So what is the best option for farming lockboxes? Which profile, which cc any plugins? Come with some tips ppl
I havent used it in couple weeks cause ive been farming herbs for darkmoon but from what i remember it was like 50 every 1hr to 1hr 1/2. something around there, Not sure on lbrs only other profile in kicks svn i saw for that was BRD which had problems with see invis mobs etc.
I've tried to farm them by bot. 20-40 boxes per hour. Buy or farm them by hands in lbrs more efficiently.
I found one Rogue and paid him 50g/box. He farmed 300-400 boxes and Vanish without a reason. Last part farmed by hands in LBRS 100-150 boxes/hour.
Now I tried with this setup, but can't get it to work? He just runs thru the mobs, it doesn't matter if I change pull distance or anything?
god i love u so much.. and btw the booty bay bruisers are beastly now in cata so do you know of any way to get bloodsail rep? im about halfway through hated. and good news. the darkmoon island will make farming rep ther waaay easier than before. =P hope to see ur profile soon
yes ofc i know a good place for the Bloodsail And I havent really studied the island, but will look into that
having a wee bit troubles atm with some mesh. Ill look into it. I cant give a time for the finish, but will hurry!
For some reason it tries to pickpocket one felhound and the group for oath-chained infernals. Kind of slows down the process.
booty bay bruisers are seriously insane. they kill me in about 3 hits and ive got ilvl 324. i know its not great but should be able to survive 3 hits....
Can any1 tell how many Heavy Junkboxes farm a 85 rogue per hour with Dreadwind Altar Profile and with what Plugin . Thanks -_-'
what level is needed for the pickpocketing lockbox part? My rogue at the moment is level 50, is this doable?