and is there a exactlier description?
    20. e46ad

      e46ad Member

      Apr 18, 2014
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      There you go hope this helps.
      Last edited: Feb 5, 2015

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