I would but it doesn't work for me very well imo. I'd love to see if it actually would either cancel my current spell and cast healing rain or cast it after current spell. What it does now? If casting a spell and hotkey used = 1. Cancel the current cast and resume cr / 2. If no spells being casted and hotkey pressed -> Cast healing rain and resume cr This is what it does :/
Is anyone useing this For Heroic BRF? What are your guys numbers looking like I am using a different CR and my single target is really bad.. So im trying to find one that can do strong single target as elemental
using PRO version. Having issues with EarthShield as KingW uses somekind of tank switch mecanism, which makes it very hard to use routine if other resto shammy is in same raid. As it keeps casting ES on a various tanks, no matter if that tank already have ES from other source. Usually it is possible to put a Earth Shield on one of the tanks out-of-battle and it kinda stuck to that target, but resend updates makes this impossible. Pre-WoD i just edited you routine manually and removed ES casts when it started to bug, and left it like that until next update where it usually worked again.
I had a problem in BRF boss Flamebender, it kept spamming purify spirit almost immediatly start of combat and it took mine 80% from mana before I noticed, happend twice in heroic. I'l il check again later
oh btw another thing to add for tweaking echo of the elements, not sure if this happens every time but it seems to be using echo of the elements proc on elemental blast even if you still have the EB buff active. And the CC seems to be using totemic projection on CD to move cloudburst totem and spirit link
So we had 25man group on heroic, it took less than minute to burst down Aknor and after that it kept spamming purify spirit, as you can see it does it pretty randomly to each player and no spells were involved, so I don't know what might have fucked up auto dispell. There was only 1 thing that came up on my mind and that was "Lava slash" maybe if someone took damage from it or walked thru it it misunderstood that it was a debuff? You need to register and have one post to see spoilers! edit. why the hell did it cast wind shear???
hi can you post a complete log file when this happen? I need to see how your basebot and CR are configured so i can easly fix. TY for this report EDIT: I found the problems and i'm fixing... i will update soon
Hi attilio, I bought this but when ever I use it in the new raids it seems to lower my FPS to unusable levels, other bot bases I've tried don't lower my FPS nearly as much as yours. Is there anything you can do about it, at the moment it's completely unusable. I've lowered my graphics to as low as they can go, I've adjusted every setting on the Bot you can adjust but nothing seems to work. There are loads of posts in the Honour Buddy Support Forum for low FPS and a lot of those people are using your routine.
Thanks, I was working so I couldn't reply faster. What was the problem? Hey Dave, Under the Utility settings tab there is this. [SPEED] Fastest speed rotation - if enabled then your routine will run faster but decreases fps.
Hi, I've been using the cr as Enhancement in several dungeons and raid since last night as trial. There are some questions: 1) I couldn't find a hotkey for AoE - Single Target switch. 2) I couldn't find an option to disable Liquid Magma's on cooldown usage. 3) Dungeon bosses are not recognized as a boss for abilities that I specified to use on "BOSS".
1) I will add an option to disable AOE spells 2) I will add options to use LiquidMagma as other CD 3) this seems an HB issue a log can help. EDIT: these new options will be available in next release
A hotkey option for this would be really good. Because there are times that you need to focus down one enemy even though there are others around. I'm a long time user of Millz's warlock cr. That cr also announces this with a recorded sound as "Aoe enabled"/"Aoe disabled". It helps when you're not sure which state you are in. Here is a log : View attachment 1540 2015-02-08 03.55.txt