You can already configure everything in my CC. For example in 5.3 dicipline will use penance more in direct healing rather than atonement (you can already disable penance in atonement) Mage will use more AOE spell (just tune GUI) enhancement Shaman will have some buff but no major rotation change Anyway as soon as i will be notified of something wrong in my CC i am always ready for fast patch.... you know how fast i'm developing my CC and how fast as possible implement users suggestions ;-)
can u add the use of cone of cold? as well as cold snap! and blizzard. How come alot of spells arent supported?
I couldn't find the gui to disable frost nova im thinking there may be a typo or something so it doesn't show but you can go into the cs file and delete this part of the code and it will stop using frost nova if (Me.Combat && (utils.AllAttaccableEnemyMobsInRange(12).Count() >= 1) && utils.CanCast(FROST_NOVA)) { utils.LogActivity(FROST_NOVA); utils.Cast(FROST_NOVA); }
You may be having the same problem I had, it's a range check issue on targets with large hitboxes (good example Sha of Fear) even though you maybe only be 30 yards away from the target in game terms because of its large hitbox size the CC or honorbuddy (not sure which) doesn't see HB size and just stops attacking all together but if you get so far away even though you are in range by WoW you can test this by moving closer to the boss and see if it starts attacking again good bosses to test this on are Horridon Megaera and Durumu in lfr if that's the issue simply go in to the cs file for frostmage and change everything in the range code lines to 80 from 40 like this { target = utils.getTargetToAttack(80, tank); } else if (FrostMageSettings.Instance.TargetTypeSelected == FrostMageSettings.TargetType.SEMIAUTO) { target = Me.CurrentTarget; if (target == null || target.IsDead || !target.InLineOfSpellSight || target.Distance - target.BoundingRadius > 80) target = utils.getTargetToAttack(40, tank); } if (target != null && !target.IsDead && target.InLineOfSpellSight && target.Distance - target.BoundingRadius <= 80) { EDIT: you can do the same with firemage.cs also
well it would only be usefull for like 5++ targets! so its not that important but at least cone of cold n cold snap (and other talents too)
awsome how is your shammy in arena rbg im planning on starting playing wow in 5.3 or abit later i have almost evryclass and a few accounts to bot on to make gold one thing does youre shammy play well in pvp as healer?
you have to change it in all the code I just copypasted part of it for an example also everytime he pushes updates you have to delete the old kingwow and DL the new one and make the changes again or it will give a merge failed conflicting file error and make the folder have a RED! next to it and say conflicted files
unfortunately no I cant 1st it would be to big second its not my coding and I would need permission from Attilio its really simple though just open Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 go to open file, open the Frostmage.cs file and every where you see a range setting in the code that says 40 just change the 4 to an 8 if (target == null || target.IsDead || !target.InLineOfSpellSight || target.Distance - target.BoundingRadius > 80) target = utils.getTargetToAttack(40,tank); __________________________________________________^ see above its 40 in your frostmage.cs file __________________________ ^ see the 40 here at the getTargetToattack(40,tank) change it to an 80 go through the file and adjust them all don't change anything that has to do with Flamestrike or pet nova these things will read/have numbers like this 30*30 or 40*40 those stay the same BOLD and ITALIC is code
did you do 340k burst and 180k sustained in frost spec? or fire spec?... and on what boss ? (just curious if you had a + % dmg!)
Seems like frost spec just is not casting like it used toon is having alot of filler spell of frost bolt it seems like...this is on the new beta that is out, with tyreal as a the bot base. I dont think it used Altertime as well. I have it all set on Use on CD. Will attach log. I mean im on a 527 Frost burst on a target dummy shouldnt be 100k haha maybe i have a setting wrong or something.. View attachment 4600 2013-05-24 15.40.txt
I'm not sure whether it's a CC problem or it's the new Beta release but when I press "start" it does nothing but pop all my CD's and just stand there. Doesn't cast anything. View attachment 3500 2013-05-25 04.54.txt
HB is little bugged atm. Many CC have same issues so i will dont modify my CC until a stable HB will be released. I suppose there are some problem with auras in HB EDIT: Testing HonorbuddyBETA 2.5.7082.244 seems working good with latest my CC update that uses some new api: Update svn and test this new beta rev.
Plz help me, where can i deactivate Frost Nova in the rotation? Doesn't find an option for this ... Thx, Kathy