I tried this routine, was actually pretty satisfied just but had problems with huge fps crashes while "running" - anyone else? (Actually not so bad computer thats why I wonder)
I got the same Problem.... 170 FPS without CR. When i start enyoBot with MAX! 15 Ticks i got 20-30 FPS... When i try more Ticks with enyo it getting down to 5 FPS... Still wondering that are only a few people have this problem... All other people have no problems?
Yes, i try already. Nothing changes for my. Questing is around 30 FPS. Hero Instanz drops down to 10fps :-( I have a very good Computer. 170fps is with ultra settings in wow.
If you already disabled fast rotation in utils config, then try disable all addons: if no more fps loss try reintroduce addon one bye one in order to find if someone cause issue. ATM i'm running on a 4670k no overclock no GPU (only integrated HD4600) in low details with enyo at 60 hardlock at about 40 fps with fastrotation and 60 fps disabled in heroic run. Be sure you have no plugin enabled using enyo. Let me know
Hello everybody, I'm new to botting and i'm wondering , how do i get to the settings? I have kingwow enabled in the buddy store,i start honorbuddy,click on bot config.,and the only setting i get is "ground mount farming mode". I'm using the latest version of honorbuddy, (zip file,not the installer one),is one better than the other btw? I'm currently questing to level a shadow priest,how do i know the routine is active? I'll apreciate any help ,thank you. P.S. sorry if i double posted,didn't see my first post.
ok this is a MAJOR bug that needs to be fixed ASAP I was fighting (well healing) Nhallish in Shadowmoon burial grounds, when you shift into the other realm and kill your self then click on your self....when you enter that realm the CR just stops, you have to heal the rest of the fight by hand
I done many times this heroic with no issue: i need a log file with debugmode activated to see in any exception occurs in your fight pls. Post please talent and glyph used
i have seen this as well. +1 I was holy spec, running with desp prayer, feather, surge of light, void tend, power infu, cascade, words of mending. glyphs: renew, CoH, binding No log unfortunately.
How do I turn of "dps healing"? It for some reason ONLY use dps healing, been working fine for 3 days now. but all of a sudden it broke...
My CR can heal doind athonement or not atonement and you can change this rype of healing manually using hotkey (by default is set to autoswitch between atonement and normal healing). may be you can changed something in settings config and probably you disable or tuning very low direct healing. In first page of this thread (second post) you can find some premade set for normal/heroic/questing for discipline. Try these and if you have any other issue please next time post a log because i can see in log your configuration too.
Really like, and want to buy this. However I am having one problem. During running the bot, I can hear it clicking like 100 times trying to cast penance, I read that this is for lag with sending the key command, which I get. But it will just keep trying to cast penance. Such as when the fight is over anyone that is not 100% health it will keep clicking penance trying to heal each person until the cool down, can I tell it when not in combat to use any heal? I read that using the instance setting fixed this. So I downloaded it but still happen.
To disable OutOfCombat healing there is an apposite option. In Special section of CR config you will find OOCHealing setting, just turn it OFF and you will no heal when figth end. In config posted this option is enabled by default. I'm fixing many minor issue and i'm investigating this one too.
Any way to get the CR to stop casting when you sit down and eat? Im using 3 to 5 water to get to max mana. I click to use it, it sits down then stands up and heals again with out even giving a second to eat/drink