No idea, I use AndChat for Android. Revision 54 commited More logging Nick security on all chat commands. Use !valid to test.
They will use the same command, but I could add an option to use different letters as the prefix. But, having the same prefix allows you to quickly get each bots statistics right? Revision 57, !Reply added, !reply <message> Wont send anything if its null, otherwise it will send to the last person you have whispered. Added an option to change the standard prefix " ! " to something else, single characters only. Revision 58, Added an option to log our own chat messages. Revision 59, Notifications if our name is mentioned in the chat.
You could maybe make it like to accept commands on private from specific nickname So you would just type to bot and it would be same as typing in chatroom (if its possible ofc)
Actually, it accepts some commands in private messages, and I've coded it so that I can easily switch between private and channel. Ill take a look and see if it works the way I intended it.
Now that I started fixing some stuff, I found something awesome. When I'm done I'll write more about it. But thanks to you that I spotted the error
Revision 61, Still a few more checks when using nick security needed. In this version we will reply to commands in a new way If the bot gets a command in a private message they are replied in a private message If the bot gets it from a channel it will reply in the channel. Logging will still be sent to the channel.
Updating the SVN and the version uploaded doesn't work correctly. Be patient Edit, SVN Updated Settings and name of the plugin changed to GeekyIRC.
New commit Added the option to send Extreme Logging as private messages. Added an option to change the reconnect delay. (Its quite useless since we reconnect/rejoins on kicks and disconnects automatically) After the changes I've made you should delete everything and checkout the plugin again. Everything seems to work fine for me at the moment. But if you encounter any errors, please let me know.
Not sure if its been suggested, if it has I apologize. <3 Perhaps an option for multiple security nicks, (mobile app will disconnect when swapping between 3g and 4g or WiFi, etc, causing the security nick I had authorized to stay connected (while I'm not able to use it, if you understand?), while my phone relogs as a different alternative nick.
Its been suggested, when I started adding a collection of strings I got some errors due to me having no clue how Styx.Helpers.Settings handles them. Guess now that most of the stuff is fixed I could start adding it.
extremelog is really heavy in quakenet... gets a lot of exceed flood kicks possibel to deactivate the CC posts in LOG?
Anything is possible Apoc wrote something useful in another thread, if you want to spam you can use private messages. So I added that option, Add a name you want the bot to send messages to and enable it. New commit, You can add more names to listen to, you can add more usernames and something else that I forgot.
I'm pretty happy with how it works now, there aren't that many bugs left. But I still need to add better checks to reconnect after a kick, disconnect or a server restart. I can't run checks from the plugin pulse, since that keeps locking Honorbuddy. Apart from that I can't think of anything that needs to be done. I also wrote a small wiki entry @ my google code wiki for those who don't want to join public servers. And aren't afraid of running a server themselves, its an easy process, and if you have some experience it will work flawless. CreateIRCd - geeekzor-code - C# Code - Google Project Hosting So if you miss a feature post details. Be as specific as you can. If I missed something or the latest commit doesn't work correctly, gives loads of errors etc Just add a log and the contents of the settings file, remove your personal info first. Use Notepad++ or any similar program to remove or replace your characters info (name etc) with something useless.
Now that I've fixed most things I can get back to this. Styx offers loads of stuff, and its lovely to make plugins for Honorbuddy. But.. The event I use to relay Honorbuddys messages with (Logging_OnWrite) gives me 2 things to work with The message that was written in the Log And the color which is useless, since some servers doesn't allow colors etc. If we got the name of what sent a message it would be easy to filter certain messages. We could also use some pattern matching, regex or something similar to check if we want to send it. That would require a standardized (?) name though, Code: if (!Regex.IsMatch(message, @"\[(.+)\]")) SendIrcStuff(); This would match "[Singular] Casting something on someone" But it will also match "[BGBuddy] Doing something" If someone got a solution for it and wants to share it feel free to do so.
New commit 1.2.0 Revision 18 Cleaned up the code a bit. We can now switch profiles when switching botbases, for changing between Grind Bot, Questing and Gatherbuddy. Select your profiles in the config. We can kill wow remotely. We are now checking if we are connected and registered when the plugin pulses, should ensure we are always connected. Notifications when we die, not a part of extreme logging, will be disabled if extreme logging is enabled. Added a command to do "+o" (chanop)
I'd really love to see the coloring of the channels (i.e. green for guildchat). it's not useless at all, and the server is not a problem as long as you run your own local server (which I already do).
Ye well SmartIrc4Net, which I built the plugin on doesn't really support colors. I can add colors. but so far I haven't been able to find an easy solution, since I have to use , 10 is the color. I can't see what I've written, and I can't accept that.