Tempting to buy this, got few questions. is it support potions of treasure finding? Second, im using some plugin for potions already, but each map change its refresh buff . For example teleport out from tol barad to mail crap and then return back cost me 2 potions currently. Is you plugin act same way or not? thx for reading this.
All potions,items,spells Supported Map change,loading Screens,entering Dungeons Are recognized .... It won't waste your potions
have fun and report back if u encounter any issues, so that they could be fixed! or tell me if u have any suggestion what should be added to the Plugin (that's why ur paying for )
Hey Storm -- I still have the SVN version of this, but I see you have a paid version for 3 euro in the store. What's the difference? And, are there gift keys for those that already have the SVN version if there are no differences? I just want to make sure I have the most up to date version, so if that means I now have to purchase this for 3 euro, I'll do so, unless you're giving out gift keys for it like the other devs have done for things owned prior to the store going live.
pm'd u bout the latest fancy changes, up to you if u wanna buy only gift keys i would offer would be for some fancy images for the store product the other devs offered gift keys only for previously paid products sold on different sites/stores
Gotcha. I PM'd you back with what I figured out to be my main concern. As far as updates go, there won't be anymore made to the SVN version, correct? Since, it says, "Method Not Allowed" when I try to SVN update now. So, I will be making a purchase shortly just so I can be sure it stays up to date.
That's right, the SVN was removed but because of another concern (that bugged me since months) , not because of the paid version itself
Tried this out with potion of treasure finding. not really good tbh Bot just spamming pot, not waiting for buff expire. Log and setup window in plugin attached. Check please and suggest, ty.
change the Aura id to check to: 80263 if this is also not working, change it to: 0 i'll change the Logging in the evening so that it will print all current auras and their ids to the log when using an item or spell, this should make it much easier to debug it if this happens again
Glad to hear I pushed already an update to the store that is waiting for approval If this version is life, the log will always (when item/spell is used) contain a line with "We have currently these Auras on us:", this line makes it possible for you and also for me to fix BuffEntries in the configuration on your own (u'll get the name of the aura, the id, and the time left) So if an item is used too much (also known as spamming an item/spell), you can read the log and fix your entries
Any chance of adding 'InBattleground" as a location option? Such as for Fire-watcher's Oath to farm bloody coins?
This is usable in Battlegrounds? didn't knew there was such an item (i knew the item, but not the possibility to use it in BattleGround, ever thought this is TimeLessIsle Only)
Update pushed to the store for Battleground support It can take up to 3 days, before the version is approved by the Buddy Staff, and avaiable for streaming