Im getting this error message. The Druid trys to attack a quest npc. I got this message multiple times now. [CombatLog] Error Message = YOU CANNOT ATTACK THAT TARGET. Mangle [CombatLog] Error Message = YOU CANNOT ATTACK THAT TARGET. Mangle [CombatLog] Error Message = YOU CANNOT ATTACK THAT TARGET. Mangle [CombatLog] Error Message = YOU CANNOT ATTACK THAT TARGET. Mangle What can i do?
Ysera heals me for 45k every 5sec and Cenarion heals 30k every 2 sec Cenarion better for healing in bad situation and can be casted at my mates. And add please trinkets 1 and 2 usage There are some on-use trinkets at low ilvls. For PvE using by current HP is enough.
the trinkets use will be great. i had to find in your sources the usage and stop it for trinket 1 for example (going guardian on isle to pvp and having the pvp trinket will use it all the time on cooldown wich isn't nice :d). will be great to just have an option to use or not to use a trinket. LE: also will be great to have an option to disable automatic use of charge :d
I haven't tested Kitten enough yet but it seems more aggressive Frenzied Regeneration usage then Superbad. I use "mitigation" build because it's better for double spec usage then stamina build, so I rely on SD and FR usage. Superbad a lot of times delays FR even if all SD charges are consumed and rage is about full Also both CRs have no Symbiosis automation Maybe one day you'll have a time to implement it Monk's and DK's are good for mitigation build. I saw some overheal from Healing Touch by Dream of Cenarius: healed 25k + over 125k Is it used on proc despite current HP%? Maybe it makes sense to heal my mate or wait while I take some damage instead of overhealing? Have Healing Touch higher priority then SD and FR? I think it should because it more valuable to instant heal from proc then check HP and decide use FR (if HP still low) or SD (if HP high enough and we have charges). Also this helps to prevent wasting cooldowns.
seems you change it already! nice. can you do one more? i'd love to have same options for intrerupt and mighty bash... don't like the auto instant intrerupts :d
Healing touch is used to proc Dream of Cenarius. I don't like auto symbiosis, sometimes players ask for symbiosis in some specific encounters. You get a buff that's worthless for you, but the symbiosis gives the target a buff he may need. For example as healer where there's lot to dispell or spells that a druid cannot dispell, helps to symbiosis a pala healer so you get the skill Cleanse. sometimes tanks ask for the barskin skill from symbiosis. It's not a big deal for you to cast symbiosis at the start of the fight for the skill you want to have.
Add HP% check for Healing touch Don't just waste it. There are 15 sec to use proc. For symbiosis I mean my (guardian druid's) skill automation, not auto target selection. Linked skills are druid's benefits From DK it should be casted if ready and no Bones charges up, from monk it should be casted on low HP. Also tries to interrupt with Skull Bash non-interruptable skills
Maybe dont make it autmatically symbiose targets, but to automatically/situationally use certain spells gained by targets? Actually useful symbiosis-skills are DK Bone-Shield and Paladins Consecration for good AoE-threat, those are the ones that comes to mind would be working good automated. Monks Elusive Brew for when taking damage could be automated that way as its on a short cd (1min) DK Bone-Shield spell=122285 Bone Shield - Spell - World of Warcraft Paladin Consecration spell=110701 Consecration - Spell - World of Warcraft Monk Elusive Brew spell=126453 Elusive Brew - Spell - World of Warcraft Cheers Pasterke for sticking out for the druids! Its highly appreciated (I main one)
Not everything 1) Healing touch with Dream proc still used instantly, no HP check. 2) On use trinkets are used on CD, no HP check. 3) DK's symbiosis never used. Works fine. Need superbad's autotaunt Can't taunt myself anymore after some time using superbad
No big changes, only added spellcheck for Timeless Isle. You can farm Burning Berserkers on the blazing way (where Huolon spawns) to complete the daily quest from Emperor Shaohao or farming the 50 epoch stones for the weekly quest. To help you further, download the zip file and unpack it in your Plugins folder. Start HB, check the pluging FightHere and load the profile RepFarmingTimelessIsleEmperor.xml in your Plugins/FightHere folder. Put bot on Grind Bot, place him somewhere on the blazing way and press start. He will also kill the ashleafs, and that's because they have the same faction of the Burning Berserkers. But they also drop nice loot and epoch stones Enjoy
The bot sometimes doesn't go close enough and spams "Out of range" on some mobs. This happened on two mobs, one was the hydras in zangarmash, and the other was ethereal nethermancers in Terrokar forest. I keep getting spammed with [CombatLog] Error message = OUT OF RANGE. Rake [CombatLog] Error message = OUT OF RANGE. Rake [CombatLog] Error message = OUT OF RANGE. Rake [CombatLog] Error message = OUT OF RANGE. Rake [CombatLog] Error message = OUT OF RANGE. Rake [CombatLog] Error message = YOU ARE TOO FAR AWAY! Rake [CombatLog] Error message = OUT OF RANGE. Rake [CombatLog] Error message = OUT OF RANGE. Rake [CombatLog] Error message = OUT OF RANGE. Rake