my IB saids there are 2 or less party players waiting for 60 seconds before leaving the instance, but i've waited for 10 mins it doesn't leave the instance i was wondering if anyone else is having this issue?
Yes robots are great. But leaving a instance your self and waiting 10 mins for it, just do it your self then
I've already opened a bug report, but still no answer, I only need to know if u're already aware about this or not. Btw my problem is that from yesterday morning, before all goes fine and smooth, HB return me this error: There is no HB version and I'm using the last IB version. Any other has got the same issue? Thx for your great job guys.
raphus my IB still joins the hardcore dungeons without leaving them no matter what. It joins them and tries first, but especially the occulus, and the pit of saron are a pain in the ass.... With occulus it doesn't leave it. so you have to manually do that. and with pit of saron you need to jump over a ledge in the beginning part, it does that but the annoying part is he will walk back up the ramp and pull the pack which results in a death, or a pissed off group after ressing you... then when you get over 2-3 more ledges after that part it will try to do the same by walking back up the ledge while it can't so it will try to move to the tank and then to the ledge. basically it will start dancing between spots, which happend to me where a other person said, are you botting or just lagging out....
Seems to chase a lot of runners, looks a little weird when I chase down a runner and the caster has it covered, don't know if it is IB or profile related, using default rogue, just an observation, not a bug G
Violet Hold - Once I Enter It's Messed Up - I Run Around In A Circle Like I'm On Crack. Another issue i'v encountered is that once the dungeon is finished and everyone leaves relativly fast i am the last person in the dungeon - I wait their, it ques me their, and then i stay their ..... This has happened twice, i'v experienced it with VH both times. Altho i believe it's a generic error as i'v experienced something similar
VH it's self is fine, soon as you get tellyported their watch what it does. Also, can someone PLEASE explain the bug-tracker ? I keep hearing about it, yet know nothing about it. Where do i download it. Is it an addon? How do i use it? Teach please. I'm more than obliged to use it
got a few odd problems. Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:Loading dungeon script for 'Ahnkahet The Old Kingdom' [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:Tank is set to: Paladin with MaxHP: 15382 [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:This instance has not been meshed yet Dungeon blacklisted but still IB allowed me to enter it. [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:Waiting for 4 seconds before accepting role check [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:Role Check is in progress [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:This instance has not been meshed yet [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:Waiting for 6 seconds before accepting role check [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:Role Check is in progress [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:Waiting for 3 seconds before accepting role check [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:Role Check is in progress We leveled up! Checking if we need to switch profiles. I died! Changing current profile to Empty Profile We leveled up! Checking if we need to switch profiles I did not die. i did not level up. Adding log soon.
[Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:Loading dungeon script for 'DrakTharon Keep' [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:Tank is set to: Paladin with MaxHP: 24253 [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:This instance has not been meshed yet [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:Loot roll in progress... [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:No comparable match for "Infection Resistant Legguards". Rolling DE/Greed [Instancebuddy v2.1.1.1]:This instance has not been meshed yet Erm... Yes you have been meshed MR. Sugestions? Should i delete my mesh folder?
Read through the whole log and tell me if you are getting 1 line that says Unable to connect to remote server
I have been running the same instance like 50 times, but now all of a suddon the instance has not been meshed yet. Wtf? It's utgarde keep btw
I think its something to do with a remote server connection [10:51:19 PM:20] Compiling C:\Users\silver\Desktop\hb\CustomClasses\Merlin [10:51:19 PM:22] Compiling C:\Users\silver\Desktop\hb\CustomClasses\ShamWOW [10:51:19 PM:23] Compiling C:\Users\silver\Desktop\hb\CustomClasses\TankWarrior [10:51:45 PM:97] Unable to connect to the remote server [10:51:45 PM:100] Cleared POI [10:52:08 PM:945] Thread was being aborted.
Same as me. Good. Everyone has this issue.. Log will be posted soon, as i learn how to play a mage, and finish Utgarde keep.