Mirabis: What settings do you use for Elegon in Mogushanvaults? Your own preset 10-man? Isnt regrowth at 30 quite low?
Depending on my raid setup it varies between 25-55 and how I set up the priorities. I always up the Tank/Healer prio a bit and blacklist some people as we heal assigned.
Some prefer high HPS , others rather keep the raid alive so the preset is somewhere in the middle. I've been working on a smart way to use custom defined presets. Almost done writing it
are the presets the way to go in lfr and 10/25 an or do i need to tweak them if so can somone telling me what to tweak can somone help me out here
Yes it does, but default Prio is around 8 -> u might want to up it by a huge margin if tank is dropping a lot. Like 30+ why? -> TargetsaroundPoint has prio 6, x every unit blah... the tank prio get's fck'd very fast. U'll have to look which value is fine for ur raid ;p I raid with 18
Why isnt it at 18 in preset then? The tank that has agro on boss takes a lot of dmg in those raids And which exact setting is it? Is it in Priority -> Tank (which is described as flag carrier?)
It says "Tank" , hmm I might have forgotten to rename the description :/ There's another prio for Aggro too, so yeah they are "tunables". Also: Presets are universal
Mirabis, does the routine take prio in healing whichever tank who is put on focus first? Because I have an OCD where I've been focusing the tanks that has aggro, and to me it looks as if it does ^^
Setting a Focus Target overrides the tank detection as long as the focus is valid. If that's what u mean.
Focus > LazyRaider Tank > Main Tank by blizzard > Off tank by Blizzard > Party Tank by role. Atleast that's what I remember , on phone now so can't access the info.
I think that guide you will be working on will be great! A guide that explains what settings to change when in 10-man and such - and when tanks are getting more dmg than usual, and what the values for settings does Mirabis: can you exchange your settings at Elegon 10 man? so i can get inspiration from you Why have you removed the "Max rejuvenations" setting?
Ah okey great u found out urself, havn't documented it anywhere on the thread. 1) Yep, i'm working on it. Not hard, just occasionally when I feel like it as there;s 133 settings if I'm right. 2) Soon, we'll be able to share presets. ( forum/website/ not sure yet) 3) Hmmm I didn't like it anymore, I was tweaking some spells and speed and it was a hogger scanning and counting my rejuvs. * In most cases the max of rejuvs active will be at max 6. Where most of us cap it at e.g 4/5
Since I gathered my honor gear, I am looking into arenas now. How do you run your arenas with MAD? With Tyrael I assume. Has anyone done any changes to the default Arena Profile?
Update 1.3.2[HR][/HR]- Added User Defined Preset Slots there's a delay in actual load and popup. Thus settings might be loaded later u can close /open gui and u'll see. - Overall code cleanup - Started working on optimizing Wild Mushrooms - Added few spells to Soothe List Delete your older setting files on installation. #credits weischbier,stormchasing and nomnomnom
Why isnt lifebloom on main tank at all times in 10 man? and how do i completely remove pet healing? i saw the bot do a swiftmend on a pet, and the pet was the only one in the circle
1) It is , it'll keep 3 stacks on the tank. If tank get's out of range/sight AND his stacks are falling off. It will choose another target. Why? > Lifebloom gives Clearcastijg , thus u'll need max uptime on lifebloom. u sure it was a pet? Well pet was best target which had Rejuv up at that time I guess. U can INCREASE the value in prio settings. ( it's ordered by descending )
I had 2 tanks in range, and the lifebloom was on the tank not dropping so much. The tank dropping, had no lifeblooms. It was a monk pet. How much would i increase to be total rid of pet healing?