With questing basebot you must enable movement... so automove must set to true. You can disable automove only when you wanna control personally movement (using for example basebot like Enyo, Lazyraider etc..). If you enable the FullAFK default profile (designed for questing basebot) all this config are correctly configured. NB: If you use Holy Paladin for questing then must enable option "move in to meele"
Atillio can you confirm that this is on the to-do list to implement burst DPS hotkey option for holy pal in PVP or exception to ignore party health if enemy below XXX amount? These are huge factors for PVP so even if it's not available now, if I know you are working on implementing this I will buy it in advance knowing it's coming since you've always been a very reliable dev. Using Tuanha's atm which has these settings but the rotation is very bad for the dmg part and I have to pause and play manually at the end of each match. The hotkey would be ideal but even a simple GUI option to continue full DPS routine if Wrath is active + enemy health below say 30% would do wonders for people who care about rank and not just want 1 win a week for the free item.
ATM the issue appens when mixing Thuana's CRs in same HB installation. Pls Run Thuana's CR in a separate installation from KingWoW or other streamed product.
Usually I will reset trial when a major update is released. At the end of this week probably (this because the new 7.1 introduced some changes in paladin)
Hi Attilio. I am having a major FPS drop using the CR in Karazhan. If i use singular there are no FPS issues but using kingWOW drops me down to 3-4 FPS and means it is unplayable. In all other raids and dungeons there are no problems at all, just Karazhan. When i am stood outside Karazhan i have 64fps even with everyone around, as soon as i step inside it drops.
I'm asking to developers channel if any issue is known... Personally I tanked with no particular issue...
No FPS drop with taunHA as i have just tested that, so that and singular work fine. Problem is just kingWOW, and it dropped FPS before i added taunHA on a fresh HB install, only tried tuanHA to test to see if there was an issue with that too.
could you have an option to enable to pool holy power(get to 5 but not over) to maximize the dps with legendary cloak?
when i am using the cr in karazhan. use tank ,i have 88fps, use holy ,only have 15fps, don't know why .
Why can i not buy the routine? I've tried to fill my card info twice, it said accepted yet i wont get it and my card aint charged.. i'm pissed asf, lmao