It actually cancels Rain of Fire? I thought I wrote a code so it couldnt be. thats weird. hmm, i guess i could code it to use BoD on bosses and BoA on mobs.
yes it did cancel rain of fire. for BoA and BoD: mobs BoA everytime, BoD Bosses till 10/15%, if boss drops to 10/15% use BoA if BoD expires, this should give a minor increase in DPS for bosses and some more increase in fights against mobs. i did nearly the same rotation like you for singular yesterday, so i could compare both very good^^. Singular is a little bit slower than yours (300 dps difference after first testresults) But i changed it a little bit for singular. Destruction uses for AOE: - Shadowflame (if in range) - Shadowfury (if ready) - Rain of Fire Destruction for Single (differs a little bit from yours) - keep up all dots (not CoE, CoE only casted at the very beginning of a fight. if the fight lasts long enough and theres no movement, CoE isn't recasted atm) - Conflagrate - Soulfire (on Empowered Demon, Improved Soulfire) - Incinerate - Chaos Bolt (if moving) At a certain point in every fight the CC used only Soulfire (Improved Soulfire is up all the time), this dropped your CCs dps a little bit and this was the reason a changed it for Singular to use all dots first and conflagrate ... but i'll change this to be configurable, cause the tests where very short (2 mio damage on dummy, a short lfr run) so that the user can disable refreshing the dots while Improved Soulfire is up. After this i'll compare both again. EJ said Rain of Fire should only be used if u have equal to / or more than 5 Adds in range (i did it configurable in Singular). If u have 4 or less u should use Shadowfury (if ready), Shadowflame (if in range) and after this go on with singletarget rotation (haven't tested this for now, but i will today) But all in all ... your CC does good DPS as long as we are on SingleTarget , if you can fix the cancel of Rain of Fire, it should be well
Great feed back! Ill definitively take another look at the AoE, and of course modify the Single Target routine. Thanks alot Stormchasing
nothing to thank me at this point u gave a very good example to compare the singular routines with keep up the good work
Hum.. I wanted to try this CC but I've got some huge issues with the Warlock CC ... my Shaman + Druid CCs works fine, but this Warlock-CCs are messed up :S Here is the Log: [09:26:28:480] Aktivit?t: Initialisierung abgeschlossen [09:26:28:483] Aktivit - My Lock is just spamming his Dots/Immolate, is renewing the Improved Soulfire Talent and doesn't cast any Direct-Damage Spell like Incinerate... =/ Hope, that any1 can give me any possible solution to fix this :S
I only support English client. Thats why it only casts the spells you mention. Solution: Change wow client..
Oh okay xD Then it's possible for me to change the Spellnames in the .cs? EDIT: Done. Will give it a try and upload it here, if it works well without any issues. I'm sure it's useful for some users with german clients ;D
Just a question! Since we both live in europe. I've never understood why Germans have their own German server and client oO Whats Germany's second language again?
English, but you said it: "second", not first. And back to my problem: I've tried to rename all the Spell-Names, but it didn't worked =/ "Lua failed in AuraTimeLeft" and my Lock is always spamming Soul Fire and Dark Intent on my pet.. maybe it's macro-related because I've checked the whole file again and everything is renamed well. Is there any other possibility to fix this? Sure: You don't support other clients then english, but would be awesome to know how I can edit CCs, which supports also only english clients, for myself
Hm.. okay, gonna download the english languagepack xD My programming-knowledge is too low to rework on the whole code.. :S Regardless thx for the support =)
Its strictly for raiding. I believe it would work 80+ although its not recommended. Ive made all of my CC's with only heroics/raiding in mind.
Hi Shaddar, i tested is good cc, do you have in mind expanding to at least affli? affli is my favorite )