Apoc, if its an error on my end just send the "fix" to me in a PM, im new to GB and HB and the swapover from glider and Ppather has been gradual, testing your new build now as well
Just trying the current version and works awesome it's a lot better than the standart one. Things you may can add in the next version, especially I would prefer I could "control" the cc to improve it for pvp the following things just based to pvp demon warlock: [BUGS] For some reason he don't use Fel Armor or Demon Armor I would prefer Fel Armor. [BUGS] Sometimes he is raping a spell which couldn't be used due to invalid target? [BUGS] He's using Soulburn but don't casting anything (Soul Fire, Drain Life) [BUGS] He prefer cast around than cast fear (Only if no Meta is on it should be more) but it needs more fear. [BUGS] He's creating a Health Stone, Soulstone and more after the battle begins not before. [BUGS] No Soulstone, Healthstone or Pet should be created/called after a Spirit Ress. [BUGS] He's still calling my Demon twice or more times after a revive. [BUGS] If a Sould Shard is gone and Soul Harverst is still on cooldown he shouldn't wait until it's ready again. [BUGS] He's still sometimes heal my pet even it have full life (but less since the last release) he shouldn't also prefer the pet healing than casting in fight. [IMPROVEMENTS] Using Death Coil [IMPROVEMENTS] If Meta then using Immolation Aura also. [IMPROVEMENTS] Soulstone and Companions off for PvP or manually adjustable. [IMPROVEMENTS] If Meta then using Demonic Empowerment [IMPROVEMENTS] If Pet reached enemy then using Axe Toss and Felstorm* [IMPROVEMENTS] Curse of Elements is missing. [IMPROVEMENTS] If enemy is near to you and all is up or on cooldown use Shadowflame [IMPROVEMENTS] Soul Havest just if all Soul Shards are gone it isn't worth for one or two. [IMPROVEMENTS] If Health is full or Soul Shards are full stop casting Soul Harvest *If this is already wrapped in it should be used more often. So that's all I noticed so far, anyway I have two ask: The first one is a thing I often notice but not only with Honorbuddy, why is a bot still "moving" if he's stunned it looks like he would always turn a little with tons of lags. It's possible to do something about that wierd looking 2 step going which happens if a enemy particularly is moving? Well I have cast Range: 30m even I have 40m castrange the though was if the enemy is now moving he would still have 10m left. But he's trying to catch him with problem of he's always do 2 steps try to cast -> out of range -> 2 steps and this endless which looks kinda stupid, wierd and bottish. Also may anyone can upload the target fix mounted player? However I hope I could help you to improve your cc which I fully support. Please never think I would flame anything of it, since it's also atm awesome. //Edit: seems like the false pet healing is caused due to short pet health false calc. on dismounting. //Edit2: Would be awesome if in the next build the player wouldn't cast summon felguard anymore in front of a player/ in fight.
Can you make the destruction rotation single target dps cause im losing out on big dps cause its casting immolate on multiple targets
Been noticing the same thing in the Demonology rotation as well, really looks bad when trying to run heroics with instancebuddy. Maybe you can add an AoE attack such as Hellfire and check if there's 4 or more mobs or something, otherwise just have it single target.
Hello there, I use this with InstanceBuddy, it works fine DPS in when it enters combat, but its not always entering combat... What have I done wrong? I am Affliction, and use my imp
Locker_10262010_621.zip is working for my lv58 questing demon warlord, thanks~ Feedback : 1. I liked the hand of gul'dan, nice dps~ 2. spam summon felguard most of the time when demount for combat, perhaps setting 1 or 2 seconds delay before check summon felguard ? 3. the bot always wait the for the channeling Harvest Soul to complete eventhough its already full hp or full soulshard. Suggest putting some condition like If HP => xx , Soulshard = 3, move on to next action ? or maybe can use drainsoul if self HP still green but target hp near dead. 4. the felguard have new felstorm, perhaps make the pet perform felstorm if mob number more than 2 ? thanks for the great work.
Alright folks, I can t be test anything above level 39, as my warlock isn't that high level yet. I'm more than happy to try and add new stuff for things I can't test, but I'd prefer to keep it to stuff I know works.
mhhh, I thin somethin' like a changelog would be useful. However, great work buddy, I will try it as soon the new HB becomes released.
will this be released as Default Warlord CC next? along with the improved version of the Locker, bwahahaha
This is what i get in the beginning of my bot session Casting Create Soulstone Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn Casting Create Soulstone Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn Casting Create Soulstone Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn Casting Create Soulstone Moving to Type: QuestTurnIn Casting Create Soulstone but suddenly i get this [23:11:52:962] System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: De thread is afgebroken. bij System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative(SafeWaitHandle waitHandle, UInt32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext) bij System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int64 timeout, Boolean exitContext) bij System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext) bij BlueMagic.ExecutorRand.Execute() bij Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnValues(String lua, String scriptName) bij Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.LuaGetReturnValue(String lua, String scriptName) bij Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnVal[T](String lua, UInt32 retVal) bij Styx.Logic.Combat.WoWSpell.get_Cooldown() bij Styx.Logic.Combat.SpellManager.CanCast(WoWSpell spell, WoWUnit target, Boolean checkRange) bij Styx.Logic.Combat.SpellManager.CanBuff(WoWSpell spell, WoWUnit target, Boolean checkRange) bij Styx.Logic.Combat.SpellManager.CanBuff(String spellName, WoWUnit target, Boolean checkRange) bij Styx.Logic.Combat.SpellManager.CanBuff(String spellName, WoWUnit target) bij Locker.Locker.CanBuffOn(String spell, WoWUnit unit) in c:\Users\Yumosh\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Default Warlock\Locker.cs:regel 359 bij Locker.Locker.<>c__DisplayClass51.<CreateBuffCast>b__4f(Object ret) in c:\Users\Yumosh\Desktop\Honorbuddy\CustomClasses\Default Warlock\Locker.cs:regel 397 bij TreeSharp.Decorator.CanRun(Object context) bij TreeSharp.Decorator.a.a() bij TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) bij TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b() bij TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) bij TreeSharp.Decorator.a.a() bij TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) bij TreeSharp.Decorator.a.a() bij TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) bij TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b() bij TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) bij TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b() bij TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) bij TreeSharp.Decorator.a.a() bij TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) bij TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b() bij TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) bij TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b() bij TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context) bij Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.b() Besides that there is this situation where my toon summons a demon everytime i unmount etc Hope that you can fix that <3 But its only in the beginning but so far its much better than the older one thanks !!
Apoc, when you get your lock up to 80 and if you start developing this CC for more than just quick and need testers let me know, i like what i see so far its just not optimal for a lvl 80 toon yet and i dont expect it to be. if you or anyone could get it to like picotto's lock CC was for glider and the abilities of HB that would be sweet. keep up the good work fine sir.
Trying this on a level 80 Warlock as Destruction. It likes to open with Immolate and then immediately cast Health Funnel on my Imp which is at 100% HP. Edit: I think I have figured out why it does this. As soon as it dismounts and my Imp respawns he has about 5% HP or so, then it jumps back up to 100%. So, it is probably detecting the low HP during its initial cast, then trying to heal it to full.
The CC is so damn fast... Absolutely great! Hope we?ll see a full supportet version up to level 80 Would be really great!
Apoc, I gotta say that you've done a great job with this. I do have two questions/observations, though. For the spell Soul Harvest, are you accounting for the fact that it's a channeled spell? It seems like she'll cast it, and then take a step afterwards, cancelling the spell. Here's my most recent log file showing this happening multiple times. Secondly, it seems that Shadow Bolt is coming in before Immolate, or besides debating that, she'll cast immolate within the last 10% of the HP of the mob, which is wasting damage that could have been applied from be beginning. Maybe this was a design choice, and I'm not aware of the reasoning? I'm no Warlock pro. Thanks for all your hard work on this.
yes i have, but my lock is 80 and apoc has repeatedly stated that his lock isnt 80, now that i said that, the CC doesnt target enemy toons and i have issues with summoning minions after every rez and health funneling just general stuff like that. i edited the default CC to my suiting like using the succy instead of the blueberry and no more health funnel and soul harvest when below 20% health and changed the rotation slightly as BoA doesnt do enough at 80 to make it worth casting for me