Sadly, i do not have access to Titan Arms 2.5, as this most likely is saved on Shaddars computer, because this was before we partnered up (and he is currently afk for a while)
I'll give it a look, but 2.5 was probably the last one before the total rewrite, so it will be hard to spot a flaw
I've checked and I believe 2.6 doesn't have the raidbot lag, not 100% sure though but will check later today. Attached both 2.6 and 2.5.
Ok, nomnomnom - i'll look at the codes and see what i can find in the weekend (you can remove them again, because if people see the files - they'll start downloading them) In the meantime: Update available through SVN Titan Arms 3.2 - Stance Dance should now work properly - Added detection of T13 items so that CC will use Inner Rage at 50 health (also added a logging function, so you can see at what rage it popped it) - When using Sweeping Strikes - CC will now keep doing it's normal single target rotation - Recklessness will now be used when we have 3 stacks of slaughter, not random - Changed execute phase, so CC will use Mortal Strike if Rend is about to fall off - TRIED fixing the lag that comes with use of RaidBot, but it is probably not working (I suggest you use LazyRaider for the fights/encounter you feel is messing with your computer - untill/if a fix is found)
Removed attachments and confirmed. 2.6 does not lag. Edit; version on SVN in source still says 3.1 and 3.0. Not sure if u actually apploed 3.2 on the SVN.
I did svn update and it contained the new 3.2A, tested it in BH25 and later on a dummy over 10 mins. Recklessness is now fine only smaller problem is still it delays Mortal Strike for other attacks, Colossus Smash if no debuff applied, Op if able to and even slam if the two are on cd causing sometimes to even be without a rage on delaying MS even further, is it possible to add a code like this If MS<1 sec cd , use only Heroic Strike if rage allows(over 75 lets say) or if t Battle Trance proc is up, if no requirements met don't use nothing and wait for Mortal Strike? Using anything else in that window of 1sec will cause the delay for Mortal Strike as any of the spells Slam,and Colossus Smash cause a 1sec global cooldown, casting overpower will delay it even more as switching to battle stance, using op(triggering global cooldown) and going back to berserker stance will be way over 1 sec. I know all this si small things that won't improve dps that much, maybe not more then 1k ona boss fight but still i have noticed that. Maybe i have chosen to small testing sample but till Sunday i won't be at home, then i will try more bosses and see how it goes.
I will post a suggestion for that tomorrow, right now I need sleep. No wonder Shaddar was tired sometimes when looking wt codes for like 8 hours a day
Just a note there.. there is still minor delay on every attack. It still doesn't cast them smooth after another. There is like 0.5s delay on or less... but the delay is there for sure. Its sucks the DPS some amount. Im having 50ms and my server was stable 7am so no lag on server side either. Its doing at the moment Mediocore dps.
Still a delay? Anybody else having something like that? Cause I've never noticed this. Are you SURE that you are using newest Svn? This is why you post logs
Ok, so what i am getting here about the use of MS is Only use OP if there's like 2 or more seconds left on Mortal Strike Cooldown (Should allow for stance dance also) Only use Slam if there's more than 1 second left on MS? I kinda need it spelled out in a way like this, because a wall of text is very hard to read through and understand
The thing is with MS that it cannot be delayed not even 0.1s. It must be used on every CD asap. So there is MAX 2 skills in every MS CD. When MS is on CD there is priority like CS -> OP -> Slam. So if you have CS on target and MS is on CD you can do 2 hits on that time OP and Slam but if you must use CS then you choose CS -> OP if OP ain't procced then Slam. you shouldn't EVER have to use 2 slams if you are doing everything right. 2 SKILLS in every MS CD and you dont have any delay on MS. And you don't touch Heroic strike until you have 60+ rage with inner rage. 70+ if you don't have inner rage. So if you do CC for people who use it for raiding it must do the best dps rotation there is without any delays. This is just another 5man afk botting CC for ppl who dont care about their DPS. no offence but thats how it is. And arms warriors please stop posting your dps logs if you are using Gurthalak. Gurthalak is way too RNG to start comparing DPs. If you post DPS logs please use none proc with Stats on it.
Which is exactly what i am trying to fix, but trust me when i say it's not an easy job. There's gonna be an update tonight, that should hopefully change some things around - however, i do find some offense in you calling our CC a 5 man afk CC, we do use quite alot of our sparetime to produce and maintain these CCs, for nothing. Also; You should never expect a CC to produce the optimal rotation for you, as it's impossible to code a CC with human intuition
Great CC guys keep up the good work! is there any chance to include a use/disable Hamstring. Keep it up! look forward to your next release!
New version available through SVN 3.3 - On Deathwing Fight CC should no longer use "Dream" if character is not being targetted for Shrapnel - Since Stance Dance was implemented, it was no longer possible to reliably charge when out of range, CC will now switch to battle stance, if Charge is enabled through GUI - Heroic Leap now available when either Charge is on cooldown or if charge is disabled in GUI. (You still need to activate Heroic Leap in GUI) - Priority has been upped on Mortal Strike - CC will no longer use Colossus Smash on target if there's 1.5 seconds left till Mortal Strike comes off cooldown and target is over 20 % health - CC will no longer use Slam on target if there's 1.3 seconds left on Mortal Strike cooldown and target has over 20 % health - CC will no longer use Overpower on target if there's 1.8 seconds left on Mortal Strike cooldown and target has over 20 % health - CC will no longer Stance Dance on targets with less than 700k health (looked rediculous) We try to make our CCs perform as good as we can, but a CC will never beat a player who knows his class to the fullest (we can't program sence into a CC). With that said, i experienced a small dps increase from these settings. --- Edit; Just did a quick reupload - as log printed out the wrong version of the CC
Venus i do apologize for the usless wall of text, i wrote it in a rush as i was leaving and i knew i wont have internet acess but stilu i wanted to help. From the latest log it seems u got the rotation correctly. Ill come home late monday and will do some tests,however i havn't notice the delay while attacking but will look closly for that. Also u know using anything beside Gunthalak od a dps loss and every warrior should use it,ofc u will get more stable dps numbers but u wont get the max dps no mater what ur rng proc is.