Revision 60 Code: Rev 60 Added an option to turn on/off chat logging in Honorbuddys chat. Rev 59 Added the option to change IrcColors. Fixed "LogAllInPrivateMessages" Removed TimeStamps Rev 5X Changed the layout of the config window. The labels at the bottom can disconnect/connect the bot. Thanks to Highvolts Config window can be left opened, just close the Plugins window and leave the config open to change stuff.
Is it just me or the plugin doesn't work correctly anymore after the recent updates? It connects to my irc, reports status etc fine, but does not log the messages I need at all. What can be wrong? I've already tried to wipe the configs, remove and checkout the plugin again, no luck yet. All I need atm is to log whispers with BGBuddy, nothing is logged (still pos, status commands etc work just fine)
Do you have private messages enabled? I use the latest version myself, and these are the settings I use, I also use a local server so the irc settings need to be changed. Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ConfigValues> <DebugLogging>False</DebugLogging> <LogItAll>False</LogItAll> <LogAllInPrivateMessages>False</LogAllInPrivateMessages> <LogAllInPrivateMessagesNick>LogNick</LogAllInPrivateMessagesNick> <IrcUsername> <Entry>IrcUsername</Entry> </IrcUsername> <IrcUsermode>0</IrcUsermode> <IrcPassword></IrcPassword> <IrcChannel>#Bot</IrcChannel> <IrcAddress>localhost</IrcAddress> <IrcPort>6637</IrcPort> <IrcSendDelay>1</IrcSendDelay> <UseIrcSendDelay>True</UseIrcSendDelay> <ReconnectDelay>30</ReconnectDelay> <AutoReconnect>True</AutoReconnect> <LogInHbsLog>False</LogInHbsLog> <LogParty>True</LogParty> <LogWhispers>True</LogWhispers> <LogGuild>True</LogGuild> <LogOfficer>True</LogOfficer> <LogRaid>True</LogRaid> <LogBattleground>True</LogBattleground> <LogSay>True</LogSay> <LogOwn>True</LogOwn> <LogLoot>True</LogLoot> <LootFilter>1</LootFilter> <ListenToSpecificNick> <Entry>MyNick</Entry> </ListenToSpecificNick> <UseNickSecurity>False</UseNickSecurity> <AllowProcessKill>False</AllowProcessKill> <CommandPrefix>.</CommandPrefix> <IrcNotice>True</IrcNotice> <NotifyGuild>True</NotifyGuild> <NotifySay>True</NotifySay> <NotifyBg>True</NotifyBg> <NotifyRaid>True</NotifyRaid> <NotifyParty>True</NotifyParty> <NotifyOfficer>True</NotifyOfficer> <NotifyLevelUp>False</NotifyLevelUp> <NotifyDeath>False</NotifyDeath> <NotifyMobKilled>False</NotifyMobKilled> <ChangeProfiles>False</ChangeProfiles> <GrindProfile></GrindProfile> <QuestProfile></QuestProfile> <Gatherbuddy2Profile></Gatherbuddy2Profile> <ColorIrcMessages>True</ColorIrcMessages> <WhisperColor>Pink</WhisperColor> <PartyColor>Blue</PartyColor> <GuildColor>Green</GuildColor> <OfficerColor>Green</OfficerColor> <SayColor>White</SayColor> <RaidColor>Orange</RaidColor> <BgColor>Orange</BgColor> <AchievementColor>Yellow</AchievementColor> </ConfigValues>
Use the SVN in the future.
thanks working like aboss, i have question but what about a notifier if my guy gets stuck or something
If there is an event for it then I can send a message, if not then maybe Extreme Logging is an option. Edit, replace the current file with this one, wait for the bot to get stuck somewhere and see if it writes anything in the debug tab. As stated before I don't play anymore, therefore I can't test this myself.
Even though its possible its not something I'll implement into the public release. If you want it you can try adding this code to the IrcEvents.cs file around row 37. Code: case "shutdown": Process.Start("shutdown","/s /t 0"); break;
Just dont password the channel ? use +s on the channel instead. EDIT:- Infact your doing it wrong i think. I just tested this and connected correctly to a passworded channel. the password field should be empty the channel however should be "#channelname password"