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  • Kick's Archived Posts Thread

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by ryftobuddy, Aug 4, 2011.

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    1. fasteddie78

      fasteddie78 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      1-6 Hawker
    2. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I have added IsQuestObjectiveCompleted() conditions to all hasquest's that aren't a 'turnin quest'; so after you manually do a quest, you should be able to press start and the bot should go about it's business now!
    3. kalystoo

      kalystoo New Member

      Jun 4, 2011
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      My suggestion : rename ryftomate window as the player want (msn, safari, i.e. and so on)
    4. Tony

      Tony Guest

      the name on Launcher is not the problem
    5. rhainland

      rhainland Guest

      Maybe the proposed action would be to scrap .net injecting like you are doing, use what Honorbuddy uses. Or inject a native dll which communicates with rift.

      Its confirmed Rift scans for mscoree.dll, and you guys still inject it like you always have. Ryftomate will continue to get waves like this, until you guys wake up.
    6. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      Without going into too much detail; in-process is just as safe as out of process. (Meaning, the same detection venues are present in both. Period.) Also; HB works on a totally different principle, so I won't even bother discussing that product.

      Rift doesn't scan *just* for mscoree.dll, so a native DLL (using IPC, or w/e) will solve absolutely nothing. (They also have no issue scanning every running process, and are willing to enumerate every module in every process to find what they're looking for.)

      Now, I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from posting again, unless you have genuinely useful information. (And you actually know what you're talking about.)
    7. Glendrum

      Glendrum New Member

      Jun 13, 2011
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      I am getting a more solid opinion that our IP address has nothing to do with how they detect our accounts. I had my bot account running ONLY when using a fake IP program. NOt only that but it changed IPs automatically every hour. Not once did i use my real IP. Nor did i ever log onto the account (when not botting) using my real IP address.

      However, in a Rift reply they specifically stated.

      Yeah, BS
    8. Apoc

      Apoc Moderator Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 16, 2010
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      It wouldn't be your IP, it'd be your MAC address. (Whether via your NIC/Ethernet card in your PC, or your router/modem) We've already confirmed IPs have nearly nothing to do with it. (In some cases it does, but those are the "extreme" cases)
    9. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      How viable is using a MAC spoofer to avoid detection? Reading on other sites, some users appear to have avoided detection by using such programs?

      At this point, I'm willing to try anything to avoid another account being deleted. If a MAC spoofer is a good solution, does anyone have a suggestion for a good program to accomplish this?
    10. Glendrum

      Glendrum New Member

      Jun 13, 2011
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      The MAC address would be something to consider. However, i have accounts used on the same computer which werent banned at all. I wrote my email that got the above response that my account was hacked. They stated that my "IP" was from my location. That is absolutely impossible. Perhaps it is just that they dont want to give specifics. There are MAC address scramblers that change it regularly but Something tells me its it has nothing to do with our computers, but something within the program itself.

      Meaning... "we dont give a damn where it was done from, it was done and therefore you are banned".

      I only even bothered to care based on a few individuals claiming they had their ban lifted based on supposed Hacking of accounts.

      I do know that for the first time RiftMinion got hit at the same time and they were never using any anti-detection methods since it was their free version. It seems to me that it comes down to Trion knowing from the moment the bot comes back up and they just wait. No money in closing it down immediately... they want our money first. They let accounts come out of Trial and get paid... then they let people get to high levels and then WHAM...

      I had the feeling that something was going to happen when at the end my favorite farming spot was being used by no less than 5 people at all times. we were almost running on top of each other. That is when they have to do something.

      It is sorta funny that they dont want us making money off of 3rd party programs... selling accounts, plats, items... BUT the have no problem doing it themselves. Sorta hypocratical on that basis alone. 3rd party programs or NOT allowed, but we let them go until we get your money. They never even touched my Trial account that i ran 7 days straight. Wasnt much but i was able to glean 100 Plats off that alone.
    11. nauspav

      nauspav Guest

      Hi all,
      I have a naive question but is scanning local processes on my PC by Trion legal. After all I buy the MMO game and not a scanning program :) Moreover, I never found a warning - Beware of this software scans your PC... If I was not familiar with IT lashes would make me scared that the game scans my PC and sends data. What they scan what they send...

      Raft is a violation of privacy?

      Just thinking out loud...

      Please do not kill me that this question :)

      //I came after the first wave, I survived the second wave, third wave got me. I use only CombatAssist - newer play bot in AFK mode :)(
    12. Grouch

      Grouch Guest

      I was botting 2 accounts 24 hours a day for three days straight. I didn't bot in an area where anyone else was botting. I moved to locations off the beaten path where there was little to no traffic. As of today neither account has been suspended or banned.
    13. diablo

      diablo New Member

      Aug 1, 2011
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      I guess Trion´s for sure reading the treats onhere. So they will be informed about anything and also they can load the software by themselves. Guy´s wake up they also have their ppl and don´t sleep. I am just a noob but i guess there will never be a perfect security with a bot.
    14. Grouch

      Grouch Guest

      That's a good point. Why aren't these forums viewable only to subscribers? Announcements pertaining to bot updates, up time, & down time tells them exactly when to watch for bots. Of course this does not prevent them from buying an account. But atleast they have to spend some of their cash to read the forum.
    15. ryftobuddy

      ryftobuddy Banned

      Aug 19, 2011
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      I can guarantee you that limiting viewing threads to subscribers only will do nothing from preventing Trion and any other company from buying the bot and viewing the forums. Do you think that people that work for Trion don't have emails outside of their @trion.com email addresses? To think that is simply asinine.

      The banwaves hit every major bot, not just ryfto. They obviously have some sort of detection in place to find these bots. Whether it be a generic detection scheme or Trion is setting up a separate scheme for each bot, noone probably knows at this point except for Trion. Hell, Trion probably has dedicated a couple programmers to reverse engineering each bot in hopes to beef up their own security.
    16. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      trion will spend 20 euros to buy the bot for that if needed

      but if we did that, it will also turn away customers
    17. Eddie4

      Eddie4 Guest

      Let me enlighten every one about IP/MAC spoof change etc. The bot got detected so IP/MAC has NOTHING to do whit it. Telling them you got hacked won't work sins they detected you over serval days. And you don't know when you got detected so useless.

      The ONLY thing you can do is: When playing by hand use IP1 and when botting make sure you use IP2. Starting the bot even once on IP1 and this tactic is useless for ever.
    18. Mordd

      Mordd New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      My trial was banned. No big deal but they are no doubt doing MAC tracking. Simply put I didnt spend enoph time botting for them to notice. I never sold any thing to hurt the economy or what not. Basically they tagged my computer as being a botter. So even if I play legit they will be watching me close.

      Since I have changed my MAC now I will try again and see what comes of it.
    19. flairdevil

      flairdevil Community Developer

      Jul 18, 2011
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      Yup! And who GIVES a shit if trion HAS to BUY a subscription to see the active botting forums....make them spend some of THEIR money, like I keep having to do! I agree completely that all of the forums should not be accessible to the general public. Anything you need to know about the bot is right on the main page. Give them one "General" forum. Also, remove inactive keys from forum access, thus eliminating anyone who bought a key, but is not botting (i.e. a dickhead Trion assbag)

      Download SMAC off of TPB. I got a version of it and it works like a charm bud. =D I have not used it yet, this round I will be testing myself to try to determine what in the hell is going on, because apparently, we don't have a handle on it yet...

      I do however believe they are suing at LEAST MAC ID's to "watch" us. Once you get banned your MAC goes into a file, and a overpaid GM spends his day scanning MAC Addy's to see who created new accounts. Then does a more thorough investigation of any ones that come up as new accounts. I am sure they then run their (more than likely) illegal scanners and look out of process for the bot. IMO pretty easy to do if there is a window up that says NAME-SERVER as the title....lol They cant scan out of process you say? lol riggght, prove they did... All you know from this end is they found the bot software (which you know you used) and you are now banned, have a nice day. They never are forced to answer to anyone as to HOW they came to that conclusion, they just decided to. Period. Welcome to your EULA, suckers. >.< If anyone has the knowledge, and wants to share it, I would LOVE to be able to read what incoming game packets are doing during game play. i.e. what/WHERE are they scanning, and how. How fuckin great would a class action lawsuit be against Trion because they kept beating up on ~150 or so botters..... (thats about all we have active - which for the life of me I have no idea WHY Trion can see the download count of the program.....lololol)

      In my days of FPS shooters (too old for them now, that's for dem dang yunngins!) I remember scans for hard drive ID's as well, pretty much anything on your motherboard they could be using to track you, right? I thought almost anything that could be communicated with would return a ID of some sort.....but again, this is not my field of expertise, I am sure a far more experienced "reverse enginerer...erer?" will chime in and let us know...

      Also, GIVE US A PRIVATE FORUM!!!! Active members, donators, something that will at the very least make Trion put in some sort of work other than simply downloading this month's attempt and figuring out a detection for it. Make THEM start putting in some major time in on our asses!!! We put in a shit load of time trying to beat them, fuck em! Let them put in work too! EDIT - I just logged out to see if anything changed, nothing does. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can visit this forum and is granted FULL ACCESS to everything paid subs can see. That is really silly imo.... The general public (especially not logged GUESTS!!!) should NOT have access to everything by simply stopping by. . . Again from my soapbox i scream - MAKE TRION WORK FOR IT!~!!!
    20. HB5159I42

      HB5159I42 New Member

      Jul 18, 2011
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      Hello guys i want to share my opinion with you all, and if they couldnt see none of that, ip mac and even the they couldnt detect the bot. My opinion is based on a few hours that iv spend thinking just that nothing more. And if they can see us cause of our robotic behavior, they can easly check logs and see that im on the same place for the last 2hours using always the same rotation of skills i only move on a restricted area, something like that (remember we have only a few profiles here and they can easly track them to catch us).

      I got afected too and iv got 24h hours suspension, and iv only used the bot for a few hours on a new char that iv maded, and i have done all the starting area quests days before the defiant profile, and left the bot grinding lvl after lvl 6 and iv stoped at lvl 11 (max 3 hours) i went on vacations and when i arrive almost one week after i saw on my email the ban.

      Ps: sory my english i did my best.
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