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  • Is HB over forever?

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by Billythekid, May 13, 2015.

    1. namook

      namook Member

      May 5, 2012
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      From a HB point of veiw there are so many people with old computers look at asia, like I said earlier you have gold farmers there only to make money not spend money on a new system, that's the only real reason why they don't want 64 bit at this stage, if you had only 64 bit players and wow only run in 64 bit then you would need 64 bit, the main problem is to have 64 bit and 32 bit everytime the bot is down, they would have more work needing to update 64 bit and 32 bit, so it's more logical to keep 32 bit active, but we all should fight for a 64 bit :D justifying 32 bit will only keep this bot running like a turtle opposed to a ferarri sure you can still bot but it will never be as good as 64 bit, I can't use Tmorph with 32 bit lolif 32 bit is so freakin amazing then why did we even bother creating a 64 bit windows, 32 bit is prehistoric no body wants that crap.
      Last edited: May 14, 2015
    2. WickedGames

      WickedGames New Member

      Mar 26, 2015
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    3. namook

      namook Member

      May 5, 2012
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      It is really a no brainer hey this is my entire point why we should be under 64 bit, sure new detection methods will be applied to 64 bit but they have to comb through more people generating more time, affecting real legit players being banned on false positives this generates a lot more problems for blizzard I don't get why people can't get that through their thick heads. There is even 64 bit bots out, but everyone knows Honor Buddy is favored simply because it has the biggest community, everyone also knows it's 32 bit so they will focus only on 32 bit players... they are not gonna waste so much time on low populated 64 bit bot when Honor Buddy is their prime target.
      Last edited: May 14, 2015
    4. Thecamel

      Thecamel Community Developer

      Aug 8, 2012
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      That's just it... HB tripwire failed... hence why we are all banned... from the staff them self they admit that have node idea what happen.. They just know its been detected by the amount of players banned...

      I don't think it had anything to do with 32bit usage either...

      I do believe this is the end of the line for the buddy team and WOW.... Every other BOT detection they have known how and why it happen, fixed it a pushed a update...

      This was a direct attack on HB.. as other bots remain non effected for now (tbh I don't think blizz cares at this point, they are so small)

      TBH- im not really bother by any of it apart from one thing... The BUDDYSTORE... this is exactly why it should not have happened... Im not getting into it but I hope the buddy teams relies this and removes it...

      But for now HB is over IMO and it will be weeks if not months if not ever before we will see anything regarding a HB bot again.
    5. lolp1

      lolp1 New Member

      Feb 18, 2012
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      I'm not sure what you're trying to show with this thread linked. It says a luaD_protectedparser is hooked with a random 32bit-only WoW function, which appears to check the call stack for any calls coming to it from out side of WoW.

      It would make total sense that honorbuddy being 32-bit only currently and their target seems to be honorbuddy in this banwave, the only function hooked to check the call stack for calls outside of WoW would be 32bit. The issue is, if honorbuddy was re-written to 64bit it would make no difference. They would have instead hooked luaD_protectedparser to a 64 bit function, and even to both functions if both versions of HB existed. This ban wave would have happened if that method was used to detect it regardless of 64/32 bit.
    6. lolp1

      lolp1 New Member

      Feb 18, 2012
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      It's worth noting Blizzard does not ban if they are not confident in false positives being 0. Checking 32 bit or 64 bit would likely both resolve in 0 or next to 0 false positives, checking 5 people or 500 people should make none or near no difference in false positives in any banwave. As far as I'm aware, practically every warden ban since it came out in a diablo 2 patch has been upheld and never reversed for a false positive.
    7. namook

      namook Member

      May 5, 2012
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      32 bit or 64 bit does not make any difference, 64 bit means that there will be a lot of false positives when people do get banned taking out legit players who don't bot, this then means people can appeal accounts back why do people take it out of context, blizzard will target only 32 bit as of now unless they have hit 64 bit users I have not seen that, still writing in 64 bit makes it hard for blizzard, reguardless of how many detection methods blizzard creates innocent people will get taken out in the process, making it even harder for blizzard, tell me why innocent people are getting banned now that don't even run honor buddy? false positives ok so we know that, some people are being banned via a false positive if they don't use honor buddy then how was blizzard trying to detect them well we know there was no bot? so now what, ok now think about a 64 bit this would upscale the amount of innocent people being banned for no reason putting even more pressure on blizzard to be careful on how the detect people making it even a lot more harder because they then have to be more super careful they can't just ban willy nilly or you will have mass reports of people complaining about being banned for no reason.
      Last edited: May 14, 2015
    8. crispybacon

      crispybacon New Member

      Mar 8, 2013
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      I don't think it's over forever, HB staff is great and will come up with something, even if it takes some time.

      I rather think it's over for WoW than HB ;) A lot of people I know who botted and got banned have no interest in coming back to WoW whatsoever (myself included). I believe it was a dangerous time for Blizzard to come up with a ban wave. Hardly anyone is that much interested in WoW anymore that they will come back.
    9. WickedGames

      WickedGames New Member

      Mar 26, 2015
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      You answered your own question.

      Yes, it would have. The other point I was making is that it shows how neglected and sloppy HB is. Its core hasn't been updated for many, many years now, and instead it's only hacked together with new offsets every update and few other basic updates. Most of the actual "work" is in the profiles and plugins.

      I believe the HB team once responded that a 64 client would be too much work/too hard for them to implement. Maybe things would've been different if they actually took the time, eh?
    10. lolp1

      lolp1 New Member

      Feb 18, 2012
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      What would be different? The ban would have still taken place exactly the same, and they would have spent an insane amount of resources for very little improvement for what HB is designed for, botting WoW.
    11. WickedGames

      WickedGames New Member

      Mar 26, 2015
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      No it wouldn't, don't be ridiculous. You can't possibly say the banwave would have occurred still.

      The reason it *did* occur is because HB hasn't had its core updated in such a long time it was easy pickings for Blizzard. The introduction of a 64 bit version would show competence and variability on the developers side, and they likely would've been able to respond appropriately to these updates. I haven't seen anyone in the HB team refute the 32 bit detection code and instead just rolled with it as if nothing had happened. Correct me if i'm wrong? It's my understanding that they're working with old, bad and buggy code and trying to make the best of frankly a bad situation.

      FWIW, you say "very little improvement" but it's obvious you are no programmer or developer. A 64 bit version would actually bear decent performance gains over its archaic 32 bit counterpart. I wouldn't call that a waste of resources.
    12. namook

      namook Member

      May 5, 2012
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      You just don't want a 64 bit computer? stop running windows 95 lol
    13. namook

      namook Member

      May 5, 2012
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      What would be different you would have a lot of people pissed off in wow forums complaining they had been banned for no reason that is why 64 bit is great and other reasons, those who did bot would mean a higher success rate of appeals, due to the fact there are people saying they were banned and had no bot that they were banned on false positives.
    14. IceMannn

      IceMannn Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Ok here are my 5 cents...
      The detection had to occur before 7th of May. Because out of 8 accounts, 6 got banned which were active before 7th of May and 2 accounts, which I activated on 7th, those stayed alive and I was even boting on them while the ban-wave was going on. These 2 accounts are still untouched and active. So not sure if there is some active HB detection as if it was something like that there, these 2 accounts would be banned as well.
    15. quorak

      quorak New Member

      Jan 2, 2015
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      Is there a possibility to use HB even when the tripwire is active ? I still have account non banned and I don't care if they will be ban soon, just want to try :)
    16. dustdust

      dustdust New Member

      May 14, 2015
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      I want to know that too
      plz tell us
    17. ginuwine12

      ginuwine12 New Member

      Feb 12, 2013
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      this could take long time until HB team sort the problems , and see why the tripewire didnt react in some point when it was detected and what it could be not easy things who know maybe they well finde out maybe not maybe it takes a week to some months until HB come back .. for sure not easy thing best luck HB teams , chinjade <3
      Last edited: May 14, 2015
    18. stronger

      stronger New Member

      May 9, 2015
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      Honorbuddy will still be alive hopefully. Blizzard recently lost their court case they did in 2012 and Bossland is based in Germany too which is protected by German Law and EU laws unlike Glider who was based in the U.S
    19. Nitrak

      Nitrak New Member

      Apr 20, 2012
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      For all of you that is kind of demanding Honorbuddy to go 64-bit or go home, might want to research a little into WHY they are running 32-bit and not 64-bit.

      On the 32-bit windows it is possible for a program to "hook" into other programs memory, and hereby gain information that would otherwise only be accessible by the parent program.

      In 64-bit windows it is NOT possible for a program to access the program memory of another program, unless they find a way to "spoof" that they are the parent program, which afaik have not been done yet.

      So currently as far as i know, 64-bit is out of the option, but as everything on the internet, take it with a grain of salt.
    20. Tarathiel2

      Tarathiel2 New Member

      Nov 12, 2013
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      That's only true for 32-bit programs, but there are workarounds, and 64-bit programs have no problem doing it.

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