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  • Is honorbuddy worth my time trying to make money at 14?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Aroxan, Nov 18, 2012.

    1. Aroxan

      Aroxan Banned

      Jul 25, 2012
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      I'm working on increasing my arsenal of computers :) Thanks for all your help guys.
    2. tommyh

      tommyh Member

      Apr 2, 2010
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      I am a little conservative when it comes to making money at your age. School should be your first priority. it is a long term investment that you don't want to miss out unless you don't think you are going to follow through with your education. Let say you try your best now to earn about 250k at the age of 23 without a bachelor degree yet, comparing to "another you" with a bachelor degree from a good university and owe about 50k. Who do you think will be better off in 10, 20 , 30 years?
      if you want to make money now to help your parents out then it's a different story. Making little money while in HS is always good, but don't make it your full time job (if you don't have to).

      that's my 2 cents.
    3. Lady Rainicorn

      Lady Rainicorn New Member

      Mar 9, 2012
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      If you're accounting for any costs you're already going about this entirely wrong, and you don't have the connections to make this happen.

      You should not calculate any real-money cost of financing your accounts. Between RaF months (less reliable now) and 60 day cards, which are readily available and easily obtained in gold, if you're paying any amount of real money to maintain your accounts your business model is broken.

      Likewise, you should budget out a portion of your gains from your initial setup to spend back into more licenses. Do not spend money on these that did not come from business profits.

      You also haven't seemed to make any noise about expanding your base of accounts. This can also be done in gold through SoR accounts and MoP keys, which will likely cost you in total about 80-100k, but will include the level 80 that comes with SoR.

      This is doable, but you'll need to bear in mind too that the amount of time you're going to spend in setting everything up will likely earn you profits below minimum wage. And I'm also bearing in mind that you're 14, which means you probably don't have the resources to avoid being scams and massive account suspensions.

      And if you're using more than one computer before you have a minimum of 8 on your gathering team, you're heading in the wrong direction.
    4. lallezor

      lallezor New Member

      Jul 31, 2012
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      hmm i sold in game currency in other MMOs for money when i was 12-14. So yes, go for it, its profitable.

      and 2nd thing; since when botting takes free time away, u can still have fun in rl and go school normally..
    5. Billybob

      Billybob New Member

      Sep 3, 2012
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      Hey Youngster,

      Yes, you can make a butt load of money from WoW at 14 y/o. Yes, you can use real money to buy game time - it's not a broken model - especially since you are buying the game time with the money from selling gold. What you have to do is get smart adults to give you guidance when needed.

      As many adults are not smart enough to make a living off WoW, they will come here to flame you - ignore them. Be smart, do your thing, and just don't take shit personally. You will get scammed occasionally, just take it as a learning experience & roll on.

      Big thing is plan on going to college, you can use this experience as a foundation for a business degree. You can even get credit hard work.
    6. conetopia

      conetopia Banned

      Sep 29, 2012
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      In 1 year
      your going to end up spending 2800+ hours makeing only about 500$ profit on gold.
      and then if you have a few lvl 80's 90's you could sell your account on ebay 100$ per lvl 85 150$ per 90..... maybe less idk..

      but basically
      in 1 year you could make profit of 1000 - 3500$

      now convert those 2800 hours into cutting yards/mowing lawns... 10 bucks an hour
      thats 28,000 $

      which would you rather do?

      if you decide to go with the wow option.

      make sure to deposite your money into your own account and don't tell anyone... aka parents..
      because most likely they will be like... ok now that you have a job playing games.... pay us rent.
      Last edited: Nov 20, 2012
    7. Drekal

      Drekal New Member

      Aug 24, 2010
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      ^ THIS

      seriously you want to make 100k $ from botting?
      NEVER.... 9k$ from selling stuff at your school? maby..

      but dude.. what you can get in 1 month is just like 1000 bucks..
      dont know how the law is in texas.. but maby you have to pay taxes... so run a business with 14?
      go to school sell 1mio gold per month and be happy with this money. its ok
    8. notorious879

      notorious879 Member

      Nov 11, 2011
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      Anyway, almost of the people here answers just to proof that " YEAH I MAKE $$$$$$ LOL IM A G", just to show their "penis".

      I will answers u as i already done 5 times, and thats my last answers. Everybody here with a sense of maturity will say the same ( And some people already done that ). You have 14 Years old and as u said u have 138IQ ( I doubt about it, but good for you if u are clever).

      Thats means u have potential, u have a great futur who wait for you. Dont waste your times to make monney, use it for school certificate.

      The life is really hard, for what i've seen in Russia and now in Belgium. I make a mistake when i was young to stop the school for doing illegal bad things with russian guys, Because of monney. I loosed everythings because i have to change country to can get a new life, have new chance.

      I've been sleeping in the street 8 month along and i have to work hard to get a life. Now i have a great life, but i have to work more hard than the usual person to reach this.

      U have to understand and if u are smart its not gonna be hard for you, unfortunaly in the life is when u have 12 to 17 u take the great part of the most important decision in your life. Dont BET on this, because anyway, it will stop like every buisness stop after a short period.

      But your certificate from school will never disappear. U will get a good job, good monney, good people around u smart & cultured, a good house and more than everythings a good background for your futur kid.

      Dont make that kind of big mistake, because the life will not make u any gift, and when u wanna stand up when the life knock you back down, trust me, not everybody can do it, u have to be strong in your mind, and people who are strong, its really a little part of the world.

      Now, it was my last comment to your post. Take it how u want, but i fucking hope here some guy will understand theyr answer have impact on the mind of a 14years old kid. And stop to show theyr penis just to show they can get monney.
      Last edited: Nov 21, 2012
      Swizzie likes this.
    9. Rusty_Trombone

      Rusty_Trombone Member

      Oct 30, 2011
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      Man... Really. Let people do whatever they want. If you feel the need to preach, do it to your kids. If you do not have kids, do it elsewhere. He is 14 and he wants to do it that way. And comes to a forum for help. If you cannot help him, just do not answer. For fuck sake this is a botting forum. Tell your opinion as a sidenote and this is it. Do not flame the guy.

      I do not have any advice. Good luck with your experiment. On a side note, focus on your studies first but still, GOOD LUCK. And report back.
    10. Swizzie

      Swizzie New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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    11. Lady Rainicorn

      Lady Rainicorn New Member

      Mar 9, 2012
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    12. panYama

      panYama Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      my 2 cents is don't do it I've been on these forums for quite some times, i'm like furniture I guess. I've seen people have huge chunks of nice money coming out of it, but it required a lot of time management and patience. How/Why? As said before you need many accounts on different realms different factions and all be selling there botting mats quick, to be profitable. If you come across a realm that is dying forget about it because you will most likely lose money towards that single char thus losing a 12,99Euro per month on that account. Since your 14, I figure you go to school and study, whilest some others here have homejobs and/or are unemployed and have the time to do so.

      Ofcourse there are people that do have jobs and manage well with 40 account botting, but remember you need a bit of knowledge of the bot and time invested already to know if you can leave it unattended.
      Then when you make the gold, it's time to sell. Now I don't know your knowledge about selling gold, but there is different ways to do so, and some will get a account banned within 10 minutes. So it's up to you if you are up for the task in marketing, finding buyers/companies, having a computer strong enough for many accounts(HB = somewhat heavy with certain plugins or other stuff enabled) *check some topics where people post there setup to bot x amount of accounts.
      Then go for it, but still since your 14 I would strongly not recommend to do so and focus on your studies instead and bot for fun/own profit.

      You don't want to end up wasting a lot of money, buying a awesome pc, but in the end not using it to the fullest or above all FAIL studies and get your parents angry.

      Hope you can make your decision upon reading all these comments, it all comes down to you what you do with our information.
    13. Broseph

      Broseph New Member

      Oct 24, 2012
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      All I want to know is this: Where did the 138IQ come from? Is that a number dreamed by notorious879 or did Aroxan claim it?
    14. ggiaquin16

      ggiaquin16 New Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      Well I only got half way through the thread but I had enough reading it. Sounds like he got banned anyways. It is nothing but a dream to chase after to make money in gaming whether you stream, try to make it to MLG, or even bot for money. I have several friends who are way in debt, and are using all their money to buy computer upgrades instead of paying off the large money they owe to get their car back just to try to think they can be MLG status. Making gold is so stupidly easy now that most people do not even need to buy it.

      To be able to run the bots the needed amount of times over the prime servers will take a lot of money and know how. Simply saying I am 14 and can make 9k is cool story and all but at that age it is not hard. Stick to mowing lawns. It is what I did, and at 16 I got a real job. Even if I did not drop my full time job so I can finish my college degree, there is no way in 4 years I would make 100k with that job and that was working 60 hours a week. There are plenty of ways to make money, botting is not one of them. You really really have to know what you are doing, especially with controlling the botting uptime vs down time and making sure IP does not conflict or it is an easy flag. Even if you manage to get through all of that, you have to ensure you are not selling to a blizzard trap pretending to be a player. You will just end up getting banned.
    15. Swizzie

      Swizzie New Member

      Feb 19, 2011
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      He claimed it then edited it out.
    16. Gatherit

      Gatherit New Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 28, 2010
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      Is this thread still here?:rolleyes:
    17. Emptytester

      Emptytester Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      2 weeks.jpg

      from 2 weeks. Haven't been botting recently due to schoolies ( end of year 12 ). Had 2 bots running.
    18. Lady Rainicorn

      Lady Rainicorn New Member

      Mar 9, 2012
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      $180 in two weeks?

      That's 12.5 hours a week working at minimum wage.

      $360/mo is not good money.
    19. Emptytester

      Emptytester Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Bots kept crashing due to error 134. Fixed it now plus i wasnt supervising the bot so i don't find it that bad.

      i probably spent a hour posting auctions.
    20. shadows

      shadows New Member

      Jan 22, 2011
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      If its $360 you wouldn't normally have, then yes, it is good money.

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