Can I just edit the Commando - Combat Medic routine and change the name of the abilities to fit Mercenary - Body Guard? Or is there more involved
btw by repop you mean the auto back to medcenter thing ? ifso it still does it when disabled edit: the bot seems to freeze my game more now since last update (movement added) it unfreezes when I stop BW but when I start it again it doesn't work and have to restart BW completely
be more specific... If you load up bot and dont press anything, it freezes? Or is it repop that freezes it? The repop hook may not have been added yet.
My game has never crashed while using BW (I only use it while ATK and only for a few hours max), but yesterday, with the new movement update, it froze up. Not sure if these things are related, but just wanted to chime in. Also, I'll change the Kinetic Combat routine to just Combat. That won't screw anything up, will it?
Update: Commando/Gunnery should now cast Mortar Volley (yay) Added a routine for Sniper/Marksmanship. Please note: my Sniper is level 10, so I have no way to test out any of the higher-level abilities. Does anyone know if Suppressive Fire is a ground-cast AoE? I had to guess lol.
I need help from Ama or someone else with experience: Is there any way to just cast an ability if my target has a debuff. I want to get my healing routine to cleanse. Could I just use a blank in the space, something like: Spell.Cast("Cleanse Ability", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HasDebuff("")) Would that work to cleanse any debuff? ALSO: What is the syntax for checking if I'm in cover? I used ret => Me.IsInCover()
Update... Added a clusters detection class that I wrote for a friend today. The heal manager uses it for aoe ground casts now. Also changed the sorcerer corruption priority a little. Playing around with more aoe healing.
just did, for you... It wont dps when you are in groups though. That's how i've been healing in corruption. If you wanna change that, just replace "new Decorator(ret => !Me.IsInParty(), DPS)" with "DPS"
My sorcerer is at lvl 53 now. Anyone got a 50-55 grind profile they might want to pm me? since I made you guys this CR
OMG Ama the no DPS for Seer is just what I was looking for, I rather the CR just handle the healing and I dps by hand! AMAZING!!!
Nice, this is going to be the standard for healing... Update! Had to remove my latest cluster algorithm. It went full retard when the group split up.