Hey i cant get the macros to work. this is my macro, anything wrong with it? #showtooltip Lichborne /script SpellName="Death Coil"; /script LichCoil=1;
@Klokeloke, I assume you mean the Macro from this post: Q) How do you use the "Self-Heal()" Macro? (revision 6.XX.12) A) Create the following Macros: Raise Dead + Death Pact: #showtooltip Death Pact or Raise Dead or Whatever you want /script SpellName="Death Pact"; /script DeathPact=1; Lichborne + Death Coil: #showtooltip Lichborne or Death Coil or Whatever you want /script SpellName="Death Coil"; /script LichCoil=1; place these somewhere on your action bar > Press once to initiate (Note: If you press without the necessary requirements to actually cast the spell the Macro will fail & you will die, so use wisely) These macros do not work yet, and I have addd a revision number next to the top part to signify this...
Any ETA on the new version dragadt? im so eager to try it. my DK is now full cata with heroic gurthalak all ready for this baby!
@Punisher775, Currently I have a working BT version but without pet functions, I am not ready to add this to the beta just yet but by weeks end I will have all my released CC's and unreleased CC's coded in BT. I will notify on the respective threads when the new BT Beta's are ready.
Is this version broken? sometimes i just wont start for me and i need to retry to start it after each arena? tried to start it like 6 times last match?
@Community, /* Update 8/21/2012 */ IME will be placed on private beta at weeks end. Please do not send your application until I post the requirements! Thank you for your patients, Dagradt
@Community, /* Update 8/24/2012 ~ 19:40 */ As of today I, and with the collective vote of my private testers, have decided not to release any of my Behavior Tree(BT) projects until after the release of MoP. We find no reason to create new versions that will only work for the next few days as the Arena season is at it's close. Do not misunderstand me as I am and will be working into MoP with guaranteed releases for all viable PvP specs(less healing) once Honorbuddy has been updated and is running smoothly. Private Beta's will still continue as they have and will continue through MoP until perfection is made. On a different note, I feel I have gained enough knowledge to start creating my Behavior Tree(BT) Guide for the community and will start to upload those within my original CC Guide's thread when they are finished and comprehensible to the lesser learned peers. This new guide will cover basics and the transfer from Lazyraider styled code into the Behavior Tree(BT) method's. Lastly as GW2 comes out tonight I will unreachable until the GF rips me from my computer or I die for lack of nourishment and the ultimate soilage of myself for I will not be leaving my command center until I have leveled and seen all that this titan has to offer..! It's been a pleasure working with all of you and I will see you once again when MoP and Honorbuddy are live, Dagradt P.s. If you need to contact me, please do so via PM or Skype...