@Kiekie, From the looks of this you are tryin to use Lazyraider to Quest, then you changed to a blank profile. Ok what are you trying to do? BG, Quest, Farm, etc. Also you are using Lazyraider v1.1.1 when Lazyraider is V2.0.0.3, get the updated version!
@Kiekie, I change them depending on what style of team I am playing against, also I change them mid-fight as well... It's all on your play style, there is no correct setting.
I'm wondering if there's a macro for mouseover targets, for example using chains of ice on mouseover when i'm busy dpsing current target. Keeping a melee from getting to me while dpsing other targets. Right now I switch targets with mouse and cast it manually but it can take a few moments cause he doesnt queue the rune for chains of ice and he throws a few attacks on the target too if i'm not fast enough that i want to keep going on main target. I*m using your maintarget and focus target macros and they work great. Otherwise I guess I can make the focus target macro to include /focus [target=mouseover] at the start and try it out.
@Buttercup, The macro functionis indeed limited but I have out a few hours of thought into imporving the functionality of them. ATM I use Arena macros so I only need to press 2 macros: Arena macro 1-5 > MultiCastFT, takes me 2sec and is not a noticable dps loss for me.
Thanks for the quick reply. No problem at all. I am managing it myself too, just thought I would ask if it was implemented.
@Kiekie, If your computer is fast and has a good connection then this CC will run with no issues... If your computer is mediocre or your connect is slow this CC will not work all that well and you will need to set FPS to 30 or lower...
@Community, The transition from Lazyraider styled coding to the BT method is forming well, I am having a few issues here and there but nothing too concerning... As for DPS issues it would seem the new styled method tends to waver in it's functionality by 6K sometimes, the old GME version does around 19,880dps over 5min with full use of CD's, the new BT method can reach to the upwards of 21,442 with no CD's at all, but in random occasions it can dip to the low 16,000... I will assume this is a Lag issue of some sorts until I get it up on public beta...