I understand that I have bothered with a hotkey, but if you enter this beautiful DPS spec in the holy, maybe you do hotkey? that during the battle can be turned on and off DPS?
Honorbuddy staff FIXED streaming of CR. PLS restart HB As sad it was a bug in buddystore steaming.... Hope they solved now.
I was thinking to add an hotkey, but this require some attention on how to conciliate with the HP% threshold. In order to not delay this important update, I just postponed this feature for next release.
Hi Daradas.... Very long file to read.... I can see this: <DivineSteedHP>100</DivineSteedHP> this option is in MITIGATION section If you wanna cast manually yr divine steed just set the movement buff to big value but set also MITIGATION relative value to 0.
http://i84.fastpic.ru/big/2016/0905/fc/f53f6821c64f1e4c5b4498f9b77150fc.png in setting things right, but it still casts continuously
It works properly.... I can see again in your picture that you have set "Knight Templar DivineSteed" in MITIGATION config settings to 100. This is the value you must set lower as HP% to cast mitigation benefict from divine steed. To set manual cast just set this value to 0. hope attached picture can help! I use these values
Hey for some reason I'm getting extreme lag when using this CR with any combat bot base. It isn't lagging with Singular. Any ideas?
its not only on this CR ,singular laging to when the are 5+ mobs...Its a HB3 causing lags i think its wil be fine after 1-2 wiks attilio76 i have sended log file and you sad thet ol ok
Using demo atm. Every time the bot dies in BG and it resses at GY, it will stop working. Will idle at GY till it gets deserter. Nothing being processed in Honorbuddy either. Swap to singular and it works like its supposed to.
It doesn't target and attack boses like Naraxas and the one in the ship and tintacles .. any such target gets ignored by the BOT ... Also it doesnt use CDs on Boss although its been set to use CDs on boss. Movement needs a tweak . Holy paladin doesnt use his Artifact ability. Other than that all fine .. if movement tweaked to be smoother will be super.
About boss like Naraxas etc pls read Know Issue posted in first page HERE and how to temporary fix! KNOW ISSUE: There are some bosses (Naraxas, Helya may be others...) where HB check lineofSight is bugged and return a false Negative to CR: in order to fix this issue (ONLY for these bosses) enable option IgnoreLineOfSight in UTILITY->TARGETTING section The Cd option ON_BOSS probably need some coding for new boss not added in HB boss list (I will investigate) Holy paladin use his artifact at configurable condition (are you sure condition in settings are verified and CR dos not use artifact??) . Here all tests are fine with artifact. About movement can you explain me better what you mean? Remember that movement with HB3 is changed and are delegate to HB server side. Probably we can improve, so I appreciate any futher suggestion on how to improve movement. You can add me on skype: KingWoW.support for more details.
Question: is there a value i can put in the "MOVEMENT BUFF -> DIVINE STEED IF TARGET DISTANCE IS MORE THAN.." in order to DISABLE this? I've tried to put values of 0 and tried many differant ones upto 1000. even tried -1. but it seems to still get cast no matter what value i put in. It would be nice to have the option to disable/enable also.
you probably have to set "Knikth templar Divine Steed" in MITIGATION setting to 0 (ZERO) too for completly manual cast. in movement buff just set a great value like 999 I will add the option Enable/disable in next release and put all divine steed configs together... And I need change some default settings too...
yes Holy is using Artifact ability now, All instance bosses seems not to be identified as bosses in BOT therefore when I set it to use CDs on Boss it wont happen, Maybe its a HB3 stuff but will be awesome if you can come up with a solution. Ill do intensive observation on movement, in general movement is slow in reaction and sometimes cant face boss properly or get in mele range properly. would be great if a "go behind the boss/player option added. Also in retri pally on boss encounter toon doesnt use/spam "Justicar's vengeance" if talented, only using it on trash. Its a great CR Thanks, My observations are for the best of it.